So Sup Forums will you be reading the Captain Phasma miniseries?

So Sup Forums will you be reading the Captain Phasma miniseries?

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I am. She was made up to be a Boba Fett-level badass, but so far was pretty underwhelming. I hope, the new canon material would rectify that.

Why do I feel like this is a "muh Marvel/muh Disney" thread where you want to autistically bitch about feminism/race/SJWs over an actual question?

Eh. I'm still waiting for a Boba Fett or TOR ongoing.

Yep. Love the character, like pretty much the whole staff on the book (Gamora was better than it had a right to be). Should be fun.

>She was made up to be a Boba Fett-level badass
>was pretty underwhelming
So literally Boba Fett.

But this time a Stronk Independent Womyn Who Needs No Man Or Bewbs, you shitlord.

What exactly are you trying to accomplish with a shitpost like this?

Is Phasma the only trooper captain with a cape? I don't recall others but I'm also not a nerd. Why isn't that more common, it's badass.


Well, Boba Fett was kind dull in the films and then turned into an amazing badass in the Expanded Universe. I'm expected something like this to happen again much like Lucasfilm does.

>not a nerd
>browses Sup Forums
something seems fishy

What? What the fuck is there to love in what little screentime she had?

That's exactly the case with Boba Fett as well. This one happened *before* the actual movie premiered though, which is weird

Dr. Aphra is the only good thing spawned by Disney Wars.

>Trying to make phasma cool
>Not making TR-8R the recurring badass

He got shot in the face with a laser crossbow. He's dead. Deal with it.

Heroes never die user! he could come back as a Dark trooper! with awsome cybernetic enhancements!

She's supposed to have a bigger part in Last Jedi

Silly user, those didn't appear in the OT. There's no way they're creating a version for the ST.

Which is totes because that *was* what they originally intented to do, not just because of the fallout generated from hyping the character to sell the New Star Wars concept and then having literally no idea what to do with her

>"Captain Phasma"


Just her thing I guess

trash compactor guy

Yeah, I like her design and what her armor is made out of.


He is a she.

gonna be real hard to be intimidating when the heroes only know her as "that snitch Chewie tossed into the trash"

Would you guys like Phasma to show her face at any point?

No, I don't want her to end up like Zero Suit Samus getting shoved down our throats

She's literally Next-Gen Boba Fett so yeah, totally.

>looks cool
>everyone hypes as fuck
>extremely minimal screen time compared to actual fan recognition
>when the actual movie shit happens literally tossed in the trash in an instant

>Zero Suit Samus getting shoved down our throats

She's been in like 2 games, I don't know what you're talking about.


More like the last 5 Metroid games, don't know about Federation Force

And that's not counting Brawl and Sm4sh

To be fair, the first handful of google image search results show the original suit (if you ignore the automatic subsearches tho)

Besides showing up at literally the end or as a load screen what role has she had in those games?

Tits an ass, it got worse in the last decade

That doesn't explain how she's "been shoved down our throats" if that's what she's done since the first game.

Used to be a reward, now her suit falls off every 5 minutes

Now you're just making shit up.

>suit deactivated with a single shot
>bigger tits an ass
>a foot shorter in stripper heels

Not that user, but classic Sammy had you work hard to see her in her soft suit. Now it's easily on display with no effort at all needed. Nintendo made her easy.

Wasn't Samus supposed to canonically be about 7 feet tall due to the Chozo stuff?

Like 6'3" out of her suit if Nintendo power were to be believed same heright asGwendoline Christie concidentially
Made sense since in most of the games she stood taller than most

But she either lost a foot after Prime 3 or everyone's a giant freak

Canonically now she's a blonde Japanese housewife in a suit

>TFW thread about my First Order Valkyrie is hijacked by some /vg/ bullshit

Damn right I will.

>gets shit on during the film
>Disney still trying to make her the new Boba Fett

No, because her actress is ugly, and at least with the helmet on I can pretend otherwise. I also wouldn't mind if Phasma turned out to be a droid.

Could there be a relation ?

>build this guy up to be the new boba fett
>gets upstaged by some random guy yelling "TRAITOR"
how embarrassing

Boba Fett gets shit on in the original films too

Most women are ugly without makeup

Krennic only ever had his eyes on Galen.

