Who is he? Where did he came from? How is he so powerful and supreme?
>"haha lmao, i'm super strong, I know everything and feel everything, I manipulated emo boy to be my dog and now he will kill you" >Emo boy turns saber with the force and cuts the supreme lord of the shit in half >Main overpowered antagonist dead >Emo boy now the supreme leader
The gold robe is symbolic of his status as a merchandise pusher, though now he's gonna be a shelf warmer by the time the DVD releases.
Grayson Baker
Even phasma had more action than this... something?
Easton Martinez
If he's a sith then why he doesn't wear black robe?
Cooper Ward
He is an old white male, he needed to die.
Jeremiah Morales
He was more bland steppenwolf, at least steppenwolf accomplished something.
John Ross
Was he even a sith? Who knows, I mean, he got killed in the second movie, the shittiest character of this new trilogy, so much hype, so much theories for absolutely nothing.
Brandon Thomas
i'm sure the thousands of offshoots, comics and toys will explain!
Kayden Adams
Died by a sexually opressed emo teenager
Juan Butler
He may have been kind of an Emperor 2.0 but at least he was somewhat frightening. Now the main villain is an over the top squealing hothead who's only victory counts are unarmed civilians and an unsuspecting shriveled Goldmember.
Austin Watson
Well the toys at least packaged him with that "Chamber of Regeneration" or whatever it was involving regeneration, so maybe the big shocker is that he's such a jobber that he had to go into hiding in the unknown regions and can be brought back to life or something if needed? I could see such a thing being thought of as a big twist, despite Disney Star Wars going overboard to explaining things and having something that blatant in the open to appease what has to be a very tiny minority of fans.
This for sure, since now they have people hooked by the mystery in a way similar to Plagueis, so they can now write batshit stuff without having to bother spending budget or film time showcasing things due to them being off-camera.
Jordan Moore
>somewhat frightening
How so?
Brayden Wood
This even emperor knock off was better than having whiny emo cunt as the big bad
Wyatt Hill
>Let's use all of our fucking weapons to shoot this old dude non-stop instead of destroying the resistance once and for all.
Jonathan Peterson
Liam Reed
He had already been killed once by his apprentice Sidious. You'd think he would have learned from his mistake.
Man. That Sheev. He could control apprentices like no other. I mean, the usual pattern is ascension by assassination. So maybe it's inevitable. But Sidious had Tyrranus and Maul right where he wanted them at all times, and Vader on the short leash for over two decades.
Hunter Scott
cant wait for rlm to tear this movie apart
Jaxson Wilson
The scene where he BTFO of kylo ren and basically him a manchild filled me such promise only for him to die and his character to go nowhere
Cooper Edwards
He better stay dead, even if he's Plagueis how can anyone take him seriously after that
Adrian Diaz
Can't wait for them to joke about carrie fisher flying in space
Asher Nguyen
>tell the audience how he is slowly regenerating >we see him in 3 forms >really fucked up, slightly fucked up, and 2 halves >dies because he didn't see or hear a lightsaber moving right next to him
>useless imperial guards can't see a lightsaber moving next to their emperor
Rian. Johnson.
Jackson Martinez
>all those reviews saying “I am literally shaking after I saw this!!” after the press viewing >all the plot points and leaks prove this is not only the worst Star Wars but just an awful movie
Proof media is now controlled by Disney with a loaded gun to the back of its head.
Levi Long
Imagine being Snoke in that scene
Lincoln Wilson
who cares, he's an pathetic old white male LMAO. Fuck him and that other white dude! Go Finn/Rey!
Bentley Bell
snokes the worst villain i have ever seen
Elijah Lewis
Beyond all the memeing this really is a glaring oversight in how these movies have developed. You have to think that the chucked Snoke into TFA because they wanted an Emperor analogue and thought they could figure out his backstory later, but then just couldn't come up with anything interesting.
Jose Mitchell
Holy shit it just keeps getting worse.
