Great pacing, great use of tension, interesting gizmos, gadgets and creatures.
Got rid of the excess, brought it back home.
Rian Johnson did a great job salvaging this story from the utter disaster of The Force Awakens.
I don't like what he did with Yoda but it can be tolerated.
Leia flying was a goof, but overall her character was handled well, and much better than in TFA.
Best of all, the ending stands on its own; just in case JJ Abrams screws it up all again with Episode IX
It was actually good
Other urls found in this thread:
>Great pacing
>Rey somehow goes through multiple days in the 16 hours that the rest of the cast goes through
It's a superb pleb filter. It caught (You).
Yeah man I loved it. Daisy Ridley was charismatic as hell as Rey and I loved Punished Luke. Kylo Ren got some serious character devlopment, no longer is he the most boring character in these films, and the romance between Finn and Rose was sweet.
If Leia can be superman, why does she need that stupid stun pistol?
If the normies, redditors and 14 year old alt-right warriors on this site hate it, that indicates it might actually be good.
anyone who thinks pacing is an important element of film is a god damned moron.
take your ritalin and kill yourself.
Because that would betray her whole motivation and character development. She's seen as the matriarch of the resistance and does not necessarily want to be feared. The force is scary to a lot of people.
oh wow, the mouse defence force is going all out
exactly. I came out of that movie so stoked, fantastic part two to the new trilogy. I'll be stunned if Part three is even half as good.
>JJ directing again
it'll be shit
>the evacuation at the beginning was exactly at the same time that Rey landed on the island
>unless I have explicit timestamps before every scene they must be all happening at the same time
You a retard?
I didn't think TFA was that bad, but yeah I agree with you.
Thank god Rian is working on this new Trilogy. It's gonna be gold.
Lets hope he doesn't get pulled off it for some reason(sexual assault allegations, etc etc)
This cesspool’s opinions are so toxic, I just assume the opposite and have never looked back
While I disagree on pacing, overall this is one of the best star wars movies. Everyone's up in arms about it but holy fuck there was some actual good character development and the story was actually bearable to watch. It wasn't another rehash. It did away with some of its own conventions and tried to actually make this series good to watch again. However, it does still have a lot of flaws (as any star wars movie will) Like Luke's character, while they were in the right direction with it, executed his involvement poorly. Also Leia when she supermans in space was fucking bullshit. Other than that and Rose's character I only had small problems here and there. Overall good.
Something about it felt more human compared to TFA. I didn't think it was truly terribly nor was it a perfect continuation, movie definitely had problems but I found some aspects pretty enjoyable. I just wish 2/3rds of the plotlines weren't totally pointless. Did anyone else really like the aerial combats and aesthetic? Something about TFA felt bland and hollow but TLJ's cinematography helped made it stand out a lot.
Seriously, this movie had two climaxes.
Floating space hags are way scarier tho
Are there any versions online that doesn't have spanish audio?
You're right about the combat scenes. The final scene for Holdo was spectacular.
Thought it was fucking amazing after all the estrogen laden tears flowing from this board.
Killing snoke was definitely not a climax, if that's one of the 2 you're talking about. His death I thought was kind of like Bane's in dark knight rises; he died pointlessly because he isn't the real threat, and he made kylo ren a lot more interesting of a character
I wonder who could be behing this post...
Do people really like this garbage? From an honest to god unbiased perspective it was literally the same trick over and over and over again the Empire kept falling for, every woman was somehow extremely important and unkillable until they tried or successfully committed suicide, a female nobody who thought the force was "lifting big rocks" and barely had any training is all of a sudden more powerful than a trained former Jedi Kylo Ren, and the entire movie was filled to the brim with smug jokes and cameos.
Then some star wars fan told me I needed to understand how manipulation works and that I can't understand how emotional the Empire is without watching several other new sequels.
By the end of the movie everybody deserved to die. A super powerful leader and empire gets chance after chance after chance to blow them up and just WON'T DO IT.
What the fuck man, what am I not understanding? No great movie or series requires prequels or sequels to be good and this movie had blatantly no content in it maybe that's why there are so many.
I won't bash the originals but the new ones must be trash.
>there was some actual good character development
Where, you fucking shill? Not Rey. not Finn, not Poe, not Luke (in fact he regressed back to his pre-RotJ self), not Leia, not Snoke, not Phasma, not Hux, nobody except Kylo got any development.
Tfw you first fapped to that pic 25 years ago and still fap to it all these years later. Brb.
>I don't like what he did with Yoda
That was the best part though. It felt like the real Yoda and not the angry frowning prequel Yoda you kids have grown up with
Cut the casino plot and it's a great movie
I just came home from seeing it and I feel insulted and disgusted. I shouldn’t feel like this if the movie was actually good don‘t you agree OP?
