TIL When Matt LeBlanc auditioned for the role of Joey in "Friends" he only had $11 dollars to his name...

TIL When Matt LeBlanc auditioned for the role of Joey in "Friends" he only had $11 dollars to his name. When the cast got their paychecks, the first thing that Courteney Cox bought was a car. Matt LeBlanc bought a hot dinner.

(((hollywood facts)))


That child grew up to be Albert Einstein.

What did he do in the months between auditioning and the first paycheck? You don't just audition and then start filming that afternoon...


We're just gonna kill em

$11 used to go a lot further in the 90s.

>TIL When Matt LeBlanc auditioned for the role of Joey in "Friends" he only had $11 dollars to his name. When the cast got their paychecks, the first thing that Courteney Cox bought was a car. Matt LeBlanc had to find a new home.

What do you mean what happened? Why does it matter to what he did with his first paycheck?
Maybe he was just really hungry that day.

I cri evryteim

In fact, he went straight to the nearest diner and directly paid for a hot meal with his paycheck

I'm 20000 in debt with zero income. I'm hiding in the cellar of my old apartment.

No I mean what did he do in the space between having $11 and several months later when he got his paycheck.

Ate from the catering table and slept in his car.

Surely you get paid as soon as the contract is signed?

Isn't this shit what they tell about Hitler and Goebbels when Hitler became chancellor?

How does that go?

>implying he's smarter because he was still acting like a bum and saved his money
>both of them are now washed up has-beens
>but Cox spent her time on top having more fun with her money than he did
I fail to see how this faggot is in the right

Goebbels bought a gas chamber, Hitler bought some art supplies

Who said aything about being in the right? The right on what subject?

i remember this meme

it was good

i managed to settle all my debt before going zero income. i'm living with my grandparants and have 4,600 coming in(hopefully tomorrow) so i have about a month before i need to find a job. if i don't buy a car with the 4,000 then 5 months.

Before Sam Worthington got his role in Avatar he was literally living in a cardboard box eating from bins

Joey still works a hell of a lot more than Clayface

Good luck. Your grandparents won't live forever,

you know he got tons of pussy and did a shit ton of coke for years? friends was on for a long ass time

thanks, yup they're pretty old. just trying to get back on my feet. my cushy gov. job let me go earlier in the year just trying to bounce back.
luckily no debt and no kids or gf. not so luckily no money and no kids or gf.

>oy vey this is anudda shoah
>you dont get paid until the job is done goyim

Goebbels was smarter, in retrospect.

I like that this story always includes the phrase "hot dinner" like he's a Depression-era hobo, not a handsome guy who could have had a bartending job in about 45 minutes.


Hella friggin epic reddipol but advanced payments are the standart in Hollywood so nice going arguing against yourself moron

I agree with you but please use the term /soy-pol/ in future.

Before he became a Hollywood producer Weinstein had to sleep with regular street prostitutes rather than actresses who prostitute themselves.

>he had to pay

>Matt LeBlanc aka Joey Tribbiani. Like Lisa Kudrow, Matt also has a net worth of $60 million (£42M), although this is set to be boosted by a new role as co-presenter on UK automobile TV show Top Gear.

In the $11 dollar darkness of 90's sitcoms, there is only hot dinner............

>*slams on the door*
>nothing personal, kiddo