Most retarded reasons to not like the movie I’ve seen online:

Most retarded reasons to not like the movie I’ve seen online:
>Hurrrr the bombs can’t fall in space
>Hurrrr there’s no drag in space so light ships aren’t faster than heavier ships
>Hurrrr Le SJWs there are women and black people in the film xD (alt right and anti-SJW people are the fedora wearing neck beards of 2017)
>Hurrrrr force projection is akkkttuuaalllyy a sith power so luke can’t use it
>Hurrrr Rey is a nobody so how can she use the force Jedi are aristocrats
>Hurrrr the Casino wasn’t Star Wars
>Hurrrr Luke would never consider doing something evil. It’s not like the whole point was to make the dark side seem actually threatening

Good reasons to hate the movie:
>Snoke wasn’t explained
>Ship running away was the entire plot
>Jumping around all over the place with no central plot
>Rey and Luke’s training was too fast
>Yoda was dumb
Overall I kind of liked it. Better than TFA which was shit

Other urls found in this thread:

>Hurrrr Le SJWs there are women and black people in the film xD (alt right and anti-SJW people are the fedora wearing neck beards of 2017)

More like every single character fulfills the "diversity" chart while cool characters like Akbar are killed off to make room for the purple haired dyke. And all of the articles detailing how this move is basically a piece of leftist propaganda.

yeah nitpicking is pointless

saying the film does fucking nothing with its story and characters but show off more things there can be toys of however

>this post

This must be bait

>Overall I kind of liked it. Better than TFA which was shit
I agree. I rate it a 6+. It was rewarding in some ways, and it sucked even more than TFA in some others. I fear for ep. IX.

>Hype up one of the most mysterious characters in the new series, same as Darth Vader
>First real appearance
>You're dead lmao

>These twists and turns not only disproved an array of theories (“Rey is a Kenobi!” “Snoke is Mace Windu!” “REY IS SNOKE’S DESCENDANT!”) but were treated so casually that it’s almost like they shouldn’t have been big talking points to begin with.

And the interesting thing is, both Daisy Ridley (Rey) and Johnson had been saying this all along. Ridley admitted in one of many interviews on the subject (in this case to Rolling Stone): “For me this whole thing is not necessarily about where any of us come from. It's about where we’re going.”

On the notion that she was surprised at all the chat about Rey’s parentage, given that she felt the answer was obvious in Episode 7, she added: “After the [Force Awakens] premiere, I was with my agent, my lawyers, my hairdresser who is also my really good friend, and my publicist. And they were all saying stuff [about Rey’s parents] and I was like, ‘Wait, what?’

“I was so confused, because again, as someone who already knew the answer, I was so confused by their questions.”

And Rian Johnson told Entertainment Weekly about Snoke: "Similar to Rey’s parentage, Snoke is here to serve a function in the story. And a story is not a Wikipedia page.”

Even if those explanations weren’t warning enough, and fans did deserve big blockbuster reveals - why can’t Johnson turn everything on its head? Was a major criticism of The Force Awakens not that it played things mostly by the book? Is this kind of shake-up not exactly what was wanted?

I think banking your politics on a huge corporate entity like Disney making films more “diverse” is stupid (because they only do it to make more money) but it’s genuinley a good thing that the new movies have a diverse cast. It’s better that than an all white cast. Sup Forums is retarded

>wow dude do you critisize the movie for making a bad choice story wise, and shoving the previous movie's storytelling up your ass? Well you múst be stupid.

>caring about the casts' races


It’s not a huge deal. I think going “WOW DISNEY IS SO DIVERSE THEYVE ENDED RACISM WITH THIS MOVIE” is dumb because you’re sucking the corporate cock and making way too big of a deal out of pop culture but being mad about the diverse cast is the most retarded thing imagineable. It’s pretty ironic because getting mad about it kind of proves people who really push diversity in movies as a salient political subject correct

it's such a pety thing to get upset about. But the movie is pretty bad overall.

>>Hurrrr Luke would never consider doing something evil. It’s not like the whole point was to make the dark side seem actually threatening
There's a difference between considering it and trying to murder your nephew in his sleep.

Its just fucking weird.

I think the shitty acting was an abomination.

Yes, and he only briefly considered it in a moment of sheer terror and disgust at how far Kylie had fallen.

Yeah I get the impression that he just turned on his lightsaber, felt bad, but then Kylo woke up and thought he was actually gonna kill him.

