is it worth seeing?
Is it worth seeing?
Other urls found in this thread:
Formerly Soy Wars
Yes, Sup Forums is just butthurt
pls watch it
Yes, simply so you can tell the children of the future that you were there to witness the death of Star Wars.
Why wasn't booyega changed?
It's worthless. Watch it for free or don't bother.
>Just Sup Forums
>56% on RT
No. Enjoy the Internet fun. This will be better seen at home.
100% black.
Careful, OP.
The janitors are deleting any 56% posts.
They're all white except the nigger and the Guatemalan
why would they be doing that?
>janis mad about 56%
>Every human sans Finn has been MUTTED
Heres the real version
But it has 58% with general audiences in RT
fucking KEK
No this is just the pre-sqeals all over again. 5 or 6 years from now no one will say their good.
>and he still looks less human than the genetic trash he's surrounded by
fucking saved
cam rips available online
its just a series of random callbacks and back-patting QUEEEENN SLAAAAY clips
Rey doesn't have any training and whups the shit out of Luke. What the hell is this shit?
Reddits gonna freak!
stream link?
It's unironically the best Star Wars movie in the series, rivalling Empire
if you're a faggot who'll go HURR DURR NOT MUH LUKE HURRRR HYPERSPACE DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY DURRRRRRRRR or if you spent two years speculating about Snoke's identity you'll hate it, but other than that it's kino
The force link shit was interesting although straight up plagiarized from KOTOR. Luke’s death while imperfect had hard emotional impact.
It is if you are a Luke/Hamill fan, otherwise no
This is honestly pathetic salt from Europeans. The hypocrisy of paying to see an American movie, then making an anti-American meme and using said movie to post that meme.
>inb4 't. le 56% XD'
Thanks for all the spoilers Sup Forums
Saved me £15
Reminder that if it hits 50% then it automatically gets a ROTTEN rating.
it's like poetry
Luke isn't trying to fight back at all at that point and the end of the movie shows that he's so far beyond everyone else in the movie he doesn't even need to be actually present to kick their ass
Wrong, while Sup Forums is butthurt for some retarded Sup Forums reasons it is still Star Wars. That is to say, it is utter garbage on par with capeshit.
It's usually nonwhites spamming it
>stream link?
no idea, user
Marvel capeshit has consistently been better than TLJ despite being Disney
Most jannies are burgers
Fucking ICE!
needs bigger lips
yes, once, but God's sake don't waste your money on it.
Just wait for quality streams/torrents and then bury all of your memories and grab on a bottle
No character arcs. Random people randomly dying. Never figure out who snoke is, he just dies, never figure out who rey really is, kylo ren has no arc, leia is a space which, luke randomly dies, more random characters are introduced. Bad acting. Rey I shit you not looks like a fridge at times.
If you want to go there. It's a once again racist ass movie
Basically all straight white males are shown as giant angry pussies who screech non stop betray everyone and generally lose or die.
So if you are a straight white male you'll get to see a confusing movie full of deus ex machina that pretty much shits on your sex, race and sexual orientation.
But if you are down with that go nuts.
Holy shit lmoa
The best SW movie in decades. Just go see it.
Surely Daisy Ridley should be left untouched, not being American
Poast webms please. I've been away from Sup Forums and missed all the shitposting
93% fresh......
is disney paying for reviews??????
>is this massive media monopoly paying its partner companies to shill for it
No. Most critics fear for their jobs every time a movie with a female protagonist comes out.
Just like the high 70s rating on Ghostbusters 2016.
Then there are the female reviewers themselves, and the white knighting soyboys who want to impress them.
Modern film criticism is a fucking joke.
>Marvel capeshit has consistently been better than TLJ
I haven't seen TLJ yet but I fucking doubt it just on production values alone. If you are a capeshit lover your opinion is worth less than shit.
Why does (((Hollywood))) always use Asian women as a means of showing off interracial relationships?
no its trash dont give money it disney
I'm talking about the movie. Why was black guy and the Asian girl pushed so hard?
Using the traditional 4 star movie rating:
Star Wars - 4
The Empire Strikes Back - 3.5
Return of the Jedi - 3
The Phantom Menace - 2
Attack of the Clones - 2
Revenge of the Sith - 2.5
The Force Awakens - 2.5
Rogue One - 2.5
The Last Jedi - 2
So it's in the same tier as Phantom Menace and Clones. Which would be a bigger loss if it weren't for the fact that this series hasn't been properly good for over three decades now and the people who actively enjoy it must be suffering from some variant of stockholm syndrome. The Last Jedi is a meandering mess bogged down with like 5 shaggy dog story subplots that go nowhere, and it's full of awkward moments that are unnecessary to describe because at this point you've seen all the WEBMs already.
Are these chicks paying that guy or did he convince them some other way?
They would neveeeerrr....
Why would he be doing a 15-60 minute service for free?
The reaction to this movie is fucking gold
Even Reddit is torn on this, its brilliant to watch
Sounding like a nigger woman there.
Post your "pure" face right now bitch. I bet you're uglier than every single actor in The Last Jedi.
>jannies also delete posts calling out/making fun of pedos
What method of massage is this and how do I get certified for it?
If you like solid blockbuster movies it's solid. If you're a characterfag or an EUfag who says things like "MUH LUKE WUD NEVAR DOTHAT" then no.
It's better than ep 7. But it's still eh.