Are porgs for sexual?

Are porgs for sexual?

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For straight up fucking.

no but the big milker aliens are

Porgs are for eating

What's the difference between a porg and an apple?
I don't cum inside an apple before I eat it.

first you fuck them, then you snap their neck and roast them, they taste better that way

>I don't cum inside an apple before I eat it

tf is wrong with you autists

Why did they feel so out of place in the movie? They didn't even feel like a piece of Star Wars

dude merchandising lmao

look at those pouty mouths BEGGING for cum...

They make a point to establish that they're complete retarded with virtually no sense of self preservation, so yeah they probably fuck constantly to keep their popular up.

Crystal Doggos were way cuter, were they advertised?

Yes. In the deleted scenes Luke shows Rey his porg harem, where he keeps the sexiest specimens he finds.

They're basically feathered Tenga balls when you think about it.

ask Rich Evans

We should flood twitter with porg porn.

WTF I'm a vegan now!

Luke skins them and uses the fur as murkins

meat is murder chewie

are the ones with orange the male or the female ones haha

They all have cloacas.

that's hot

Male. Birbs are brightly colored to attract females.

today they are brightly colored to attract darkly colored human cock

do the porgs even do anything


I wouldn't be surprised if the script was literally
>Chewie sits down to eat a roasted porg and literally the most cliche thing we could possible do happens

Shrek 2 spoofed this 10 years ago

Boil 'em mash 'em stick 'em in a stew


We Pixar now

What happens if they get sand in their eyes?? They are not made for the climate they live in.

Yeah, they're very sweet and loyal to all the colored people and women in the film. Luke tried to handle one in a scene and it nips his finger. He says "I always wanted to play with one but they can detect privelige".

I think that Disney is trying too hard to sell these little merchandise things but they did it in such a bad CGI and they already have the nigger as a comedic relief so they come out bland.

They probably have several layers of eyelids, like many animals.

No. Porgs are for invadin polan.






i-is this real?

holy shit.
the grilled porg is lazy as fuck

Can someone who actually watched the movie add context? Is that porg guiding them?

You mean the cornea? I'm not seeing eyelids on these things.

they got a purdy mouf

Fuck Disney. This is worse then Cocaine Supergirl.

Are porgs made of plastic under all that feathers?

The ship becomes infested with Porgs while it's parked on Luke's planet.

They're not doing anything, other than piss of Chewbacca.

they climb aboard the Falcon without anyone knowing until they've bred so much they have to fly to some guy on Tatooine to get rid of them all.

>audience erupts with laughter

omg im going to buy sooo many porg plushies now :3

>literaly tribbles

>kill me too

>copying Star Trek this shamelessly

That or the lizards from Kotor.

porgs are secretly the origin of the force.

Captcha: Breast Extra

those poor porg, he's eating their friend.
I feel bad for them.

so basically we tribbles now

How are they able to fly?

Disney is based. You're autistic.


>killed, skinned and roasted a porg while the rest of them watched
>suddenly has a change of heart and can't take a bite

the force?

Holy shit, the memes just keep getting better and better. What a trainwreck of a movie.

Remember when he was a big scary dude known to rip off arms of his enemies?

>google Cocaine Supergirl.

Better not eat this animal I killed already. Maybe that will bring it back?

He also decapitated it.

Chewie should have grabbed the live one and eaten it raw

next to worst with ewoks.
why havent we seen a fucking ewok since return of the jedi?

Is it true that the film has heavy-handed PETA messages?


imagine if chewie cracked open a ewok and ate him though, lul


You know he forced that thing into giving him a tit wank

I dont cum into pussy either before I eat it.

There is just so fucking wrong with this. Why is Chewie even cooking those bastards? In Return he was caught in a trap becouse he wanted to eat a piece of raw meat left by evoks as a bait. He should take those bastards live in one bite.

Dude, ewoks were cannibal guerrilla fighters. Porgs make even gungans look passable.


>Giant fucking monster kill one your people and roasts them
>Sit there and stare at him


But just look at how weak, retarded and cute they are, they were DESIGNED for abuse.

The fact I can't help but find this cute sickens me.

There is a reason why you don't see dodos anymore.

kek this guys still making SW porn

this, they clearly don't want to live

Says the nazi.

There's no smut of them on e6 so i guess not




he he,,,,,

delete this

What I would give to kidnap a porg and make his life a living hell. I would force him to dress up in elf and leprechaun outfits and subject him to pure awfulness and humiliation. just terrible degradation and shameful acts. it would be so easy to break his spirit and drive him to suicide, but I wouldn't let him do it. if I could train a dog to rape on command then I would totally do that as well. a really big dog like a mastiff. he would be so completely and utterly powerless to stop it, not to mention terrified. a big ass dog is even scary and life-threatening to a normal human but to a porg? might as well be a dragon. I'd keep him in a cell and what's more is that I would actually place to key inside with him but put it in a high place. not extremely high but just ever so slightly out of reach. it would drive him mad. I would dress him like a baby and force feed him 99 cent store baby food. I'd also pick him up like a child and toss him from one corner to the next. I'd grab him by one leg and swing him as hard and as fast as I could then hurl him to see how far he goes. I'd rent one of those giant inflatable bounce houses and body slam him all day until my arms got tired. I'd hold him down with 1 hand and slowly stick things up his butt just to see him squirm. I would stick him in dryers and turn them on and leave him in there for long periods of time. I'd force him to fight other porgs to the death. just so many things I would do.


low gravity planet

low grav, high soy