Benjamin Martinez
heres why, from another thread.
we'll never know how he got so rich either because hes a plot point and not a character.
this is the main problem with these shit films, the characters are not characters they are plot points that are tidily wrapped up and thrown in the garbage when they have run their allotted timeslot. >snokes only there to be a threat then die >holdo is brought in to be an ally and then die >han is there to be a mentor and then die >phasma is there to be ??? and then die >luke is there for nostalgia pandering and to save the resistance and then die >leia is there to ??? and then die >rose is there so finn can have a romance arc and then die
these disposable fucking characters show how far we have fallen creatively. nice neat tidy little plot points disposed of so the movies can continue rolling out just like the fucking avengers. no depth, no soul, just filler. this fucking trilogy is all filler and no substance, mirroring the times we live in and in a super fucking scary way how these kikes who run disney think. youre disposable just like their characters, now shut the fuck up and shovel popcorn in your face you fat pig while you watch our newest assembly line production you fucking moron
Robert Miller
Phasma's there to be Boba Fett 3 Leia is there to bleed out the OT connection even though she's still alive in the movies (they'll proably Paul Walker her into IX) Rose isn't dead pleb
Lincoln Jackson
Who is holdo?
But leia is alive and well
Easton Torres
What's even worse is that Ren killed Han Solo by turning his light saber on.
Ryder Gutierrez
And I will buy all of these!
Ethan Rogers
>Yes, gimme those shekels
Dominic Bell
Sheev didn't even need the cane, it was all an act to appear weak to his enemies
Blake Jenkins
There is at least 3 situation that comes to mind where someone is killed just by turning on a lightsaber
>han solo >snoke >a stormtrooper
If it happens in the next movie I'll rip my cock off
Jason Russell
So accurate.
Dylan Perry
Will you even pay to see the next one? Holy crap.
Mason Gonzalez
Wow, so the emo boy is good now after being a literally nazi leader and destroying 5 planets, right, right?
Ayden Brooks
rose and leia are both in a coma. its the technique george used with han being frozen in carbonite. disney doesnt know what to do with the characters so by putting them in a coma they can decide if they want to bring them back or not. they wont, so theyre effectively dead.
carrie dying and the superleia scene will make sure they dont bring her back rose being such a shit character and even the liberals SCREECHING about her getting together with finn plus boyega not wanting to be tied to her will make sure shes not back either
Alexander Brown
He becomes the supreme leader
Anthony Gonzalez
Charles Wright
From now on they will just force control a hundred spinning lightsabers constantly.
Noah Myers
Nah that would be too cool
Jordan Myers
>If it happens in the next movie I'll rip my cock off watching the next movie and not lightsabering your own eyeballs out by turning on a saber, user I...
Jonathan Martinez
Look at how loyal his brainwashed pawns are. Doku didn't even think to say "hey if you're killing me you may as well know this guy's the Sith you're looking for and I've been serving him the entire war."
Nope. Just gives him a shocked Stockholm face.
Thomas Gutierrez
Nope, it's a ruse to usurp the First Order and he asks Rey to join him. She declines and they remain enemies.
In paper replacing Snoke with Kylo would have worked if Kylo wasn's such a faggot and failure of an antagonist, they're trying REALLY hard to make another Darth Vader without any of the things that made Darth Vader good.
I cannot fucking imagine what the antagonist for the final movie is going to be, it's probably going to be some literal nobody first order general that nobody cares about while Kylo becomes a good guy.
This trilogy cannot be salvaged
Caleb Wilson
Are the creators just really out of touch? And honestly tell me what you guys would do differently to make me a movie "good". And I'm being sincere here not trying to fuck with anyone.
Isaiah Gray
>Anikan, stop! Palpatine is a Sith Lord!
Elijah Evans
1. make snoke a real villian 2. dont kill him off so early
Wyatt Bennett
I have seen the new movie yet but I can't see how the bad guy will be anyone besides Kylo. Maybe Rey if they try to be clever.
Levi Garcia
Yep it's well beyond obvious.
Cameron Diaz
imposing would be a better word. he is much more sinister and evil than emo boy.
Oliver Anderson
No user, they cannot have their female protagonist as the hero, it would be literal suicide for disney, it HAS to be the white male.
i really want a timeskip for 9 when Kylo becomes a real antagonist
Tyler James
Why does he suddenly look like Trump? He looked utterly alien in the first film.
Austin Rivera
>muh plagueisfags BTFO LMAO
Alexander Bennett
>Looks like Trump You need glasses
Dylan Clark
Rank the films
8 > RO > 7 > 4 > 5 > 3 > 6 > 1 > 2
Connor Barnes
Tbf, Snoke's death was pretty gud. I kind of saw it coming, but did not see Kylo going full evil. Really thought he was gonna join Rey.
Logan Butler
Isaac Carter
They probably wanted to make Kylo a good guy in this one, but they realized that if they did that they wouldn't have a villian for the rest of the movie,
Henry Foster
This is entirely accurate, which is odd. Shows how much of a shit show the new films are when it comes to character development. Come back, George.
