What's she thinking now guys?

What's she thinking now guys?


Look again


Sorry I'm a bit late

You think Kathleen gives one single fuck about GamerGate and its pathetic attempts to rig 'user scores'? She's running a media empire. She's hiring and firing. She's commanding an operation whose influence is beyond anything you'll achieve in your miserable life spent trolling.

While you're raging and brooding in misogyny, women are running shit. Kennedy is so far beyond your little tantrums, it's hilarious. She's probably eating a great meal, sipping some wine, and reading the incredible notices her film has been getting from all corners of the media.

Oh, and um, just so you know, she's probably thumbing through her contacts, looking for the perfect woman or PoC to hire after Rian is done making his string of masterpieces.

Your anger and bitterness are completely impotent. You are a joke. A total joke. The Force is with US now.

I’m pretty sure women have directed/produced less than five good movies in history

Hi Kathleen

>go over plots for the next three films
>meanwhile Rian said there was no outline and was allowed to do whatever
Bravo Kathleen

Shut up Kathleen you’re drunk.

T. Kathleen
You're welcome here.

$$$$$$$$$ even if people hate this movie, it's still going to bring in $$$$$$ and so is the one after this $$$

Someone should make a JJ Abrams Amerimutt meme. Le 58% face.

Already not breaking half of TFA's early box office, gonna do R1 numbers at best

How many zeros are at the end of her check and which location to buy her second and third house.

>but user score

Total box office is all that matters for current releases and people are fickle as shit. As much as the orgin trilogy was panned by people this is just turning into what LOTRO was. Winter Fantasy movie blockbuster thats not going away any time soon.

I can already see the white board in the office thats detailing each spin off as the series grows ala Marvel methodology until all movies are star wars and marvel or some form of expanded universe. This is the future of Disney

see what I did with the dollar signs? see how there's less of them as the post goes on? They wont make as much money as they initially did, but there will still be profits


Sadly this, but company's image is also very important

She only cares about money. If the product sales are down we'll hear about them "refocusing".

Oh it will going down
She's lucky that people haven't tried to burn down her house.

I want George back. I don't give a fuck about the prequels.

>women are running shit.
Look at her CV, she was hired in a TV station because she was a woman and there was a lobby who pressured the station to hire women. Then she moved to Hollywood when she saw Spielbberg's Jaws success. She literally stalked him and managed to become his secretary/assistant. Within less than a year she became his associate producer on all his films starting with Indiana Jones 2. She's a leech, a parasite that took a free ride on the back of giants. She's a total hack, like most corporate women who get to top positions. She ruined SW beyond repair

She probably doesn't give a shit, she's clearly hellbent on boiling down SW into a safe formula they can start shitting out year after year, and has an obvious political agenda she's pushing (which itself isn't a bad thing, tho it turns problematic when it's so blatat and starts affecting the plot and motivations of the characters)

>And that's a good thing
I love it when bloggers tell me what to think.

Yeah but at the end of the day, YOU go home, you take off your clothes and look at yourself in the mirror and you know with out a doubt, you could never ever fight a man and win. In the survival of the fittest, you are the first to go. A woman. A weak little woman who could NEVER stand up to a man face to face. So why don't you get on your knees and suck a nigger dick you fucking weak little thot

your work is more...cerebral than I imagined

well I guess if you cut off everyone nose