It happened before. The movie begins with the escape. It then cuts to Rey where she left off with Luke at the end of TFA. Luke takes his lightsaber and throws it over his shoulder.
everybody has different opinions about things. If you didn't enjoy/like it that doesn't mean others can't.
>The beginning
>Luke and Rey stuff
>That weird detour to the casino planet
Really, REALLY bad. Like, Attack of the Clones bad.
>That final fight, where everything overlaps, up to and including the lightspeed jump
Fucking great. Fuck yes. Loved every second
>Everything on the salt planet
It really, REALLY should've ended at the space fight, and I have no idea why it didn't. At this point, I was completely checked out and just wanted to go home.
When Finn gets shocked trying to run away her transponder reacts.
Chewie says he can't contact the base which means they've been ran off by the First Order.
Kylo and Rey share their force bond which must have happened after he tried to kill Leia.
They happen simultaneously and there's no getting around it.
if you like it, you should kys. i'm being serious.
Nope, you’re wrong ;)
>i wont bash the originals
hahahahahahahahhaah only episode 5 was any good from that
fuck off reddit
But everyone with common sense should agree that the whole Finn/Rose subplot was utterly pointless and boring, that Luke‘s character got thrown into the trash and that Snoke was a total disappointment. It had some good moments but most of the plot developments were just pure shit. Especially the last 10-20 minutes.
A handful of people even walked out during those.
Want to know how I know youre not from here?
good movie
If the entire film was Poe, Finn and Rose pulling a casino heist, I would have loved it. Give me more fun Star Wars, at least enough to balance out the heavier stuff. This and R1 were slogs for the most part
>he actually believes it's real
>No groupthink but our groupthink
I've been here since 2006, fuck off.
I havent been to this fucking place in years, why are so many people adamant about the fact that masses are beginning to realize just how shoddy and shit these new visual trailers are?
It's telling that 90% of the criticism here is paired with ((they)) remarks and people forcing a narrative that Luke had to be killed because he was white or some nonsense. The film has its problems but you idiots set out to hate it from the start for completely made up reasons
but you use soyspacing--you didn't fool him or me, r3bbit
Speak for yourself, trying to understand or 'mansplain' user is a futile effort. Tell us why you like it and give examples as evidence, that's enough.
>Got rid of the excess
>Finn Rose romance, DJ, the Casino, the orange guy, the fish people, Alien titties, Purple haired woman, frost puppies, Huxs cringey scenes, Orphans
>everything in TLJ happened in less than a day
>Finn is coward at beginning of Force but eventually becomes a hero and fights others
>Finn goes back to being a coward at beginning of Jedi but willing to sacrifice himself at the end
>Got rid of the excess
It absolutely did not.
Do you need to wear a helmet when you go outside? "Pacing" doesn't mean non-stop action. Developing too quickly can also be poor pacing.
He only wanted to get to Rey. he didn't give a fuck about anything else in the beginning
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand porgs. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of lovable merchandising most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also porg’s optimistic outlook, which is deftly woven into their characterisation- their personal philosophy draws heavily from Minions literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike porgs truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in porg’s existential catchphrase “BRA-KAW BRA-KAW” which itself is a cryptic reference to Despicable Me’s epic Gru. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Rian Johnson’s genius wit unfolds itself on their cinema screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a porg tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
Episode 4 was good because it was a ripoff of a samurai movie with some bits of WW2 movie footage spliced in. Episode 5 was objectively the best though. Episode 6 was a trainwreck, just barely acceptable because it rode the halo of the previous movies and brought the series to a satisfying close, and a premonition of the prequels. Remember how hated ewoks were by non-children?
There's no getting around the fact that the fleet stuff happens over a few hours, while Rey/Luke takes longer. Maybe you can say Luke's bit starts earlier and the beginning of the movie's all out of order.
Even at the time people made fun of Return of the Jedi for having another death star plot. Little did anyone know that there would be another 3 death stars after that.
What was the point of Fin in this movie?
I can never understand walking out for any reason on a movie. You paid for a movie (even a shitty one) get your money's worth
Finn's an outlier
Kylo was good, Luke was good except for the ending, Hell even Rey and Poe got some good moments.
Which I suppose would be acceptable if Snoke hadn't already appeared in TFA.
No it didnt. They fucking show a sun rising and setting, people going to sleep, etc. Are you retarded?
I liked it a lot. Pretty surprised at everyone sperging out about it online.
Go on...
>Luke was good
yeah, it's such a weird feeling, right?
I've never seen this much (negative) audience and (positive) critic disparity on a film this mainstream.
Your newfaggotry will still show no matter how long you claim to have been on here, newfag.
great bait.
There are ZERO lightsaber duels in a StarWars movie. You're a fucking joke if you think it was good.
