>Hey vice admiral do you want to tell us your plan so all of the resistance works as one and no one makes his own shitty plan?
hEAr Me RoAr iM a WoMYn
LeTS dO A SuiCiDE AfTEr mY pLAn wAS FuCkeD uP By a WoRThlESs sIdEPloT
>Hey vice admiral do you want to tell us your plan so all of the resistance works as one and no one makes his own shitty plan?
hEAr Me RoAr iM a WoMYn
LeTS dO A SuiCiDE AfTEr mY pLAn wAS FuCkeD uP By a WoRThlESs sIdEPloT
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nobody had goofy colored hair in the first movies right?
Wasn't almost every human in the OT white?
You're all missing the fucking point of this sub plot
The point is that were this character NOT a woman? Poe never would have fucking questioned anything. If it were a man not explaining shit, he would have trusted him to know what he was doing and none of you would have a problem with it.
But because the character is a woman in higher power than him, Poe of course had to be suspicious of her, and got exactly what he earned when it turned out later she knew what she was doing all along. But if course 'she's at fault, not the insubordinate soldier, because she didn't tell everyone every fucking detail of her plan beforehand.
This made absolutely no sense
>Maybe they didn't want to tell anyone in case a spy was tipping the First Order off to their location
No! If that was the case then this hypothetical spy would still have been a problem once they got in the escape ships. There was literally no reason for her not to tell everyone her plan besides giving Poe something stupid to do the whole movie.
what would have been a reason or a downside to tell Poe the plan she had?
Objections to women in power were never brought up in Star Wars, not even in the OT. Why did the writers need to ruin an escapist fantasy series with politics?
at least in the first film since there wasnt exactly many non white actors in england in the 70's. esb and rotj had along with lando calrissian quite a bit of negro and azn background characters
Because the dismissal of everything a woman does, and "mansplaining" are fucking fantasy. Show me one person of seven character who needs to speak over a woman and show me some shit bag who does that but only to women. Guess what? Some fag acts like a know it all and talks over you? They do it to everyone else.
And women can be bossy like men can.
That's not important. What matters is that he didn't trust her because she's a woman.
I hated TFA, I hated this shit movie, but I liked her character, and she was very heroic. I would literally piss myself in fear to navigate the ship (was it the home one?) into the bad guys. Am I a cuck?
Didn't Carrier Fisher still had scenes to shoot when she died? i guess it made more sense in the script
>Laura Dern you are a coward...and a traitor
>she doesn't even flinch or ask what the fuck is wrong with Poe
>10 minutes later she is BFFs with Leia and they have this weird shot of their hands
You're a girl.
it was because he was a filthy plebian flyboy and she wanted to dom him. it was pretty hot actually.
There's no proof that he would have acted differently were Haldo a man. Christ! He saw someone who was supposed to be in charge doing NOTHING and took matters into his own hands.
No. Everyone was more or less peasant-white looking. Low diversity. No hair dye just difference species.
>Low diversity
wat. literally everyone is different
Not many black/asians/mulattos other than lando
It wasn't like that. When she took over the command she said how great leia is.
I wish it so much. Instead of that I will be a wizard in 3 years.
65% of the movie would have been avoided it was a plothole to start the plot.
I dont care about sjw pandering in movies if its well done.
this was just bad writing
So she’s literally a self insert?
Notice how it's the villains who were diverse in the old movies, while the heroes were all lily white.
Why is it all the beta white cucks are crying now that it's the other way around?
It's time for PoC to see themselves as the heroes. So suck it up.
and Oola. The point is aliens aren't white and they made up 50% of the franchise.
Darth Vader was black when he was evil (James Earl Jones) and white when he turned good again.
Rey, Luke, Leia and Kylo, the main heroes and villains, are still white. Finn, Rose and Poe are basically side characters.
>Poe is the best pilot in the resistance, and one of the most crucial members of it
>even more so because he doesn't have space super powers like half of the characters
>Leia belittles him everytime she can, demoting him when he destroyed one a ship almost by himself, and letting a lot of ground troops evacuate
>also Leia knew space kamizaze was a technique, and instead of telling Poe that so they could sacrifice 1 pilot to take down the ship instead of a big crew and all their bomber sheeps
>the vice admiral doesn't even think he is worth of knowing the evacuation plans and bans him from the bridge
honestly by this point i think the resistance needs to lose, Kylo Ren is the only hope for the galaxy
But rubber aliens = fake diversity. It's still just a bunch of white men getting paid. Some of that money should be funneled into black and brown pockets. It's only fair.
poe trusts in leia and rey
He trusts leia though and his bomber crew. It was because of how haunty she was. Also she didn't look like a fighter or tough and inspiraitonal. She was cold and aloof and thought she was above everyone. He was right. Her actions led to him going hot headed whcih allowed the Empire to ultimately unclock their transports and fuck them up.
It's squarely on her shoulders. She should have simply told people the plan from the get go.
To quote Tyrion.
I don't distrust you because your a woman. I distrust you because your not as smart as you think you are.
fucking this
I asked myself how the literally worthless general hox and emofuck kylo ren could have beaten the republik and resistance until I saw them in action
>he didn't trust her because she's a woman.
Pretty smart for a nigger.
Apparently this is how women want to lead:
>“[Rian is] saying something that’s been a true challenge in feminism. Are we going to lead and be who we are as women in our femininity? Or are we going to dress up in a boy’s clothes to do the boy’s job? I think we’re waking up to what we want feminism to look like.”
Wonderful times we live in
Why does this picture look like she is on SNL
I can't wait for women wearing dresses and tight pants and cute tops into battle.
Except (and it disgusts me that I can recall this) various promotional materials for TFA explained that Poe idolized Princess Leia (as General Organa) since his childhood and he saw her as a hero of the Rebellion and he jumped at the chance to serve under her, so he would have had absolutely no issue with taking a woman's commands whatsoever. He's the character that is the least likely to have any issue with it out of the entire cast.
But then again, why would you expect the writers to remember something like that given everything else about this shitheap of a movie?
>uhm no sweetie, you can't stare with your male gaze
>*Poe flies into a rage of male confusion and starts kicking things*
>guards escort this pig off my bridge!
Jesus Christ I'd rather marathon the Joy Luck Club franchise than endure this reddit nufemale writing
>But because the character is a woman in higher power than him, Poe of course had to be suspicious of her
Genius bait here is a (you)