>>Pretending Bobs Fett wasn't shit on.

That depends are they going to keep her as a villain or make some forced hamfisted redemption because God forbid a woman be a villain.

Will the miniseries explain why she was so quick to betray her comrades and doom them all to certain death by surrendering the secrets of the Starkiller base under hypothetical threat of violence?

That Star Wars is Social Justice Wars now.
>muh minorities

I don't read D*sney's fanfic. Fuck off to your general.

Why didn't they just have her do that? It would've given her something other then being trash.

These Boba Fett comparisons are funny since he did shit in the movies he was in.

Thanks for saying the same thing that has been said 30 times in this thread lol.

Reading? Sure.
Buying? It'll have to be damn good before I drop a penny.

I still can't imagine what went on at the design meeting, did someone just say "We want a stormtrooper, but shiny" and then someone else went and took it literally?

I can't imagine Gwendoline doing that. Traitor is only a thing because it was unintentional and a surprising amount of energy put into 1 scene from a minor actor

So the reason phasma was trash was because the actress can only act as trash?

Yeah, just look at Brienne

Her face should be sharp angles with a touch of cruelty to her expression, not a pudgy lump who just looks annoyed when they try to look intimidating.

I imagine it's because they wanted to sell the First Order troopers in general as being a legit threat instead of just cannon fodder. Not that it worked because apart from that scene there wasn't much else from them, but that might've been the intent.
I definitely agree though. If Kylo is Rey's nemesis, Phasma should've been Poe's.

>durr I'm angry

You're right, but still


Checchetto is great, he's the guy that gave us that Solid Frank run where everyone looked gorgeous and violent. Thompson IDK, I've never really been a fan of any of her comics and I don't recall her writing many villain/amoral protagonists (except maybe indirectly fascist Carol). I know she wrote a prose novel about a superhero and supervillain, but I could do without e.g. "Captain Phasma is only working for the First Order because they're holding her girlfriend captive" or something along those lines. Let her be a bitch and a bastard like Fett is and I'll be into it. And to be fair not like Boba Fett hasn't been run through a few hostage plots.

It's too bad Cumberbatch got kicked out of the role. Imagine a Smaug like voice snarling out of the mask. Regal but dangerous in wrath.

Thank you.

It is really weird that they didn't give that scene to Phasma.

Benedict Cucumberbatch is a lanklet though

Krennic genuinely has one of the best death scenes of any Star Wars villain.

Also literally trash.

Reminder that VIII is gonna be shit

>wanting to watch a fucking jobber

No thanks

the shit*

At this point I've divorced myself of Star Wars. Love him or hate him, without Lucas it's nothing but pandering and soulless cliches

So it's Disney?

She gonna kill Poe

So were Krennic's niggaz.

>unironically using the term "Social Justice Wars"
>in a series that has always presented left wing, liberal themes

probably underage, kill yourself my man

I'm conflicted. I really like Checchetto's art but I really dislike Thompson's writing.

Boba Fett had some great stories from the Legends EU like Last One Standing. There is just no medium for something like that nowadays.

there is a difference between "liberal" and "left". Lucas is almost certainly "left", but he is definitely not a liberal like how you modern day Americans conceive of it.



Her armor's pretty sleek I'll give her that, but who cares a about a turncoat who spilled the beans and lowered the shields of her army without torture or even minimal threats? I'd rather read about a true hero.

So if she'd held out and refused to help the infiltrators, the rebel attack would have failed and the death-planet wouldn't have been blown up, right?

fuck off back to your containment board Sup Forumsonium

Here's the thing: I want this to have happened 15 years ago because the character could be really cool but I'm so bored of Star Wars.

Where are all the shapely female Stormtroopers? Surely there are some out there that have some big ol' tiddies and need armor that fits.

I'll read it and no doubt be disappointed. Not only do I doubt their ability to redeem Phasma off screen (and I'm doubtful they could do it on screen), but 4 issue runs tend to be garbage in my experience.

Boobs squish, user.


At least Boba wasn't literally thrown in the trash in his first movie appearance.

The three leads were though.