Whomp Thread

I just came to the horrifying realization that this is the culmination of Vegeta's hatred towards Goku. "Remember, Kakarot, when you were a teenager in high school and-" Hold on. Motivation Dude, my editor, has told me to stop talking about Dragon Ball. Now he's trying to poke out my eye with the hair on a figurine Goku. Now he has succeeded.

previous comic:

>It's "Some random user shills adding webcomics to imageboard in storytime format"- episode

Has Sup Forums lost interest in Ronnie? I remember not even a year ago Whomp threads were pretty active because everyone related to Ronnie so much and there was talk of "deepest lore."

I want to tease agrias' pussy

A large influx of tumblr changed the demographic here.
inb4 retarded screeching even though it's true.

It's because Ronnie ran out of jokes, nothing to do with Sup Forumsumblr.

Looks like it's time for a bucket

It comes and goes. Just needs a comic that really hits home for anons to get it going again. This one for example had like two threads straight that hit the bump limit back in the day.

If nothing substantial happens for a while, then a more nostalgic post comes along and people just share Whomps, kinda like with Nedroid.

I'll get the mop.

Did she just kiss her hand?

The comic is still funny sometimes but it's kind of become neckbeard Garfield, the same 4 jokes recycled and repackaged over and over

Yeah. Two girls did a similar thing to me.

They were 10 and I was 16,I wasn't into it.

Everyone in Tumblr loves Ronnie



>tfw i got my first kiss when i was 12 with a girl 5 yrs older then me who was totally into it

Me too.

But the girl was a midget.

Nigga please, used to do that with my best bud.

He bothered making a strip taking the piss on a movie that happened what, 7 years ago?
What's next, "Ronnie is mad because M. Knight's Avatar was shitty"?

a legitimate midget?

fuck , lets hear it

I used to suck my best buds dick and vice versa. So what? At least he and I were the same age.

thats because the halloween story with the nuggman was fucking hype