Why haven't you joined the good fight to defend Star Wars from angry fans?
Why haven't you joined the good fight to defend Star Wars from angry fans?
not even a meme, only a shill would have to defend something because of opinions
This is the link he posted
Someone archive this please
Uh sweetie, negative opinions are TOXIC, especially if they concern something as inclusive and diverse as The Last Jedi.
Everyone involved on either side should be gassed immediately
this, unironically
>Disney not caring what customers think
Yeah, sure. Bye Rian.
>bald head
>has a twitter account
>is a twitter activist
>huge glasses
Someone just fucking genocide soyboys and nu-males already
Holy fuck the damage control is sad. This is Phantom Menace-tier, maybe even worse
Big deal it's just a movie.
>how DARE people have different opinions!
twitter activists should be dropped from helicopters
So do these people also think the prequels were amazing?
>lets just ruin the franchise oh and fuck trump and fuck white people btw
Lest we ever forget all those who lost lives in the Holocaust... #porgs
>But with Star Wars: The Last Jedi, director Rian Johnson wants to burn Star Wars to the ground. Not because he harbors ill will toward it, but because he loves it. He loves it so much that he wants to cleanse the garden and allow something fresh and new to grow. The Last Jedi is not concerned about what you, the moviegoer and fan, thinks about Star Wars. It wants to challenge you and make you question what Star Wars is and what it can be
>muh PoC
>muh diversity
That fucking article is literally the most jew thing I've ever read besides my econ textbook
Why are soyboys obsessed over these things? Not even children were laughing at them during my screening.
For the same reason Sup Forums obsesses over moe. Cuteness awakes parental instinct for the child they'll never have
How to to completely disregard someone's opinion in one easy step.
>succeeds because he doesn't care what you think
What retardation. Of course he cares.
how do you guys have the energy to be so angry all the time
i saw TLJ and i hated it but you fucks will be seething with anger and posting in 50 star wars threads a day for the next 2 weeks at least
im already bored of these threads
>[laughs in merchant] i dont care with u silly goys think about this movie *snorts ashes*
I don't get it. Is having a negative reaction not allowed?
>anyone that goes against our opinions must be silenced!
Spoken like a true leftist.
The liberals in this country need to grow a backbone and stop being pushed around by these retards
Having a positive reaction literally isn't allowed on Sup Forums so i dont know what you're on about.
>It wants to challenge you and make you question what Star Wars is and what it can be
We need to stop so many people from going to university where they learn these mental gymnastics. This isn't "challenging", it's just a bad movie. The only challenge is sitting through it.
Does this bald-headed giga-faggot not realize that if the movie was actually good he wouldn't have to defend it from anything?
>Is having a negative reaction not allowed?
No, anything that goes against the SJW Twitter brigade is wrong and immoral.
It's kinda reactionary, these 'fans' delusion is on par with our unreasonable rage, it's a back and forth of sorts.
It's so fucking hilarious. What you basement dwellers don't understand is that your time is over. Racists and bigots have no place in starwars. You need to get over yourselves, right fucking now. The new movies and characters are more diverse, more vibrant, better acted and better written. This is OUR series now.
I went with my partner and my son. My son loved Rei since the first movie and naturally didn't like Luke. Don't ask me why, or maybe do. Because I think I know why. He could tell (even though he's only 7) that Luke was a relic of a bygone era of chauvinism and sardonic hatred towards anyone not white and male. The actor might not be that bad, but the character is undeniably toxic. Actually, scratch that. The actor is a fucking grade A ASSHOLE. Look at that video, listen as he does his very best to scupper disney's efforts before they even leave the gate. Fuck him, and fuck you. This is OUR universe now.
Sup Forums is the exact same as those people just on the opposite end of the spectrum. Wake up.
Think of it this way...
Your job is dependent on you giving reviews to movies.
People look for your reviews before the movie is out to see if it's good enough to go spend money on.
You get early access to the movies due to the companies behind them granting you access to them.
If you leave a bad review you no longer will be given access by said companies.
That is how these are all literally paid reviews. Cause it's the only way for this hacks to make money anymore.
There's no way a single person believes this movie was good without it somehow having a negative effect on their life if they say otherwise.
yeah guys wtf? read horseshoe theory
>caring what fans think ever
It's stupid. You can't please fans. It's in their name.
Look at Lord of the Rings. Don't tell me you've forgotten about the fan backlash over Tom Bombadil shit.
>I hated it
>but why are there so many threads
nice larping, moron.
How many tweet's it take for an official mouseketeer hat
>act the exact same as the people you hate
>someone points this out
>lol faggot what are you some kind of centrist
if I ever talk about Star Wars, it's about the first three movies. if anybody else wants to bring up other shit, they're weird. no Phantom Menace, Clone Wars, the third one. no extended universe books, no Rogue Squadron, VII, VIII or IX
Star Wars is most fun to talk about when you're all on the same page and working from the same material. You don't talk about Dragon Ball GT unless somebody agrees to it
fuck of Sup Forums
The difference being that youre not doxxed or banned for having a different opinion on here. Not to mention this is a small dark corner. Whereas SJWs are job rulers of all major social media sites.
he didn't mention Druidia, there is no Sup Forums
>wtf these guys defended their opinions?
