So what was he hoping to accomplish with this attack on Aku...

So what was he hoping to accomplish with this attack on Aku? he should no nothing short of Jack's sword can put an end to him....or was he hoping his MAGIC RUNES, LADDIE sword could do the job?

My favorite part was how quickly he realized he'd made a mistake

>he should no

In all likeliness no one other than Jack in over 100 years has ever seen Aku's power. The warriors, including the Scotsman and his daughters, probably got their head full of ideas that the only reason no one took Aku down was because they were too scared to try.

And then he turned into a giant ball and flattened them.

>he should no

He had 50 years of breeding on his side. Increased his confidence.

That and he probably suffered Alzheimer's in his old age. Genndy has it all figured out don't worry user

Maybe the scotman needed to be a ghost to advance the plot.

Jack is probably the only one to have fought Aku in a serious fight and lived to tell the tale, at least enough to know that only his sword can kill the guy. Even if others had, why would you believe that all the weapons in the world did nothing to Aku, yet some regular ass sword wielded by a samurai carves him up like a turkey.

Plus its the scotsman. When the hell has he ever decided that a fight was too tough for him?

I will say that his little shit talking episode to Aku probably hit uncomfortably close to home, even if Aku hasn't exactly realized it yet.

>Jack's sword

>22 SJ threads in the Catalog

>took him 50 years to find Aku's lair
He probably made all his daughters while he and his army were trying to find the damn place.
They probably wanted to get it over with.

This. In a fantasy cartoon like SJ, ghosts are equally important and active as living creatures. Although I thought previously that it will be rather psychological issues than fantasy world. But now I see I was wrong.

Just because there is a 99.8% chance you won't win, does not mean you should not try.

He was an old man in a wheel chair but still a warrior. He knew he was going to die soon and wanted to go out in a blaze of glory.

There was 0%

>How hard could it be if some pajama-wearing little guy almost did it?

He wanted to help break Alu out of his

don't worry buddy, we only have 5 more episodes to go.

He was in a wheelchair and old as shit, so he realized he was more useful as a force ghost than alive. I'd also guess that one of the conditions to activate this CELTIC MAGIC was to die in battle.
Plus, you know, the Scotsman doesn't really need a reason to go around and insult people

Nigga, you know no one else knows Jack has an anti-Aku sword

It's not that the sword is actually normal, but in-universe, it's doubtful that people know that Jack's sword is the only thing that can hurt Aku.

Don't worry, I'm sure if you complain enough, gookmoot will make /SJ/ just for you.

Aku has been away from public eye for years now. Maybe Scots just wanted to draw him out, but didn't account for such a devastating loss?

Each Samurai Jack thread means less DCEU threads. It's worth of it.

He's in a fucking wheelchair. No one stayed to push him out of that crater, what else was he supposed to do?

I've LITERALLY have Zero fucking doubt there are hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars, being deposited on so-called "Samurai Jack fan's" PayPal accounts as we speak, from some silly Disney subsidiary (if it was named Funtime Inc. it would be too poetic) that is too well hidden to prove anything.

This is how this happens.

This how a giant corporation kills art.

You are fucking seeing it: form opinions on people without giving them a chance to make up their mind. BvS is really an amazing accomplishment of storytelling, but it has a lot more in common with William Wyler's Ben Hur than Samurai Jack. It is a story about humanity and not a comedy about people who only look human on the outside.

It's a real shame Sup Forums can't see past Disney's deception. And Good riddance, i don't need you.


Are you on actual crazy pills?


refusing a joint attack would be cowardly

He was an old man. Besides, I think he wanted aku to attack him so he can enter the next stage of life.

Is this pasta?
Looks more like stale macaroni to me


and he stayed behind to distract Aku while his daughters got a safe distance away so they wouldn't be killed.

his barrage of insults made Aku forget about being thorough about killing all of the forces that attacked him.

Scotsman: Best dad.

Does not matter, it's the effort that counts.

guys how the fuck did the scotsman die here, when in the comic which ended everything hes SEEN ALIVE IN OLD FORM, jack is KINGU WITH long beard and ASHI is NOWHERE TO BE FOUND!

did they retcon the fucking ending/?

only jack knows that it was made just to kill aku. to anyone else it looks just like a normal sword

Comics were always second tier canon, canon until a show made it not canon.

>he thinks the comics were going to be anything but an alternate universe
How dumb are you? I mean, especially knowing we were getting a Season 5 to wrap up the story, what made you think that the comics were even going to be canon?

>we will get to see scotsghost shittalk at blue jack

Here's a question: how the hell is Jack supposed to fight a giant bowling ball even WITH his sword?

because all Jack has to do is stand there with his sword pointing at it

Aku never goes crazy with the shapeshifting around Jack because it exposes too much of himself for jack to cut away.
That's why Aku became an entire wave of darkness in Jack and the Zombies, because Aku had the sword and couldn't be harmed, no reason to not go crazy.


I just read this and I spent the entire post repeating the words "This is reddit, this is memes, this is reddit, this is memes..." under my breath.

I fucking hated it. I was writhing around on the floor in front of my sofa for the last 30 minutes it was so painful.

>Ayy quirky shill post lmao
If you liked it you're in the wrong place

I don't think he's ever personally seen Aku in full action, and probably hoped his sword could do the job.

I really don't want to be the guy to chastize people for hating a show because it's popular, but you seriously need to step back and take a look at what you just wrote.

Unless this is pasta and I got bamboozled, in which case well done.