How many fucking kids does Jim Lee have by now?

How many fucking kids does Jim Lee have by now?

>Kaitlin as CREATIVE, CLEVER and EMPATHIC. CRUEL as my funny, bonus word :) If you spent any time with her, you would laughingly, joyfully agree. Or not, at your peril.

>Brittany is STYLISH, UNORTHODOX and KAWAII. おもしろい is my bonus word for her as she is difficult to translate but not intentionally so. Equally funny, you won't know if she's laughing with you or at herself.

>Our large blended family of 9 has always been a boisterous, fun loving group, and this adoption just formalizes and makes legal the tight knit bonds we all have shared since the moment when we became a family 8 years ago. I want to thank my incredible wife Carla and the other 7 amazing kids—Tyler, Kelsey, Siena, Lucas, Mason, River and Jackson—for their continued love and support and optimism that one day, they will all have a bedroom in the house to call their own. They are my everything.

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DChads at it again with the good lives

Wasn't Jim Lee adopted? Or am I thinking of someone else?

>they will all have a bedroom in the house to call their own
Yeah, his bedroom. I see the ulterior motive here.

Wait, Asian man adopting white kids?
Is it opposite day?

Kinda surprised that he can afford raising seven kids. Good for Jim. Wife is hot too.

Made stupid amounts of money in the 90's and probably didn't do stupid shit with it.

found this as well
and it is nine kids

>Made stupid amounts of money in the 90's and probably didn't do stupid shit with it.

Yeah, he was hot as shit. Might have made a cut on the X-Men animated TV show as well, since they used his designs. I'm not entirely sure.

But if he invested the money he made in the '90s well, he is most likely very well off. You could easily transition into real estate with that kind of money. Rent out property to businesses, set for life.

He's been the Co-Publisher or some such of DC goddamn Comics for close to ten years now. He was one of the few names that actually brought triple figure sales to whatever he chose to draw before that, plus being the head of Wildstorm under and before the DC acquisition. X-Men money before that.

but still, nine kids going to college amount of money?!

he's Jim Lee, it's not like he's ever going to be outta work, Marvel is so thirsty for him to come back they releasing more old X-Men art for the variant covers in July.

Why did Marvel let him go then?

he left to create Image.

Also, Hush, ASBAR, For Tomorrow and Justice League still sell like hotcakes
He gets a very small percent of each sold trade, but those numbers add up

this almost everything he's done never goes out of print
half his stories have an absolute edition

On top of that, I believe his title is "publisher" at dc. The man is a goddamn earner.

They didn't want to lose him. I can't remember where I read it, maybe Comics Journal's recap of Image's history or Marvel the Untold Story, but Marvel were willing to lose McFarlane and Liefeld because they were troublemakers, but felt Jim Lee was too valuable to them. Bob Harras chose to keep Jim Lee over Chris Claremont, for example.

But then someone at Marvel made the mistake of only paying Jim Lee the fare to fly out to a signing and not pay fare for his wife (first wife IIRC) and kids to fly out as well. Then Todd McFarlane and Rob Liefeld were coercing Jim to leave with them. Lee knew he was making a lot for Marvel and knew what he was worth, and so he left to help form Image.

>but still, nine kids going to college amount of money?!

-He made a lot of money on X-Men. This is what the Marvel wiki says for the 1991 X-Men #1 which he drew:
>According to Guinness World Records, this issue is still the best-selling comic book of all-time, with sales of over 8.1 million copies.
-He made a lot of money on Wildcats.
>The Wildcats comics, launched at the apex of a speculator-fuelled comics sales boom, was wildly popular at its inception, with wholesale sales to comic book stores above one million copies for early issues.
-He sold WIldstorm to DC and got a pretty good position in the company.
-His name and art still sells books. Look up the monthly sales on Comichron for this stuff he worked on: Batman Hush, Superman For Tomorrow, All Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder, New 52 Justice League, Superman Unchained.

Would you, Sup Forums?

>raising kids that arent his

none, he has none

Richest Comic Book Creators

>Jim Lee
>Rob Liefeld
>Todd McFarland
>Frank Millar
>Mark Millar

top 3 are creators of Image, that really paid off huge for them.

Article from 2014:

>Mark Millar
There's no justice in this world

do you think millar would be higher now
everything he does gets picked up

>everything he does gets picked up

Yes but how many of them get made? Wanted, Kick-Ass, Kick-Ass 2, Kingsman, and...

second kingsman movie
probably got a nice penny for logan
jupiter's legacy

>probably got a nice penny for logan
Shit, I forgot about that even though that movie was nothing like Millar's comic. Also: Civil War.

>jupiter's legacy

Yeah but are they making those? I mean he announced there would be a Superior movie and a Nemesis movie but those are yet to have anything happening.

empress had Anne Hathaway posting about it so that could happen

>probably got a nice penny for logan
Doubt it. Marvel aren't like DC. Starlin said he got more money for KGBEast came in BvS than everything he got from Marvel so far added up. Priest got money for a 4-5 second scene in Batman begins, Wein made more money from Lucius Fox appearing in the Nolan trilogy than all the Wolverine movies...

the one in the middle is a top-tier semen demon

he's basically expanding his personal sexual livestock

What a man

Wait, you can just adopt hot ass bitches? Somebody is going to be calling me poppa real soon.

>yfw you will never make a harem made out of your own adopted "daughters" and make money making comic books
Guy is living the fucking dream.

As if you have the money.

>Priest got money for a 4-5 second scene in Batman begins
I forgot about that, what scene was it again?

>don't talk to me or my wife's daughter ever again

Why doesn't jim lee adopt me too ;-;. I too am KIND, GENEROUS and KAWAII AF

His own daughter is more KAWAII

Fuck it's almost like a harem anime
There's even a token loli

kawaii is a japanese word
Jim Lee is korean
you racist culture appropriating FUCK!


Calm down, fag.
They're all slopeheads anyway.

>shorter than me and still gets all the bitches

I almost didn't see him down there.

The only thing raising is his penis.

Nice reply, nerd.

Sorry, this was for


>be Ale Garza
>work for Jim Lee
>he steals your wife from you

Everything looking good for Jim Lee
Except his WW which always seems too short.


>ywn be qt3.14 adopted by one of comic industry's most successful artists and spend all day lazing around reading complimentary comics and possibly debating with the writers

why even LIVE

>he says in a Sup Forums board

what the fuck is Gadot wearing? Is she trying to gun for the Stilt Man role?


>Jim's face when none of his legion of kids give a shit about superheroes or their dad working for DC and would rather just read manga, since it's way cooler than western geek comics

>How many wives am I allowed to have here?
Uh... one.
>One!? Fuck. Wait, how many women can I adopt?
Well, there's not exactly a solid number on that, per se...
>Right, put me down for a few of those instead then.

who´s the brunette next to nicola

patty jenkins, director of wonder woman

>ywn date one of Jim Lees daughters and hang out with him and talk about comics

>Hey user, you wanna come over for dinner? Jim invited some of his friends from work too... a Mr. Morrison and Mr. Johns.
>S-Sure, Mrs. Lee

Isn't he like one of the top guys at DC?
He has to be making pretty good money

>literally adopting the children of your wife and another man
>Chad tier

How many kids do you have?

>real man tier

>Ale Graza to Jim Lee
talk about a trade up.
