Tfw you're the best character in Soy Wars

tfw you're the best character in Soy Wars

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He is actually a really good actor tbqh.

There's no denying it.
The man had to simulate attraction to Lena Dunham for multiple seasons of television . Truly the DDL of our generation


He’s an annoying character and immensely more interesting with the mask on.

He’s nothing more than an amplified version of Adam Driver’s character in girls; the yelling, spastic movements and whispered anger. He’s like an emo Leonardo Dicaprio in that his idea of “acting” is teenaged-esque yelling.

You only like him because he’s tall and appeals to your shallow consumption of media which is measured by masculinity, evident by your usage of the word “soy”.

Haven't seen the film, but I'm pretty sure that's C3PO

Damn, that's pretty fucking inspiring.


Beep boo boo bop

He's the only character with any form of development. Prove me wrong.

That isn't Poe Dameron or Del Toro Hacker.

Granted his acting was great and TFA set him up with a ton of potential, but of course Rian Johnson completely squandered the character like he did with the rest of the cast.

Also this
>immensely more interesting with the mask on.

They should've kept the mask, giving him a fair balance of masked and unmasked scenes. Would've greated more mystery and tension behind the character.

You are 100% correct.

hmm... good point.

I can't, you are right.

>implying he didn't enjoy it


One of the few.
Even then, his development was still shit. Luke attempting to kill him isn't enough to justify all of his actions or his turn to the dark side, or him being compelled to kill Han. Felt incredibly weak.

>Ep IV: Luke drinks blue milk
>Ep VIII: Luke drinks green milk
I'll take my payment in bitcoin, thank yee very much

flat is justice


wtf i love daisy now

when the bad guy in a traditionally structured comedy is the only character with any sort of development, there's a serious problem with your movie's writing
Kika Rose is hotter

What I just watch.

ill have you know that "emo DiCaprio" is a former US Marine , so you better put some goddamned respek on his name or I'll force project to your house and stick my boot up your ass!


That's true acting, agreed.
See also: Heat Legend winning an Oscar for calling Maggie Gyllenhaal beautiful.

>Kike Rose
What did they mean by this?

a, mate, a

a leak of Episode 9 force skype

when Star Wars 7 was announced with him in the leading role, I thought this was a terrible casting decision
I later realized he deserves this role more than anyone active at the moment because he had to persist through many seasons of Girls as Lena Dunham's love interest
This man exemplifies human fortitude and deserves some sort of compensation for this feat

really brave of them to bring jabba back

A true hero

>survives Marine boot camp
>gets discharged before deployment
>buddies go to war without him
>stays home and fucks Lena Dunham

Somehow I feel like Adam still got the short end of the stick here

/fit/ can only dream of this frame. Wide guy.

>Heat Legend

wtf i love adam driver now

Will Kylo and Rey fuck in episode 9?

he looked fucking swole in that topless scene in tlj.