Sup Forums says the super leia scene is retarded

>Sup Forums says the super leia scene is retarded
>turns out in context it's very emotional, sophisticated and tasteful, almost lovecraftian

Don't give em what he wants lads.

TLJ is unironically one of, if not the very best Star Wars movie.

There are two major themes running through it: letting go of the past and defying expectations. Letting go of the past, as in saying goodbye to the old favorites, and making the new characters take center stage. Honest to god, I didn't care about Rey, Finn or Poe after TFA, but I loved them by the end of this.

And defying expectations, as in putting twists and turns in the story. I can't say that you won't see the plot twists coming, but those are a lot better than in an average blockbuster. I wonder if Abrams is salty that Johnson shaped his ideas so much?

I wouldn't call TLJ a deconstruction, though it comes close.

Felt very much like Kotor 2, interpreting the mythos in a different way (Luke has shades of Kreia). The humor was also great, measured gracefully and in the adequate places, Marvel could learn a LOT from this one.
The acting is superb, Del Toro, Dern and Tran all brought something to the table.

And there is a silent space battle scene towards the end which left the audience breathless. I could literally hear jaws hitting the floor.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand super Leia.

I chuckled, have a (You).

you forgot to tell mention how this movie is the best since Empire Strikes Back OP - Mickey Mouse

I'm still in denial that the webm isn't an elaborate prank

I'd say it's more Kafkaesque

this thread is a fucking meme and a half

> not 'intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor'

i think you mean this board

Well it did fill me with despair and dread of what's to come.

you forgot tarantinoesque

Imagine being Fisher in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Rian Johnson, you fuckin' smart, risk-taking with your outlandish ideas and horrific execution. I would totally call you a champion of womens' rights, both my character and the real me." when all she really wants to do is another line in her dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Carrie and be rotting away while the CGI department edits your lifeless corpse, the favorable lighting barely concealing the morticians' makeup, and just sit there, in the afterlife, while they made this scene. Not only having to tolerate Disney parading your corpse like a Macy's Day Parade as the crowd shouts YAS QUEEN and THE FORCE IS FEMALE because they're not the ones who have to have their likeness on screen flying like Superman. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of midgets and actors and later the Grim Reaper for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight from the success of Star Wars. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the false sense of pride and accomplishment when they thought putting this horrid sceen in the movie was a good idea, the idea that Disney thought would inspire hope instead of laughter. And then the director doesn't take this embarrassing scene out of the movie, and you know your vengeful spirit could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Carrie. You're not going to lose your standing in the afterlife over this. Just bear it. Do another line and bear it.

>To be fair, you need to have a very high IQ to understand TLJ is unironically one of, if not the very best Star Wars movie.

>There are two major themes running through it: letting go of the past and defying expectations. Letting go of the past, as in saying goodbye to the old favorites, and making the new characters take center stage. Honest to god, I didn't care about Rey, Finn or Poe after TFA, but I loved them by the end of this.

>And defying expectations, as in putting twists and turns in the story. I can't say that you won't see the plot twists coming, but those are a lot better than in an average blockbuster. I wonder if Abrams is salty that Johnson shaped his ideas so much?

>I wouldn't call TLJ a deconstruction, though it comes close.

>Felt very much like Kotor 2, interpreting the mythos in a different way (Luke has shades of Kreia). The humor was also great, measured gracefully and in the adequate places, Marvel could learn a LOT from this one.
The acting is superb, Del Toro, Dern and Tran all brought something to the table.

>And there is a silent space battle scene towards the end which left the audience breathless. I could literally hear jaws hitting the floor.

god damn it just take my (You)

It's the only thing the Disney shills can do in the face of that TLJ travesty.


Nah. THIS is Lovecraftian.

Is the Last Jedi a recommended Lovecraftian movie?

Very Lynchian and Kafkaeqsue.

Everyone knows op is trolling. OP is also a potential spree shooter. We give him (You)s and hope that is enough to save lives.

Source my negro

Looks more like a live action Urotsukidoji,

>sophisticated, emotional, tasteful
>HP Lovecraft

This is the same guy that wrote all the tongue in cheek monster nickel books and sci if adventures right? Just making sure

Galaxy of Terror. Old Roger Corman flick.

A few of the fight scenes as well as moments of dialog felt very Kojima, I wonder if he had a hidden hand in the production.

post the whole thing you mong

You tried to b8, but you jumped the shark with this one. Made it too obvious. Still made me chuckle though.

No we totally believe you buddy.


Up to this point the previous posters didn't know who H.P. Lovecraf was

I doubt they read his books because they certainly don't fit within a Disney relm of Star Wars

Go tip a fedora elsewhere,dickheads

Shut the holy fuck up you tasteless twat.
You've never even read Lovecraft because his racism and xenophobia triggers your post-op mangina into bleeding.


breddy gud


I felt it had hints of Kubrickian and Hitchcockian. Perhaps shades of Kurosawa.

also a bit of tarkosvky at the end there with broom boy using the force (simmilar to stalker ending)

the proper term is Kurosawaian

Her awareness has come a long way. She went from almost fucking her brother to sensing death and avoiding it. Bravo

All these Sup Forums tourists here to discuss stah wahs need to lurk more to catch up on the memes


Go back to rebbit with this pasta that I read 5x today


Holy shit, hahaha... the Puma Man's flying was more realistic than this

wtf is that

>I could literally hear jaws hitting the floor.
If I have to watch TLJ again my jaw tendons will also atrophy.

It was more kafkaesque than anything, a little bit too much for my sophisticated tastes.

Out of context, Yoda is a pretty scary sob.


Well, that's certainly accurate. Attempting to figure out how the fuck that scene got greenlit is pure insanity.

The duels were kino Ed wood

Disney employee spotted

mother of god... it's real

Nutted but she still suckin'