Jesus christ

Jesus christ

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Literally what happened when they made Empire Strikes Back.

Kennedy made $30 million this year

Back then filmmakers had talent.

What were all the unanswered questions left over from a new hope?

And yet they managed to not simply abandon a single storyline; the difference today is that they know the people will eat it up anyway so they can do literally whatever they feel like

The Emperor was still around and the war wasn't over.

>ok we've checked every box except the emperor
>but he's dead
>well just put in a new ugly dude and call him snoke or something

Luke becoming a Jedi? Defeating Vader?

So instead of trying to develop it all he just dropped every single thing JJ built up.


There was no Emperor in New Hope

I hate to say it, but if they doubled down on the TFA trend and played it safe by essentially remaking TESB, it still would have been better than Rian's movie.

Yes there was, he just didn't appear in person. It's mention how he dissolves the Senate and gives power to the Moffs.

JJ was shit anyway. Just a different flavor.

>dissolves the Senate
How will the Emperor maintain control without the bureaucracy?

>Governor Tarkin: The Imperial Senate will no longer be of any concern to us. I have just received word that the Emperor has dissolved the council permanently. The last remnants of the Old Republic have been swept away forever.

Nah, a direct copy would also be shit but Rian is 100% in the wrong for not building on ANYTHING JJ established.
>just wait for the next movie, it will give us all the answers
This was literally what everyone said about TFA in a pathetic attempt to defend it. I wonder how they are defending TLJ now.

Everything JJ established was literally worthless besides Kylo which came to fruition in a really cool way though. Disappointed the Knights of Ren went nowhere though

Fear, will keep the local systems in line. Fear of this battlestation.

How excited are you guys for JJ to take back control for the finale?

He followed the feudal system, the galaxy will be divided into sections ruled by different lords or duke or whatever meme title in Starwar
I guess Sheev was deus vult fag after all

Yeah, all that stuff is logical continuation of the story started in ANH.

There wasn't a bunch of JJ Abrams esque mystery box bullshit with no actual answer.

Not explaining who Snoke is, was bullshit. Based on the setup of the Jedi/sith of the 6 Lucas films, he shouldn't exist.

And they didn't fuck it up beyond all recognition.
Really makes you think.

Does she get a dollar for every person she disappoints?

George made some shit up as he went along; everywhere knows that. But he and his crew managed to concoct a cohesive view for his universe nonetheless. What's strange about the sequel trilogy isn't the lack of a cohesive vision with the first six movies, it's the lack of a coherent vision among the new trilogy itself. TFA and TLJ almost feel at odds with each other.

It’s still self contained though. If ANH was one movie it has enough closure to make it work standalone.

>Death Star is destroyed
>Luke leaves the farm behind and becomes a hero
>Ends with the rebels celebrating their victory

TFA ends with a cliffhanger. There’s no resolution or epilogue.

There wasn't really a plan for a second film though. JJ set up glaring mysteries for a second film without any idea how they resolve or fit the established story.

fucking insulting he was replaced by a CGI model

>Rey’s and Snoke origins
>Luke’s growth in exile and why
>Knights of Ren
All ruined potential, and now he will scramble to bring them back for IX, just you watch
>Kylo was lying to Rey to goad her, she’s descended from a Jedi lineage though her parents were drunkards
>Snoke is immortal and the scars are from his multiple deaths, he returns as Darth Plagueis
>Knights of Ren return as Supreme Leader Kylo’s guards and he wears a new helmet forged from Vader’s old one

You Hear It You Lose thread?
If so I lost

>the entire star wars story franchise is now one of those Sup Forums writes a letter threads.

And what of the Rebellion? If the Rebels have obtained a complete technical readout of this station, it is possible, however unlikely, that they might find a weakness and exploit it.


I didn't think so, he was what I was looking foward to the most.

Looks great and the mocap actor had Cushings mannerisms/facial twitches and accent/rolling his r's down to a T.

I'm just gonna say that I love all the scenes that offer a glimpse into how the Empire actually operates.


Not gonna lie, never gave a fuck about star wars until the prequel trilogy because queen amidala gave me young boy boners, watched the OT with my ex-wife and found them okay

seems like shit tier scifi t b h, you goofs should go watch farscape instead.


The plans you referred to will soon be back in our hands.

On a side note, did you know JJ was involved in Lost?

get a load of this Sup Forumstard newcunt

There being an empire also implies the existence of an emperor.

Lost describes the state of the ST storyline


Kylo Ren

Any attack made by the Rebels against this station would be a useless gesture, no matter what technical data they've obtained. This station is now the ultimate power in the universe! I suggest we use it.

haha remember these lines from the movie

>Looks great
He looks like ass though, his face is so clearly CGI and in motion he looks like he's lifted directly from a video game.

J.J. Abrams literally said the plan was to copy A New Hope in TFA , make TLJ like The Empire Strike Back and Episode IX closer to Return of Jedi with a cliffhanger to a new trilogy?
Does anyone remember this interview?

Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed. The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force.

Trying to save himself already kek

>May 29

>WWII movies should all end with the Jap delegation aboard the USS Missouri

They could have just dropped Episode 7 and started an anthology series akin to Rogue One - and I don't mean an origin series like they're doing with Han Solo but just tell stories set within the universe using new characters. This way the only thing you need to make sure of is that there are no conflicting points between all the stories (continuity) and allow different filmmakers to tell a variety of stories using different styles suited for them. This would keep the Star Wars brand alive and probably create buzz surrounding a potential Episode 7 which can then be announced later once the entire trilogy is mapped out.

But that would make sense from an artistic point of view and we're talking about a business.

that seems like a weirdly unprofessional thing to announce on your personal twitter lol

If you read the transcripts of the prequel meeting in 1981 you can see Lucas had the entire story for the prequels already thought up, with the exception of no midchlorians and insisting on everybody being able to use the force and yoda being a monk not a fighter, to which kasdan reacted poorly.

>no midchlorians
George thought of Midichlorians as early as 1977:
>"It is said that certain creatures are born with a higher awareness of the Force than humans. Their brains are different; they have more midi-chlorians in their cells."

Lets get real Lucas was at a low and sold the Franchise for next to nothing.

Disney never had any idea what to do with it and didnt think it would be wise to invest the year going through the Old Lore/Holocron/EU hiring the right autists that could turn Lucas drafts for the next trilogy into something everyone would enjoy

They rushed out shit and are now making it up as they go along using diversity shit as an excuse/shit for bad storytelling. No wonder they partnered with EA they are both the same