Will this be the 'pleb-filter' Star Wars in a year...

Will this be the 'pleb-filter' Star Wars in a year? People seem triggered over minor shit and are ignoring the creative risks of the movie. I've seen anons claiming TFA is better, what do they mean by this?

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The movie was a fucking dumpster fire. I can only assume that you're a paid shill, or you haven't seen the film. It's awful.

>inb4 people hated Empire when it came out
This ain't no Empire.

Yeap this movie is absolute trash tier. It will go down as the worst main star wars movie by a long shot. I think as time goes on people will hate it more and more. And they already fucking hate it.

The last star wars movie I've seen was Revenge of the sith. I knew these would be shit and I'm waiting for all three of these pieces of shit to be released so I can marathon them in one sitting at a time of my choosing.

Both movies are shit. Off yourself.

It will be the movie Sup Forums says is kino because it sucks.

I'm not sure if I hate quippy nu garbage or dumb puns and prequel slapstick more.

The prequels were the pleb filter. Plebs love the squeals, all the long time Star Wars fans who've seen this are rating it low, when the plebs see it, expect the rating to go up.

If you want creative risks you had better liked the PT

It's clear that most people here haven't seen the full film since they're all claiming that Luke tried to kill young Kylo

It's hilariously bad, and not bravely creative at all.

People keep saying it took creative risks. What are they talking about? Killing luke? That isn't creative that's just killing a person it didn't do anything edgy and it had the weakest overall plot above all

Name one creative risk in the PT

PT looks great compared to TLJ

Luke drinking milk out of the tits of a giant sloth was quite risky. On the level of Lucas being one of the first movie producers to make fully computer generated worlds and scenery.

I mean. He did try


It's already the worst rated. I'm a long-time Star Wars fan, and this movie made me not give a shit about Star Wars anymore. I'm done.

>inb4 "Okay, see you at the Episode IX premiere!"
No, you will not. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Star Wars needed to die a long, long time ago.

Movie is REALLY bad and i´m not even a SW fan. I can only feel bad for real fans. They got their franchise butchered as GW did to me with WHFantasy

He did though. He broke into his room in the middle of the night. Took out his weapon and ignited it. He hesitated and in that moment Kylo woke up and understably tried to defend himself.

If this was real life and you woke up the find your uncle with a knife to your throat you better believe he’s going to jail. Wether he pussied out or not.

>numale tweet reviews
>meaning anything
thanks Sup Forums

It doesn’t even have lightsaber fights. It has a saber vs vibrosword fight which was good. And thats it.

Jesus. Please reread that post, and then go outside. Stop taking all this so seriously. You have got to be 18.

>what you're critical about a milked movie trilogy? what are you, gay?

make an attempt or effort to do something.
"he tried to regain his breath"
synonyms: attempt, endeavour, make an effort, exert oneself, seek, strive, struggle, do one's best, do one's utmost, do all one can; More
subject (someone) to trial.
"he was arrested and tried for the murder"
an effort to accomplish something; an attempt.
"he got his membership card on his third try"

People are not triggered by anything. Story is hit and miss, direction and editing is objectively atrocious. It's a very average movie, and not in a good way zero and the only thing it has going for are a few performances and the fact that it's Star Wars.

Rouge one is worth a watch.

>worst main star wars movie by a longshot
>forgetting that AotC still exists
you have to go out of your way to be worse than ep 2

Hello mouse defense force.

Light Saber Fighters? It has less than Star Wars IV

Bro took out his pew pew sword. That itself shows he tried to kill him.


Jar Jar. The romance sub-plot. Younglings. World-building.

I hate sand...

Star wars is already pretty pleb, don't pretend you're above it.

You think Sup Forums actually wanted an original film? lol they wanted super hero perfect Luke and absolutely no risks taken. Remember user Sup Forums is full of brainlets who like to pretend they're smart.

>pleb-filter' Star Wars

Yes, let's be contrarian and find a way to pretend soulless nostalgia cashins have redeeming quality. Capekino amirite

What creative risk misguided shill? Story creators c/p Empire Strikes Back and The Return of the Jedi and inserted convoluted crap in between.

Aren't you the contrarian here?

Let's say I intend to kill you. I get my gun out and load it but then I change my mind. Did I TRY to kill you?

Please name story beats taken from either movie in TLJ. The film had issues but it isn't derivative at least.