It just dawned on me a few minutes ago that the cause of the negative reception for this movie may be the fact that there was, really, no lightsaber duel.

Caring about cast race is important because THEY CARED while doing the casting of course. It's a clear intention to have less and less white males, and to depict the few remaining as evil or shitty like that pityful Luke. So pointing at the obvious agenda is not "pety" no, it is though if you think like them of course.

I unironically think this movie is actually good and the people who hate on it the most seem to be normies and redditors who just wanted them to remake empire strikes back

killing snoke was ok, but i wanted to know how he rose to power (probably in an origin movie $$$), he wasn't developed properly.

rey parents being nobodies (unless this is was a lie and her real parents are revealed in the 3rd movie) makes her character development more interesting, since she always knew the truth and stayed waiting for no one.

I don't think like them, i hate the movie. I agree that whites in the movies are getting killed off. I just choose to not moan about it, because I just don't give them my money.

I can’t imagine having the Sup Forums mindset. I don’t get how anybody can look around in our world and think “wow the white males really have it harder than everybody else.” There’s excessive identity politics being cancer and then there’s being a cry baby who thinks women not sleeping with you is White Genocide and how more black people in Star Wars is a deliberate attack on white men

I agree on the Rey part. That her parents not being important makes her more intruiging. I don't agree on the Snoke part. They really hyped up this character and just pissed on the people that wanted to learn more about Snoke. Imagine if they killed Palpatine off in the new hope

Rey’s parents being nobodies was my favorite part of the film. It really let go of the need for every character needing to be related

If leia just used the force to hold herself in statis for, like, half an hour until she was rescued, would people still bitch?

>how anybody can look around in our world and think “wow the white males really have it harder than everybody else.”

Literally no one said this. We stated that white males are portrayed badly, while they flood in people of other ethnicities to play empty heroes.

Casting more and more diversity (and uber women) is clearly de facto casting less and less white males and it is now completely obvious with those disney wars. You're just a liberal like Disney execs. Their intentions are even clearly stated in many articles and interviews. The rest of your bullshit "arguments" is just some more liberal ad hominem.

I don’t think it’s deliberate that the white males are the villains.

They are about diversity just to make more money. It’s not like they have any serious political agenda. I think being mad about there being less white dudes in a movie is a bit sad

It is deliberate, since the films are like that. There is somone who decides to put white males only in the first order and make the rebellion a diversity rainbow. You couldn't be more hypocrite.

Snoke should have just been Palpatine, half dead, or force-possessing somebody. Hux and Sheev hamming it up together would have been fantastic.

There was absolutely nothing wrong with Yoda.

Pretty sure Gareth Edwards confirmed that when he made a point of how diverse the Rogue One cast is.

How would space bacteria hold someone in stasis

It's necessary if they want full credit for the INCLUSIVE DIVERSITY of their rainbow cast of heroes. Any flaw in a nonwhite/nonmale villain being criticized would lose them some of brownie points they earned with the parade of token minorities in the rest of the movie.

People are people, not accounting robots. they care about politics. Filmmakers and studio executives have their own viewpoints that influence their work. It is not just about money.

I was starting to like that 'Snoke is the first Jedi' theory that came up. could have done some interesting things with him and Luke using that

yes it's just a coincidence

I'll miss the IQ points gone from reading this

You didn't have any to lose in the first place.

Don't worry, IQ is just rayciss pseudoscience.

Forgot the most retarded reason of all
>lel i watched the webums and read some spoilers loose retold by a guy who didn't watch the movie either xD

Truth spoken OP.

Although I still think the Force Projection part was dumb af

I wanted to know how the fuck he uses high grade sith powers like Force lightning without having Yellow Sith Eyes

They couldn't afford the contacts.

What is The Last Jedi's timeline?

Force Awakens ended with the resistance ready to evacuate and Rey giving Luke in saber so in Theory it starts straight after

Then as Leia and purple haired lady told us their ship had only 16 hours of fuel and Finn and Rose had to stop Snoke tracking them before time runs out

That plot ran on for at least 2 hours of the runtime

Meanwhile Rey appeared to be on Ahch-To for days but realistcally it would have been a few hours at most, because she was on The Supremacy at the same time as Finn and Rose at the end

Then the rebels + rey + first order go to crait and literally get less than a few prep hours before the battle starts

>makes her character development more interesting
It also makes her the ultimate Mary Sue

Yoda was actually pretty cleverly written since him destroying the tree was just to fuck with Luke and get him off his ass. He knew Rey had already taken the books and thus everything she needed she already possessed. At least I hope that's what they were going for.