Connor Foster
Absolutely right
Jeremiah Long
Is there a full leak somewhere I'm missing? I'm not seeing it on standard sites
>rose is there so finn can have a romance arc and then die Wait... she dies? Looks like they are going with the original pairing of Rey and Finn then (yuck).
Ethan Brown
V > IV > RO > VI > II > VIII > VII > III > I
Carson Turner
>have force superpower >can't sense a large piece of matter moving through spacetime directly in your vicinity >can't even detect the vibrations it makes as it pushes air aside
Dylan Morales
>Who is he? Where did he came from? How is he so powerful and supreme? Does it really matter?
Josiah Collins
Holy shit. That's so fucking dumb.
Gavin Reed
It's out in Europe and Asia before the US
Carson Cook
Got you senpai
Angel Murphy
Joshua Perry
A big problem with the film was that nothing fucking happened for during the middle part. The space chase where nothing happened dragged on for so long "we only got 18 to 6 hours of fuel left". Meanwhile dindu with his new gf are jerking about animal rights in a casino city that doesn't really accomplish anything and Rey is having her 18 hour jedi training course. Tbh the Rey parts were the best of those 3, but they were mostly nothing to write home about.
They could've had a massive space battle going on for the whole chase scene, but instead nothing happens. The first order ships are just chasing them and talking about how their ships are out of reach until the resistance runs out of fuel. What felt weird was that it took almost an hour to see the first stormtrooper and the normal imperial troop stuff was missing almost the whole movie. They also completely fucked with the hyperspace physics and mechanics, making it so that crashing trucks of peace with hyperspeed seems to be the way to destroy anything going forward. The first order ships seem to not have any way of doing anything worthwhile and ships come and go next to them like it's no problem, which is a shame as the new star destroyers look pretty awesome.
They also raped most of the old characters and the new characters have a hard time getting into the story properly. Fin is a pretty entertaining character, but I'm not sure why he is even in the story. Poe is fine, but he has a hard time fitting in when there's no space battling to do (which is almost the whole movie). Kylo Ren was pretty good, Rey was even more Mary Sue than before. The asian chick was bad and BB-8 got annoying when it started doing everything possible and was supposed to be funny.
Juan Ortiz
How will Jew Jew, the master of copy past, unfuck this all?
Aaron Cruz
perfect, thanks user
John Lopez
Nicholas Scott
Because the new writers/directors of nu-wars are fucking hacks, that's why. but more specifically I think it's because JJ started off the trilogy with his "mystery box" bullshit (constant mysteries and cliffhangers, as if it's a fucking weekly TV series). Whenever he does that shit, he never bothers actually having answers. And then people give him the benefit of the doubt saying "everything will make sense just watch the sequels when they come out and everything will be crystal clear" and that's never what happens.
Robert Jones
I thought his gold robe symbolized Trump and his death the victory of black people over white supremacy
Ian Ross
They're going to love it, just like they loved TFA
Landon Bennett
supreme leader snorkle will be explained in the spinoff movie goyim and the official novel make sure to buy them both
Elijah Jenkins
Snookie coming back and being like "lol u cant kill me fgt" would almost be satisfying. But it's clear nobody has any idea what the fuck they're doing anymore.
Bentley Wilson
>. Did Rian really write this flick all by himself? Did he do this to fuck over JJ?
Logan Ramirez
So the big as fuck Snoke they built up in TFA ended up being nothing right?
Luke Bennett
Thomas Kelly
This thing reeked of studio infighting, thanks Kathleen Kennedy you vapid cunt.
Luis Collins
SAVED HAHAHAHA. I want George back, as shitshow as he is.
Jayden Rogers
More pointless "mysteries" that don't go anywhere or accomplish anything
Cameron Roberts
>Whenever he does that shit, he never bothers actually having answers What pisses me off is that he could literally just browse the internet and find better theories and then use one as the explanation. You can still be a lazy fuck and actually make something decent at the same time. I've seen some pretty fantastic theories and what-if scenarios for pretty much every retarded decision they ended up making.
Ryder Myers
Kayden Harris
Jose Evans
She was in need of intensive medical care at the end but she didn’t explicitly die. Finn just ran in yelling “Get a medkit over here!”
Nicholas Wood
>Astrally projects himself to another planet just to die like a faggot I can't THIS this enough. I'm so pissed off that he just died for NO FUCKING REASON
Jace Baker
Unironically at this point I believe in JJ more than I believed in Rian. TLJ is a mess of epic proportions, TFA at least was very competently made and stupidity of the script wasn't made so obvious by the direction.