>literally hitler you guise
>advocating for slash and burn
ever heard of a compost heap you fucks?
you must not have a lot going on in your life if you have the energy to be this angry about a movie all the time
>dude being against the insertion of assorted brown people and women into your favorite art is as bad as the ones doing it! so just stop complaining okay! haven't you heard of the political horseshooe?
kill yourself nigger kike
>anyone that disagrees with me is Sup Forums
Kya idiot.
fuck nu wars
come join me brothers
This sounds commie as fuck. You gotta kill it to save it? What kind of doublespeak is this shit?
george lucas ruined star wars, i mean it was his to ruin but he did it
Lmao you use the exact same tactics as they do and you even have a built in defence (muh horseshoe theory) to justify it just like they do. You have so little self awareness its actually amazing.
jews have to go
Lmao. Didn't expect any less from gaff.
>if you hate your opposition equally your the same.
>there are people who literally cannot fathom someone disliking something they like
yeah but we started doing it recently. fuck off chaim
>everyone that disagrees with me is sjw
kys idiot
Not him but how exactly are they even comparable? This is all anonymous posting. SJWs own Twitter and bully people when they don't get their way.
Public lynching is ok when it fits your agenda apparently.
>93% approval rating
>universally acclaimed by critics
But no, Sup Forums doesn't like it because it's no "DUDE RANDOM LMAO David Lynch kino." You guys are a disgrace to cinema.
I have no problem with the whole diversity stuff, I actually kinda like Finn's character as far as the others go except for Kylo because he is clearly the most interesting one of the new characters.It's that these people don't know what the fuck they're doing with the franchise and they make decisions that make no fucking sense whatsoever. Why couldn't they reshoot some scenes without Leia after Fisher died almost A WHOLE YEAR BEFORE THE MOVIE CAME OUT and made her die when she got blasted into space? Now they'll have to just kill her off screen or write her out some way because rhey already stated she won't be in the movie in any shape or form. There are so many problems with this movie and I can't believe anyone can defend it.
They don't stop at merely disliking it, that is what Sup Forums does. They try to use wrong understanding and hiveminds to get others to change their opinions.
Opinions aren't just a way to say what you think, they're wrapped up in your pride. You tell somebody that Metallica sold out, and they will get a seething rage
>there are people who literally cannot fathom someone liking something they dislike
You really have not explained how we are the same.
If I was against pedophiles and used memes against pro pedophiles memes doss that make us the same?
It's critical theory in a nutshell. Deconstruct, dismantle and destroy anything and everything held in high regard, for it's own sake.
When they say, "more educated" people vote dem, these are the people they are talking about; people brainwashed into having the inclination to burn down anything that is perceived as valuable.
Trying too hard m8
I use my words like a gentleman. I don't give a fuck what you think, you're a mental midget centrist at best, or a kike/nigger/sjw/faggot at best. Either way you're of no value to anyone, and you certainly can't stop me complaining that these faggots purchased and subsequently ruined my favorite series for the sake of diversity.
God forbids you ever dare criticizing a space fantasy movie.
Fine, I didn't care about Star Wars to begin with
>defending weaponized hyperspeed
>no argument
Nice pasta. Even the GOAT thinks this movie is trash.
We must stop the Nazis and Russian bots from ruining this amazing film's reputation.
That is exactly what drumpf wants, to divide America. We cannot let Hitler 2 win.
One second of a Lynch film is better than the last three Star Wars films. You mad brah?
>The Last Jedi is not concerned about what you, the moviegoer and fan, thinks about Star Wars.
>It wants to challenge you and make you question what Star Wars is and what it can be
If it isn't concerned about me, why does it want me to do all those things?
They are just racist and/or sexist, don't worry about them. its a storm in a teacup! What did you like most about it friend?
do they even like it though? or are they just so emotionally investing at this point that this kind of rabid opinion policing is purely a form of self preservation
>people brainwashed into having the inclination to burn down anything that is perceived as valuable.
Like the New Deal and the Internet oh wait that's you rednecks destroying that.
I win the argument.
Here's a question, why dont they just make their own good films ?
So Disney paid the critics again to write good reviews?
After sleeping on it, the thing that bothers me most about TLJ is that magically the "resistance" has been reduced to 4 big ships. That's the entirety of the fucking republics armed forces, 4 god damn ships. The fucking rebels had more ships.
Oh wow an mspaint comic you sure showed that user
>Ummmm could you just not allow your previous experiences with the franchise to effect your thoughts on this installment and instead judge it by it's own merits???
If Attack of the Clones was released today under the Disney banner it would unironically get 80%+ on RT and have a legion of numales defending it on social media, wouldn't it?
Things I liked about VII
>scared black guy
>fairly competent and rises to challenges
>still fails
Things I disliked about VII
>sue rey
>han and chewie not fixing their own ship
>han not doing anything
>2nd deathstar
>the ending
How about creating something original and not stooping down to artistic retardation through deconstructing something already established and taking the easy out backed by Disney's billions?
>It wants to challenge you and make you question what Star Wars is and what it can be
KotOR II already did that and surprise, surprise, it was still consistent with everything we see in the movies.
>It wants to challenge you and make you question what Star Wars is and what it can be
Wait a second, wasn't the defense before this new one that these flicks are for children and turn-your-brain off bro?
>if you disagree with me youre an sjw
>if you disagree with me youre Sup Forums
wow Sup Forums is so different and above it all
but then it might FAIL and we'd STILL make a billion dollars
????????? oh stfu soyman, this place loves plenty of flicks. half the threads are about how OP hates that Sup Forums talks so much about such and such film
>The difference being that youre not doxxed or banned for having a different opinion on here.
Why is more free speech and more opinions always good? I have never seen any evidence that more free speech, past a certain point, does anything but cause damage.
Besides, it's still just a corporation pushing things for their own benefits. Trump and Brexit got shitloads of money and help from other powerful people.