Like seriously, why bring her back just to kill her?

Like seriously, why bring her back just to kill her?

to sell more toys

They ran out of white men for Finn to kill so he had to kill a white women.

to showcase her ebin side blaster and spear accessories

To "surprise" us when she comes back for another disappointing scene in the next movie.

A genuine blunder


Like seriously, why bring him back just to kill him?

What did even happen to her in TFA? I really don't remember

Yeah this. Need to sell them toys and give her shit to use in vidya.

she quite literally got stuffed in a dumpster and forgotten about

Her spear in Battlefront 2 is fucking worthless though it's so trash that it's basically not there.
Also why does her stupid fucking gun get more accurate the longer she shoots?

Only played as Finn so far. He's pretty OP in HvV mode like every blaster hero.

>stealing tr8r's baton

As expected of a nigger

To show us that a nigger can defeat an arian , ALL RACES ARE EQUAL


I'm pretty sure she didn't die. The floor just caved in and she fell a few floors down.

>implying she actually died

I was wondering about this and I came up with three possible explanations.
>Finn needed something to do.
>They wanted the shot for the trailer (and I guess toys).
>They're making a meme out of this and she's gonna come back in IX and actually do something that matters this time.

Why did they bring Boba Fett back in RotJ just to have him be killed in an even worse way?

Why wouldn't everyone have mirror arrmor? You are basically bullet proof and can't die. Why would anyone go into combat without it?

It's an advertisement for a toy. She's a super duper special "Chrome" Stormtrooper, and it allows them to make more toys of it because it looks cool and the kids will buy them.

he gets humiliated first tho

why isn't every soldier issued a F-22 Raptor? You are basically bullet proof and can't die. Why would anyone go into combat without it?

Why did she surrender in TFA if she was immune to Han's and Finn's weapons?

>You are basically bullet proof and can't die.

So she pretty much just surrendered herself and Starkiller base for nothing?

>>Finn needed something to do.
You are now aware that the entire story arc in this movie for finn and rose was pointless and could have been edited completely out and it would not have had any impact on the story what so ever.

blaster .. the star wars weapons are hybird explosive round/energy weapon. not quite laser. but yea .. bullshit PLOT ARMOR

lol honestly it occurred to me during the movie that Finn, Poe and Rose not only didn't have any positive impact, the three of them playing cowboy only made things worse.

The fact that this was basically flat out explained to Poe makes me hope it'll lead to positive growth for them in the next movie.

She wasn't selling any toys

This. He might as well been in cryosleep the whole fucking movie.

>You save the ones you loved
>kisses him on the lips

I cringed, I actually cringed. I know fat asians are the most desperate chicks of all but come on they've known each other for like 8 hours tops

oh and how has no one piped up with the whole.

did this movie just basically say religion is bad?

like refers to the jedi as a religion. and that the jedi are responsible for how palpatine took powe ect and needs to be forgotten/destroyed.

insert blue glowie yoda burns the fucking jedi knowledge down (exept the books taht rey stole they are some how on the falcon even tho she left the tree without them before they got burned (you see a glimpse of the books in a drawer or something)

gibs me green tiddy milkies naos

To be fair she got blind sided by Chewie and captured and after that they had someone pointing a blaster under her chin.

It wasn't like Chewie couldn't physically subdue her if she tried anything, they did disarm her after her capture. At that point sure she might be harder to kill but if someone shoots up through her chin or a wookie pulls her arms off she's still fucked.

Also the comics set Phasma up as a character that doesn't actually give a fuck about the First Order. She only cares about herself, her power, and her life. The First Order gives her a lot but if selling them out let her see tomorrow she'll do it in a heartbeat if fighting isn't a good option for her.

She's an unused Kyle O'ren design that they didn't even incorporate into the script until the last minute.
They just liked the design.

Apparently this entire movie takes place over the course of 16 hours so, yeah, it's a touch fucking insane to declare love. Had she said "for the people you want to be close to" I'd have accepted the entire fucking thing. Or if D A Y S had passed. But at this point in time it's incredibly forced. Imagine if Han and Leia started lip locking in the first goddamn film.

why shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane? same concept

t. brainlet

why do you think the movie ended with the stable boy on Canto Blight?

because Disney is not done raping the franchise and squeezing every sheckle out of it while pushing SJW aggendas in entertainment to brainwash the next generation while getting rich?

what the fuck does this even mean? fucking listen to yourself

To symbolize that there's still hope?

What about his post dont you understand?

Why doesn't she just shoot the ape with a blaster?
Why didn't pick related just shoot the ape with a blaster? Seems pretty fucking stupid to carry around that shitty thing. Literally like as if a soldier during WW2 would carry an axe instead of a rifle.

one of the writer's here... We couldnt have made it more obvious; she's supposed to be snoke's fucking daughter

>Like seriously, why bring her back just to kill her?
Kill her? I'll bet good money they'll be bringing her shiny as back for Episode IX...

Also, worst SW 'villain' ever? Still literally zero backstory, no reasons given to feel anything about that character other than "it's that commander stormtrooper with a cape and chromed armor".

>playing EAfront 2

You're no better than the people who paid to see this movie.