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>so inclusive that it excludes people

erm sweaty white ppl deserve to be excluded

>I'm sorry sir but this film is too inclusive for you

This movie is a powerful reminder that Drumpf and his racist followers have not won, us brave POCs will take back America from the nazi zionist fascists.


And That's a GOOD Thing.

This is actually journalism. Someone somewhere paid over $120,000 american dollars in tuition over a period of time so that this person could live to the point they would write this terrible of a virtue signaling headline

As a purple haired dress wearing incompetent military officer, this was a gratifying experience. I think I'll see it again sometime soon.

It is actually impressively horrible.

they'll stop writing stuff like this when sales start tanking

The best part is most of these sad fucks don't even get paid properly and work on rolling contracts that make them glorified slaves.

Good, leftists, good, just go on. It went so well during the last elections, for sure it will do well for your new little propaganda. Btw another proof that sjw neo-leftism literally goes hand in hand with neo-liberal consumerism.

As a non white male, I find this new direction in modern media to be disgusting and off putting. Thank God Henry Cavill is still Superman and not fucking Ice Cube.

Then it was liked by exacly 56% of american population? I'm afraid only white people liked it.

FINALLY a movie you can watch.

And that's a GOOD thing.

Are they referring to Finnrey white women? They (all white women) fucking hate Asian females stealing their men.

wtf they didn't even say that they were going to tell me why in the headline #MeToo

Holy shit who wants to bet this is a tranny

If you want to have an amusing conversation, bring up Asian women to a white or hispanic woman and see how they react.

>Star Wars Episode 9 Will Exclude All White Males, and That's a GOOD Thing!

It is


>The only two minorities in the film end up kissing each other
>They think this movie is brave

As a brownie, sticking in a black guy and a fat Vietcong won't make the movie nonshit mousketeers.

An asian is kissing a black guy. Pretty brave given how they rely on chineese market.

It's like Nazi propaganda without having to edit it

Say it ain't so!

that statement is just so hopeless contradictory and it pains me to know that they believe it


>"too inclusive"
>doesn't include a good story

One thing I've learned in life is NEVER listen to the opinions of people who look like that.

I don't want to be the kind of person that notices these things ;(

this a ftm jew?

This, wouldn't be surprised to see walkouts at Chinese theaters.


>Movie starts to have cracks showing
>Less than a day after it premiers, they start blaming people for not watching their shitshow of a film
>They don't blame themselves for the missteps they took in creating this
>No, they blame "The Other Side" and "Racism/Sexism/Every other -ism they can throw on the wall
Fuck them. Make a shit movie and you get shat upon by the fans.

lol that is Joel Rubin

Or just walk in public with your Asian girlfriend and look at the stares from white women.

>Sorry, we spent our money and efforts on (((diversity))) instead of writers
Enjoy your plot armor for even random characters

I love how leftist propaganda is somehow always done in support of the product of these massive corporations.

Think of it. Every leftist clickbait article is shilling for Beyonce, for Star Wars, for Marvel.

Cultural Studies turned leftism into a feature of Neoliberal Capitalism that means to envelop and control its mechanisms in order to 'diversify' markets.

Can't stop laughing at this thread. Every dumb plot point was true. Every stupid rumor, and even several surprises you couldn't have cooked up after a night of smoking crack with Gary Busey. I knew Rian was a madman but fuck.

and China

Western Liberalism and 'Marxism' is just as bad if not worse than western neoconservatism

>dude capitalism is evil lamo

dude are you saying the right isn't in bed with massive corporations?

Oh my fucking God, Pat. How could I forget...

when's the chink screening

holy shit, people need to stop making this a left vs right issue

im leftist as fuck and this movie just plain sucked dick. they ruined the greatest movie hero of all time, FOR NOTHING

Now you're realizing the exact problem

The end-goal pleases absolutely no one

Critics gave the movie a 93% on Rotten Tomatoes.
Nothing to see here, goyim.


Wasn't Wired nominally a magazine about science and technology?

Now it's a ranting anti-white agitprop distributor?

That's a neat trick.

>we are in so deep that Pat is real

When is anime's turn?

Don't forget;

>Gets paid 15.99 per article

>Will spend 1/3rd of their working week on twitter complaining about tuition fees

I'm neither left nor right - or rather I might sometimes share - depending on a situation - certain views of either (I don't have some taboo about either, such political identities are meaningless - 'progressive' and 'reactionary' is a false binary).

But despite really disliking Trump, that doesn't mean I'm remotely going to like or support the left in their current incarnation. If anything I'm something more like a true anticorporatist than any of them, even if I'm not anti-capitalist (but not pro either).

But leftists are absolutely just a feature of what right now might be called neoliberalism but is this ongoing problem set off by certain features of Englightenment (even if other features I'm alright with and understand).

'Spinning' is a neat trick.

beat me too it

Good news.

>Wasn't Wired nominally a magazine about science and technology?
but now EVERYTHING must be about politics


identity politics


The movie is less diverse than the prequels. Those films had tons of different alien races now we just have bunch of different kinds of humans.

>The Last Jedi isn't doing well in sales, and why this is racist / sexist / homophobic

>Racist white males and females don't go to the new star wars movie


you literally can't coincidence your way out of this

This really has become the universal PR button for "oh shit we're underperforming".

What the fuck does it matter if "some people" don't like it or watch it because it's a pozzed piece of shit? Do they want racist viewers that bad? They want the Sup Forums dollar so much they have to write articles about it?

Well of course not, the guilt wouldn't work. Instead this works as an argument for why you, a Good And Progressive Person need to buy two tickets to support this soulless franchise from a megacorporation. To show you're not a nazi. Remember to dismiss all critics of the movie as nazis kids.

This shit is so dumb.

I'm Chinese, and there were groans in the cinema at the scene. One guy said a Hokkien vulgarity that translates to, roughly, "A dog finds things to crawl onto (i.e. to sexually mount)."

>This really has become the universal PR button for "oh shit we're underperforming".

EXACTLY. This is why neoliberalism LIKES leftist identity politics. It gives them a measurable, gameable set of rules to implement in their product to leverage for value, 'social' value supplementing financial value.

And if their cynical, boilerplate, tokenistic shitfilm gets called out for the trash it is, they can safely expect the symbiotically-connected clickbait media to predictably attack and dismiss any criticisms as "racist" or "reactionary" or whatever, since the company did its dutiful part in properly 'representing' the correct array of identity signifiers within the pre-determined narrative constraints.

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

Or the man banging on the closet door yelling "LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME"

The right keeps it's support for corporations low-key. Progs outright moralize corporations.

Memes aside, what kind of person actually cares about this shit? Seriously, do normies actually give a fuck about the racial makeup ratios of their movie casts? Who watches a movie and thinks "wow, lots of people with beige and taupe colored skin, what a great movie!"

Nice collection of buzzwords, user. You call those sentences?

You're the one using the word 'buzzword' as as a meaningless buzzword itself to dismiss a post that simply aimed to describe the matter as aptly as possible.

You have the gall to call that collection of jargon concise? Here's a simpler sentence "Its all lies to make you feel good about buying products in this franchise, despite everything coming from a terrible movie"