I'm sure Chinese audiences will appreciate this beautiful romance :)

I'm sure Chinese audiences will appreciate this beautiful romance :)

they both looks like they are swallowing a cyanide pill, lol


Why do they both look so disgusted?

why are such unremarkable looking people allowed on screen?


racism aside, he'a an ugly nigger and she's an ugly gook,

so even ugly people don't want to suck face with other ugly people

I'm starting to hate Star Wars. So far I've been simply uninterested in it as every movie or game bores the shit out of me, but now it's getting disgusting. On top of that, every idiot is now talking about this so I see it everywhere. Why is this shit so popular?

Nostalgia faggots, it what ameritards grew up with, i do enjoy the lego games and movies tho, but that's because of the lego

cuz the universe is cool as fuck
>space battles
>most iconic score in history
>so much cool machinery

like it's hard not to be blown away by the amazing world gorge created



disney fucked it all up with by shoehorning current political issues into the new films

nobody who loves starwars cares about empowering women or POC

like FUCK

>racism aside
>he'a an ugly nigger and she's an ugly gook,

are the shitty prequels disney's fault too?

no that was cuz gorge became a egotistical madman and thought his ideas would work regardless of what anyone said

now the sequels had an amazing chance at being GOAT, and TFA wasn't terrible, but they just can't keep the propaganda out of the films

if you have to use your story to try to spread a message, it's a terrible story

on the other hand, if you tell a story you're passionate about, your values and message will be clear, and that's how you change the world

fuck disney

He's gay IRL so I imagine it's doubly disgusting to him.

I am from Taiwan, and it's true we don't like black people and their fat lips. fucking disgusting. That Asian girl looks ugly as well. 留一段繁體中文聲明來證明我台灣來的

Why is it always an Asian woman in these pairings?

How do you feel about Taiwanese aboriginals?

Why is he kissing a child?

hollywood has spent the last 70 years portraying asian men as unsexy and it's not about to change

is this the ghostbusters of star wars?

I never knew sweet Rooney was capable of such vitriol.

They are cool. I mean they enjoy way more welfares than the rest of us, but they have their traditions. Plus they get to hunt w rifles which is brilliant. 番仔=\=黑鬼

They look sad, not disgusted.

They both can do better.

lie. there were always an actual alpha martial artists in every decade, starting with bruce lee. jacky chan, jet li , etc.
okay maybe jet li is the only handsome among them, but all is powerful

I thought it was cute, sue me.

name a movie where any of those guys ended up getting the girl

theyre always portrayed as honorable but asexual. none of them have been sexualised

She's not Chinese, why would they care?

Definitely, there are plenty of black people who don't have their mouth protruding five centimeters further away than their nose or whose cheeks have taken up so much real estate

And there's plenty of asian actors who can look very aesthetically pleasing

>nobody who loves starwars cares about empowering women or POC
Really? I mean if you only count people like yourself as True Fans™ then maybe.