Likewise, destroying the Jedi texts doesn't seem too far fetched for Yoda to me. He didn't seem very interested in the prior teachings of the Republic's Jedi order, maybe he wanted Luke to just develop it how he saw fit, not have a repeat of what happened last time. Why is Disney so retarded.

here you go faggot
>Poe takes on entire fleet and Q U I P S Hux to pieces right after the text scroll
>Snoke suprises Hux and Hux slips Three Stooges style (whole theater ERUPTS into laughter)
>antagonists are supposed to be revered yet they are reduced to lauging stocks in the first few minutes (besides Kylo)
>Admiral Holdo was out of place and a huge cunt but also a noble hero?
>Superleia, jesus. fucking. christ. ANY other way to show her force powers would have sufficed
>Phasma comes back real quick to die again? (will be back in 9)
>Artoo and 3-PO doing fuck all again
>the handful of rebels versus an entire fleet is becomming tiresome
>Luke doing the shoulder brush and the theater applauding (I hate people)
>the overall plot of the film being one ship with a 20 hour forcefield
>Maz giving instructions in the middle of a huge gunfight
>Yoda showing up an acting a fool
>the fucking relentless quips, I can't remember many right now but come the fuck on
>the callbacks to Empire and ROTJ wre subtle at first but went too far in the end (join me and together we can ect...)
>Snokes death

Yeah it seems really fucked up since she must have spent at least a full day or two on Achtoo. Luke began her training in the morning and later that night he cockblocked her and Ren from talking and told her to leave. Of course, it's possible that days on Achtoo are just really short. I don't fucking know

stay mad soyboy

>Luke trains with Yoda for what's implied to at least be weeks or months
>Anakin trained with the Jedi Order for years

>Rey "trained" for two days before stealing books because SHE DON'T NEED NO MAN
>Yoda suddenly agreed despite telling Luke to train as many Jedi as he could and pass on his knowledge
>Yoda was also ok with destroying an ancient jedi tree for a prank

The Last Jedi was a mistake

Does anyone else hate that it all feels so small scale? I don't get the same sense that we're watching galactic history unfold as I got from AOTC or ROTS and with people like JJ circlejerking about "muh underdogs on the frontier," I don't feel like we're ever going to see that again.

rogue one

Star Wars always felt like it was about traversing the galaxy and seeing other worlds that look both interesting in design and detail

Last Jedi there's a planet we saw at the end of Force Awakens that's nothing more than a cliffside Irish island, a "casino" planet that only has a casino in one part, whereas the rest is more greenland, and also a "SALT" planet that feels like a "TOTALLY NOT HOTH" planet more than anything

This movie was a retarded mess. I am gobsmacked by how awful it was. They peeled the plot straight from the BSG episode "33".

>all of the articles detailing how this move is basically a piece of leftist propaganda

Stop hanging around Sup Forums you bum

Yeah definitely. But I'm thinking more about the main episodes. Isn't it weird that a spinoff like Rogue One feels much larger scale and with higher stakes than the continuation of the main saga? It just feels weird.

You're right but youre gonna trigger a bunch of soyboy fags. There are so many articles from sites praising this movie due to its liberal tendencies. Im sure they will find a way to dispute this too

How about they choose whoever can act the fucking best?

and JJ will be back to blast it all to hell

i was chuckling at the stupididty of the rebels 'fleeing' from the white supremacy at sublight and its some big stroke of genius that they might be fleeing to the only planet nearby

its not quite as bad as TFA, which feels like it takes place in a single star system

but its still pretty bad, the entire squabble between the order and the resistance feels like some austic squabble two children are having in the back of the classroom

Why do people freak out because there are some people in a movie that are of different ethnicities?

Making a big deal out of this is stupid, especially considering it's a movie made to appeal to the entire planet and not just the white part of usa

Why is no one mentioning the fucking Leia scene coming back from space? That was seriously retarded, they didn't even try to make the plot armor any less obvious.

>caring about the casts' races
>every single bad guy is a fucking white male
>the one black stormtrooper turns out to be a good guy

Nailed it.

Palpatine isn't given any more development or explanation in the OT than Snoke is in the new movies. In fact, having the evil overlord be replaced with the developed villain as the trilogy final boss is an improvement over the OT, from a purely dramatic standpoint.