TLJ was absolutely a pleb filter. if you want proof look at the normie's confusion and lack of understanding

Like does kylo kills snoke

I liked the part at the end where
They find a way out of the bunker and the wise old woman leader, whose turn it was to be in charge, says to the orange, arrogant hot-shot man
"It's your turn to lead them". Very graceful and very succinct. Bravo Rian. Bravo Kennedy.

Who says that Liberals have no grace?

This. Its good. It's almost not a SW film, which is good because SW Stories are their own thing. That final scene was amazing. Better than both new episodes.

>Star Wars movie
>it's good because it's not really a star wars movie! :)

>Eat chicken
>Tastes like shit, not like chicken at all
>It tastes good because it doesn't taste like chicken! :)

Everything about the prequels is a creative risk.

Do people really like this garbage? From an honest to god unbiased perspective it was literally the same trick over and over and over again the Empire kept falling for, every woman was somehow extremely important and unkillable until they tried or successfully committed suicide, a female nobody who thought the force was "lifting big rocks" and barely had any training is all of a sudden more powerful than a trained former Jedi Kylo Ren, and the entire movie was filled to the brim with smug jokes and cameos.

Then some star wars fan told me I needed to understand how manipulation works and that I can't understand how emotional the Empire is without watching several other new sequels.

By the end of the movie everybody deserved to die. A super powerful leader and empire gets chance after chance after chance to blow them up and just WON'T DO IT.

What the fuck man, what am I not understanding? No great movie or series requires prequels or sequels to be good and this movie had blatantly no content in it maybe that's why there are so many.
I won't bash the originals but the new ones must be trash.

Everyone says the movie had a shit plot but I don't see any glaring holes. Most of the complaints are people completely missing the point.

Yup full of risks.

Plot holes as features. Bombers dropping bombs in space using space gravity I guess. Hux unable to have a ship jump ahead. Finn and margret cho escaping to casino planet no issue, other people murdered.

Sub plots with literally no bearing on the rest of the story. The only action that mattered for the chase was manic pixie dream admiral jumping into the ship.

luke just deciding to die because he was tired. Snoke doing literally nothing.

It wasn’t even good enough to call a dumpster fire.

I just got up. It was 63 when i went to sleep last night. Eat shit disney. and you ear shit too redditfag

>Did I TRY to kill you
Yes. What do you not understand? Just because you decided against it does not mean you didnt try.

literally a rip off of two other movies.

Rogue One is terrible. the protagonist is passive, the daddy issues thing is the same as Rey, the action scenes are horribly edited. it's dark and dull looking. only the two asians are interesting.

I've seen a lot of people complain about what they did to Luke and a lot of people complain about how they did what they did to Luke.

I think most people would have been fine with him being a failure as long as they didn't completely unravel his character from the OT at the same time.

They could fix it all with one line too, just have Snoke whisper "kill him" into Luke's ear when he's standing over his bed.

All the milking and hating the jedi and getting fucked up by rey could be stomached if you just removed the intent to kill a fucking blood relative over a bad feeling.

It was shit. Not even a star wars movie.

Yeah, when in TLJ did the Jedi protagonist ever spend some time on an isolated planet with the previous Jedi master not long before that master becomes one with the force? Can't think of a single scene that matches.
What about the time in TLJ when the Sith apprentice ends up helping the Jedi protagonist kill the Sith Emperor? I can't think of that ever happening either!
Can't even think of when the Jedi protagonist and the Sith apprentice ever discussed who would turn from the dark side or the light side. Gee, crazy, huh?
Is there a scene in Return of the Jedi when a small part of the resistance is captured and held at gunpoint by the Empire when that part of the resistance is attempting to shut down some major Empire machinery that would allow the Rebel Fleet, specifically, to commit to a plan of action? Hmm... NOPE.
Oh wait, now that I think about it...

>creative risks
It's like... every day cucks create some new defence trick.

Dont tell me the point of the movie was "star wars is shit". Deconstruction-ism isn't something Rian is big on, in fact he decried it in looper.

Yes, stupid normies not being able to understand Leia flying through space after getting hit by a missle.

Also the bold risk of showing the greatest Jedi power- sweeping.

>Yeah, when in TLJ did the Jedi protagonist ever spend some time on an isolated planet with the previous Jedi master not long before that master becomes one with the force? Can't think of a single scene that matches.
imagine being this autistic

>Be Admiral Akbar

>role replaced by purple bea Arthur
>bold creative risks

The point of the movie was "let the past die", it was clearly a passing of the torch to the next generation.

