It was a different time

it was a different time

fuck this gay earth

Why are they so pale? Whats wrong with their skin?

Chewie is fucking based.

Why didn’t chewie get a fucking medal?

Back when America was white.

Star Wars (1977) is literally a perfect movie. The only weak point is the space battle in the end.

they are wh*Te

w2c luke's jacket

It sure seemed white. The thing is just blacks and other races getting in your face on the internet now since the iphone and social media exist. Those two things are the biggest problem, more than anything else.

>didn't give chewie a medal
What the FUCK was their problem?

Why is there only one apelike creature in this?

Remember when the biggest complaint about this stuff was "where's Chewie's medal"?

Holy fuckin shit, if Mark Hamill was a little bit tall he would be a supreme chad.

are these the messengers of the gods whom have come to bring us out of despair?

He did, he ate it.

Whiteoids have melanin deficiency

no colored allowed

It was a different era

George has like three explanations for this. A microcosm of the man

... TO THIS?


but he turns evil, the message still is "white woman, avoid white male"

Enki did nothing wrong.

1970s hamill was prime

Luke's best outfit
>only wears it once, ever

If only he mewed

It was already commercial shit

You're just starting to realize it

>star wars 1977: 90%+
>america 1977: 90%+ white

>star wars 2017: 56%
>america 2017 : 56% white

They were 80% back then. Almost white.

You ever try to tie something around a wookie's neck. He killed the first guy then they just decided to mail it.

she should have fucked obi wan then

>white woman

There's something different, can't quite put my finger on it...

Congrats on accomplishing nothing

I unironically believe the battle is improved in the 97 edition. Probably the only good use of adding CG to the OT, and there’s still plenty of scenes using the original models, it’s mostly just for the beginning.

yes no niggers

According to the comics, he didnt take it out of pride. Then Solo convinced him to take it and he got it in a small award ceremony the day after. Leia had to stand on a table to put the medal on him.

damn, that must've been horrible for them
I'm glad we're 56% today

If you're a coastal city-slicker.

>poltards ignore how cultural Marxism and post modernism are ruining society and focus on the actors skin color
Not that I come here for intelligent debates but Jesus you're dumb.

>don't like TLJ?
>well then all the Star Wars movies are shit
This is what shills are resorting to doing. They tried this with Ghostbusters as well.

Death Star attack is my favourite part of any movie, ever.
>Stay on target
>I'm on the leader
>The force is strong in this one
>Use the force, Luke
>Great shot, kid, that was one in a million!
The way the music crescendos is PERFECT.

This looks so fucking dumb.

don't get me wrong I love those lines too. But you can't really follow the action on the air. It is the same flaw with Top Gun if you ask me.

Most of those extras are based Brits.

>Not that I come here for intelligent debates but Jesus you're dumb.

Chewie had the steadier aim, why no medal?

tfw it won't be long until they digitally alter a new hope and make half the people in the pic black

>Places with lower education and living standards vote trump
color me shocked

A lot of those are cardboard cutouts
Mainly the rows at the back if I remember correctly

just got back from seeing this, ask me anything

a good time

I KEK'd.

>you can never wear boots like that in real life without looking like a faggot

... i mean, the new one.

There's a lot of jobs that require you to wear galoshes but none of them are fit for a soyboy faggot like you except maybe gay porn star

fuck. I know that feel user

Overbearingly wh*te.

The editing alone makes it one of the greatest films ever made. ANH has perfect storytelling and pacing.

If you look like a faggot everything looks like shit on you

>my gender studies degree makes me smart lmao

Why did I laugh at this.

>star wars would be perfect if it wasnt for the star war part

>My lack of any form of education makes me smart.

I thought this was shot in England?

The BBC told me Britain has always been an African Islamic caliphate.

Where did they import these pale savages from? Ireland?

A wonderful scene with no filthy minorities.

Indoctrination v Education.

Either way, you consume too much Soy.

rural and suburban retards voted for trump. Educated city people voted Clinton.

Why are all the cities crime infested shitholes?

>Education is indoctrination
Imagine being this upset you are to stupid to attend ANY university.

if I lived in burgerland I wouldn't go to school either, here in yurop we have free education you see and don't have to go to 100k debt

Muslims were too busy culturally enriching the population back then to be in movies.

>Being a yuropoor.
fucking lol

Wow, all that education and you're still illiterate.

Crime is just about at its lowest level ever (both in America and worldwide)
You only think otherwise because you weren't alive to remember the 80s and 90s


nice try.


I get free education and state pays my rent and neeting indefinitely, stay jelly lmao

Many bothans died trying to hang a medal around his neck.

>tfw country will soon stop being in yurop
>tfw we have the highest average tuition fees of any nation
f-fuck you continentals

>Is proud of being a NEET
This is why the White Man has lost the world

Why isn't Luke wearing a Jedi Robe™?

Shot on film.

The new ones are shot on film, too. TLJ was even shot on glorious 70mm. Prolly the only undeniably good thing about them.

He's not The Last Jedi© by Rian Soyboi

Honestly if Obi-wan had originally been an old black sage, i would have been perfectly okay with it.

why work if you don't have to? I didn't create the system, better enjoy it before it collapses when niggers are majority

It's so fucking hilarious. What you basement dwellers don't understand is that your time is over. Racists and bigots have no place in starwars. You need to get over yourselves, right fucking now. The new movies and characters are more diverse, more vibrant, better acted and better written. This is OUR series now.

I went with my partner and my son. My son loved Rei since the first movie and naturally didn't like Luke. Don't ask me why, or maybe do. Because I think I know why. He could tell (even though he's only 7) that Luke was a relic of a bygone era of chauvinism and sardonic hatred towards anyone not white and male. The actor might not be that bad, but the character is undeniably toxic. Actually, scratch that. The actor is a fucking grade A ASSHOLE. Look at that video, listen as he does his very best to scupper disney's efforts before they even leave the gate. Fuck him, and fuck you. This is OUR universe now.

>any shot of the ot
>instantly hear the voices, the music and feel the emotions
They were so good. It's not fair what happened.

It's not like the new movies somehow erased the OT. Just dgaf about the new shit and enjoy the based Despecialized Edition.

Or, if you're an uber-richfag, get yourself some IB Tech 16mm prints.

the sub-species known as the wh*Toids have a deficiency in melanin

It's ok, they're not sick, they just failed to evolve as far as we KONGOLESE men have

What did George Lucas mean by "white slavers?"

Where is this delicious pasta from?


Worked fine in Dark Forces 2.

why does luke wink at c3po? i feel like there are some sexual overtones there

there was that bath scene in his hut on tattooine

I wonder what he would like now had he not got into that accident back during the early SW days and fucked his face. You can see the change in his face through 5 and 6 after they reconstructed it.

the face reconstruction is a meme according to mark himself, he really just broke his nose

It was a different time.

It's so weird, he doesn't look maimed, but it's like he aged 10 years.

Yes and no. It was more than that, you can really tell how different he looks afterwards, although obv it wasn't entirely reconstructed. But sometimes changing just a few angles and millimetres in a face can make it look quite different. He lost all his boyish charm somehow. It's really strange.