Rey learns nothing, grows not at all, makes no mistakes, is a poor protagonist
Name one major mistake this protagonist makes, acknowledges and grows from, name one flaw she has?
Luke disagrees with you.
>>Rey somehow goes through multiple days in the 16 hours that the rest of the cast goes through
They really are just remaking the original trilogy aren't they?
>Luke and the Falcon part ways after the evacuation of Hoth
>Luke travels to, then trains on Dagobah, at least a couple of months, maybe like a year or two, compressed into a training montage with cheesy 80s music with lyrics about persevering and rising to the challenge
>Han et al evade imperials, fly to Cloud City, like one day
>they meet up
>Rey grows too much
>Rey doesn't grow enough
jesus dude who cares anymore?
Just because a film cuts to another scene does not necessarily mean it's simultaneous. Have you ever actually watched a movie before?
>Rey grows too much
Literally no one says this. Power levels aren't character growth, brainlet.
Fuck man.
I hope Disney gets a wave of fan rage for ruining this iconic character.
None of us have enough testosterone left to do anything about it.
Pacing in this movie didn't make sense. The edits were so jarring that it hurts.
>Were being shot down one after another? Better have a long calm conversation and joke around even though our friends are dying in dozens at the same exact moment.
>Luke just lost his shit? Let's cut to two people being excited about a casino and not caring about whatever is going on.
I unironically liked where the story went, but direction was inexcusably bad.
I really enjoyed it too. Sure the Finn &Rose plot could have been better written, there were some overall pacing problems and a lot of the jokes felt somehow too obvious or underlined, and I did feel the resistance made some utterly moronic choices, but I did enjoy it a lot.
>text scroll finishes
>Poe flys a single x wing up to Snokes ship
>literally starts quipping Hux to pieces
>Snoke suprised Hux via hologram
>Hux slips 3 Stooges Style and falls
>theatre ERUPTS into laughter
yup that's where it ended for me, it was honestly a much better movie than 7 by a mile but it had so many questionable parts. I feel like a fan edit of this one would be serviceable.
>Just because a film cuts to another scene does not necessarily mean it's simultaneous.
Come on, man. They are together at Hoth.
All the Falcon group does is run from the Imperials to Cloud City, presented as a few tense hours, and after their arrival, they don't even have time to finish repairing the Falcon. Han's still willing to dismiss C-3PO's disappearance as him "getting lost". Vader would have come to fetch them immediately. At most, when they meet Luke has been a few days since they were together with him last.
But in this same span of time, Luke spends obvious months training with Yoda.
There's no reasonable interpretation of the length of time they spent apart in The Empire Strikes Back. Months passed for Luke, days passed for the rest. Travel time doesn't explain it. If anything, Luke must have travelled a farther distance.
>Remember how hated ewoks were by non-children
Jesus, how old are you? 70?
>Something about TFA felt bland and hollow but TLJ's cinematography helped made it stand out a lot.
YehI agree. If only they'd fixed the plot a bit it'd have been truly great.
Thanks for proving my point that Empire has series potholes whereas TLJ doesn't. Obviously Empire is the better film but holy shit dude Rey got to the island at the end of 7. We're not splitting atoms here.
Because it's gotten the lowest audience score of any of the films on Rotten Tomatoes as of right now.
Not that any of us would really put much stock in the scores themselves, but the fact that a brand new, incredibly hyped instalment in one of the most successful media franchises ever has a score like that then you know something's gone wrong.
No it's not.
It's badly scripted boring cgifest with several good scenes that don't outweigh the filler. And on top of that it shits on both the OT and TFA in terms of lore and character development.
Falcon to cloud city took weeks/months, because of no hyperdrive. This is the time Luke is on Dagobah.
In the movie, it doesn't look at all like they spent months making the trip. They could have changed their appearance a bit and thrown off one line to establish that they had been in the Falcon for a long time, but instead they all look like it was five minutes, and Leia's still asking basic questions about Lando.
the dialogue and character writing were piss awful though
I hate how they didn't gave us anything about Supreme leader Snoke's past
i agree
Are there any versions online that have english audio?
I can only find spanish audio
It's a movie, not a mathematics proof. If this inconsistency triggers you so much that it ruined your movie, then you should take your autism pills and try a simpler movie like the Santa Clause
>Name one major mistake this protagonist makes, acknowledges and grows from, name one flaw she has?
Either you're shitposting this on multiple threads desperately seeking (You)'s like an autist, or you are narrowmindedly parroting something you saw on Youtube.
Would just pad out the movie unnecessarily. The Luke bits show you that time is passing, whereas in TLJ the timing is messed up.
[MOVIE] [email protected]@[email protected] [2.19GB]
>Great pacing, great use of tension, interesting gizmos, gadgets and creatures
Kill yourself mouse shill.
You've still added nothing to "You're wrong.".