>Kylo finally accepts he wont be Vader, kills Snoke and wants to make his own order
>Luke lets go of his failures, helps the Resistance escape so they can be the ones that save the day instead of everyone banking on him being the legendary "hero"
>Both Sith and Jedi orders completely destroyed, now its up to Kylo and Rey what they want to do with their lives

How is that autism, faggot?

>muh creative risks
nice buzzwords to describe shit writing

Wtf you talkin about, weeb retard

>Sith Emperor
brainlet detected

Look, don't compare it with the other trilogy movies. Just by new trilogy standards, it's shit. It fucked everything that was established or hinted on in episode VII
I mean, even normies saw that!

Bea Arthur is already canon you fucker


porgs had like 20 seconds of screentime mate

Please explain how he was able to out-force Rey when Kylo was unable to out-force her. Or are you suggesting he wasn't emperor?

See what he means about everyone’s complaints being about really small, nitpicky shit?

No he didn’t.

I said purple Bea Arthur.

Very different character she’s a strong independent woman who don’t need to say “we are going to a base”

>Leia flying through space after getting hit by a missle
I fucking hated that scene. I hate deus ex's

He's not a sith, nigger. The sith are an ancient order and Snoke is just a dark-side user. You are not qualified to talk star wars if you don't understand this.

Kylo was shot in the gut by a powerful bowrifle and fought two people. How are have you still not got this.

The entire thing is a creative risk. At no point was George even considering rehashing designs/plots, besides thematic echoes.

The whole Kylo-Rey-Snoke dialogue is lifted from ROTJ. Dialogue between Rey-Kylo is lifted from the elevator transport in ROTJ between Vader and Luke. Baddie killing some mentor is straight out of ROTJ.

The whole force training scenario ("Oooh, I sense a dark side from this particular area", bullshit) is lifted from ESB. Yoda being a trollish bitch to Luke. Carbon copy of the Hoth invasion.

Your shilling is pathetic.

>I'm a long-time Star Wars fan, and this movie made me not give a shit about Star Wars anymore. I'm done.

Fucking love the self-importance or sperging fanboys when they say shit like this. Firstly, no one cares. Secondly, good. Being an adult who spends a disproportionate amount of time and energy on a fandom is pathetic.

>A creepy scene of Luke drinking fro the tits of a monster
>literally all Luke does for the first half of the movie

Why the fuck didn't Hux just jump into hyperspace forward to ram the rebellion to pieces? If what Holdo did was possible, why would it be impossible to do the other way?

>reddit spacing
I'm pathetic?

Are porgs actually a meme with normies like Sup Forums predicted?

And no that pic of the bluehaired tranny with all of the porg dolls isn't a valid source.

There's a scene specifically in the TLJ to show that they are dead-equal in force ability. Until you've seen it, you can shut the fuck up.

>The whole Kylo-Rey-Snoke dialogue is lifted from ROTJ
No it's not. None of the dialogue is "lifted" but the themes are the same because it's supposed to rhyme. Because it's pottery, as George intended.

Let me guess -- The Last Jedi is your first Star Wars movie?

I have seen it. you still not getting why Kylo was weaker than Rey in TFA just shows how fucking retarded you are.

Meanwhile SJWs are writing about how it's a triumph over white males...

>George intended.
Ok, you are trolling, carry on

Not him, but I think it’s saying “hey I am the target audience looking to love even a so-so movie and I don’t want to see the sequel, imagine how casual fans will react.”

This was sold out a month ago. The people complaining are big fans who wanted to love it, imagine how bad it’ll be when families go to the movies and hate it.

Name one (1) place where Snoke was called a sith.

>he doesn't know about George's poetry
lmao get the fuck out of here.


I know everyone could care less about my opinion, but the entire time while watching this flick I was cutting scenes and moments out that would have made it a relatively decent film. Every porg scene, every quip (god the fucking prank call), SuperLeia, Rose’s character as a whole and the casino subplot, and all the extra shit on Luke’s island (milkies and the caretakers). This could have been an excellent hour and a half long movie and I would have loved it.

>bad feeling
It's pretty well established that jedi visions and such are to be taken seriously.

No you haven't, you piece of shit. Otherwise you would remember the fucking lightsaber scene where Kylo and Rey tear a lightsaber apart because neither of them can force-pull it from the other successfully.
Meanwhile, Snoke just makes fun of Rey when she tries to force-pull it from him.

Those "thematic echoes" were rehashes though

Anyone defending this shitshow is pathetic, unless you are getting paid which is understandable.