>It must be Sup Forums!
Or people actually think this way reasonably. Calling people the boogeyman doesn't make them wrong.

They already confirmed it was deliberate.

Because instead of seeing cool, memorable aliens expected of a STAR WARS movie, we get Asian, African, European, Asian, etc.

Didn't help that the director faggot said "HUhr it's ABOUT WHITE SUPREMACISTS!!!!" in his twitter.

All your points are correct. But I'm still impartial to the movie.

>I don’t think it’s deliberate that the white males are the villains.

Literally anti-white and if you don't celebrate diversity you're a nazi.

Remember only white people are racist, and fighting white people means a victory for all the peaceful and superior races on the planet. This is an important story to tell to kids.

Fucking this is why I hated it.

>Ship running away was the entire plot

it was mentioned ad nauseum yesterday as it was one of the first webms to crop up

we have all new ones now so the commentary has moved on to different topics

The only sad thing is that these race traitors won't live to see the destruction they had wrought. They care not for the future of their children or grandchildren.

>get the impression
There's no need for an impression when Luke says this is exactly what happened. There were three versions of that night
>Luke's first BS version
>Kylo's misinterpretation of Luke trying to kill hm
>Luke's second version that actually happened

he's right u faggot

Yeah, but they did a good job with this one because you actually cared about them getting away.

Nah, was rooting for First Order the whole time. Eat shit #Resistance

>he watched this trainwreck
Do you regret losing your money?

>The only way he knows how to criticise a film is to look for "plot inconsistencies"
It's like an entire generation of soyboy malcontents were raised on CinemaSins and Nostalgia Critic and treat it as a bastion of film criticism. Just embarrassing.

The Last Jedi is pedestrian, it is fan fiction, it lacks any feeling, it is a cold marketing ploy, it is disgustingly slick and shiny to appeal to the lowest common denominator, the equivalent of an apple product for bugmen. There is no depth to any of it.

What made the original good is it tapped into actual problems at the time (Boomers were about to ruin shit and people could sense it). The fans tapped into that feeling in the conflict between Vader and Luke.

NOW we have those TRYING TO RUIN SHIT are the liberal "fans" ruining the movie, too. Basically they're the neo-Boomers fucking everything up again.

Nope, watched a live stream. I paid to see TFA, didn't want to make that mistake again.

Good man.

no you dipshits he walked all the way to his room at night and almost did it. I assume he was going crazy for like 10 straight minutes. He was in his room thinking about it too probably.

he was prsumabely slowly going crazy over time to get to this point. Why? Luke is strong willed and a good person. He is a new hope. Fuck this movie and fuck both of you you fucking fags

>He is a new hope
>new hope
>hope, Hope, hope, Hope, hope...
If I took a shot every time they said hope in this film I'd be dead from alcohol poisoning. Seriously I thought hope was Rogue One's theme. Are they going to continue shoving this word into every conversation in IX?

races shouldn't matter, but they do
also, people worry that sub-par actors are picked, not because of skill but because "it's the best [race] we've got to choose"
if race truly didn't matter, they'd pick the best actors. Having one-of-each is pretty obvious bullshittery, though

That would've been a different story, since the point of Palpatine wasn't that he was just more of the same in the cycle of sith and jedi that keeps going on and on, and when he was killed, he wasn't killed by a character whose main drive is destroying all perception of both ideologies and burning away the past forever. In the case of Snoke and Kylo what IX does will determine whether or not TLJ did good by having Snoke represent what he did.

He also got far less screen time so wasn't a story issue.

You unironically have shit taste and wouldn't know star wars from your ass if Vader face fucked you.

I don't get it either. Hopey Changey is so last decade, and rebellions are built on desperation rather than hope anyway.

>First order doesn't jump a few SD in front of the fleeing resistance.

>Luke left a map so people could find him. But if you find him, you can fuck right off.

> SD didn't attack the fleet at the start when the bombers were attacking their dreadnought.

>Massive cannon has to be used up close.

>Blerk salt! (Totally not Hoth guys)

To base your entire life around 3rd party articles that are strategically designed to cause internet shitfests and drama for clicks is really pathetic.

Snoke was such a waste. He really did show how strong he was in the force in his scenes. The only thing he couldn't prevent was his own death. If they really wanted him killed off they should have at least done it better, but I guess they wanted an "Emperor-style" death.

>those digits