ITT: shows where white men are still protagonists
ITT: shows where white men are still protagonists
C-can I join you guys? I hunt monsters too
Only if you dont start shit again
But that show has been off the air for over a decade, it doesn't count.
what if it's only been less than half a decade?
Is this an undercover Amy thread?
The Originals
Person of Interest
Grimm >>> the teen brothers
>the teen brothers
what show is this
happy coincidence. delete the tarantella one though. it kills my dick
2 out of 3?
that's a yellow man
>Not wanting Amy to vomit her spider juice inside you so you can die happy knowing you got the next closest thing to fugging her. You get to be a part of her as she eats you.
Absolute faggotry
>not wanting to be her sex plaything as a goddess instead like Spike was
>not proving yourself a true man worthy of a pure kiss after initially coming across as nothing but a playboy wishing to score just like Dean was
Absolute faggotry
But user... Those are the other 2 out of 3 perfect Amy fates. Who said I didn't want them?
Every show not starring a Wayans.
why settle for a poor third then
Silly user... If by any miracle, you got a choice, sure. But in this game, what you get is what you get. I'd settle for any Amy fate if given even the smallest chance.
delete these
I love it when amyposting takes over completely unrelated threads
Surely this isn't still on TV?
Shouldn't have had a second season.
Winchesters always WIN
Grimm was effects kino tho
>Aside from the usual uptick for “Thursday Night Football,” just one other show had its ratings change from Thursday’s early numbers to the finals. That one was “Supernatural,”...
kek stay mad, Supernatural is still GAINING viewers 13 seasons in
>Winchesters always WIN
>bigger weapon
>well played pun
KEK you can't make this shit up
dude give it up, the Grimm user admitted last thread he was only baiting Supernatural bros so he could get replies to this thread and get us to watch his shows otherwise his thread would die less than 10 posts in just like 95% of Grimm threads
And for what little budget they had, Supernatural made it work. Even so, they had better effects in the latter seasons
did you mean in the earlier seasons?
nope. latter seasons
>true form Hell hounds
>the submarine episode
>better demon/smoke/darkness wisp CGI
>combined angelic smiting
>rowena's scrying spell
>angels expelled from heaven
a lot of wesen are downright laughable user. even the "intimidating" ones look iffy
blah blah blah
>show with white male protagonists
>feminists love it
really gets the noggin joggin
did you not hear about tumblr™-approved geek lesbian self-insert getting killed in the "shower" by a nazi supporter? feminists left the show after that
Are you kidding? Supernatural is probably tumblr's favorite show of all time and the Felicia Day character arc didn't change that.
Tumblr feminists will never, ever leave this show
what is all this Grimm talk recently? is it good?