

So if this bitch would just told Poe the plan, half the movie wouldn't even be filmed and Luke didn't need to die.

She was such a cunt and felt sooo fucking superior and self righteous

also, why was it okay for women to be heroes but not Finn to sacrifice his life? all the men were forced to act dumb

Holdo didn't trust Poe and Poe didn't trust Holdo. It's almost as if both characters were flawed despite their fundamental good intentions and this was an explicit point of the movie or something and you're ignoring it because niggers kikes feminism mary sue

spoken like a true soymonger

he was a lauded resistance hero

they forced him to say something chauvinistic "wasn't what i was expecting"

poorly written characters throughout

Yeah, it sure is better to risk a mutiny because you're a stuck up bitch rather than just telling your men what you're actually planning.

why did she have to stay on the ship

don't they have auto pilot in the future?


How did Luke force project a pair of physical dice?

the lauded resistance hero who disobeyed orders and got the entire Resistance bomber fleet destroyed?

war is hell
they got to destroy the big bad

Leia didn't need to send the bombers if she thought it was a bad plan. it's on her

a shit ton of troops died in every film in various missions

poe literally saved the day a few times in TFA

>pair of dice

>Resistance is on its last legs and needs literally every man and ship it can get its hands on
>sacrifice the bombers to destroy one ship that the First Order presumably has many more of

winning an inconsequential battle doesn't win you the war

>Implying they won after this

We'll be back to status quo Empire vs Rebels by the next spin-off film.

it's still on leia to order the bombers

poe couldn't make that call

>all the men were forced to act dumb
Do you not want equality m8?

I almost spat out my soylent reading this. Not even on Rotten Tomatoes can you get this kind of solid insight. Flyover rubes just don't "get" narrative it seems.

Poe has been a decorated war hero in a previous movie and books/ comics. Holdo is literally an OC character simply put in for there to be more female rebellion leaders, because apparently females are the only competent people in the star wars universe now that Kathleen Kennedy is in the hot seat.
But going back to Holdo, the entire fucking plot of the resistance was being on the ship, and having it move incredibly slowly. They killed off a beloved character like Admiral Ackbar offscreen, and in the process of doing that, tossed in a very feminist seeming idolized character, who caused an entire plot of the movie (which was the terrible Finn/ Rose plotline) to happen simply because she wanted to keep her plan to herself? Fuck that cunt. They gave her a "heros" death and threw Ackbar out of the window into space and let him die. He should have been the one put in charge and to have rammed the ship into the First Order fleet going to hyperspace

>lets glorify another old star wars character
t. brainlet who missed the entire point of the movie

the point of the movie was create a franchise marketed to tumblr generation and milk them for the next few decades

the only way to do that was to kill off all the old heroes that were too politically incorrect for this generation

>because apparently females are the only competent people in the star wars universe now that Kathleen Kennedy is in the hot seat.
I've noticed this in a lot of franchises now. I really started noticing it when they released Last of Us, all the leadership in that game was female.

just a reflection of real life

women do make better leaders, innovators, and heroes


>Glorifying a seasoned war hero
>Not letting that seasoned war hero go out like a seasoned war hero, and instead let him get sucked into space and the only way we know he gets killed is to namedrop him in the film
Fuck you and your horrible opinions

It's the shit that's bleeding into all forms of media. I'm not against women in positions of power, but through history most of the prominent women in power got there by being actually good at their jobs, whereas nowadays there's and overabundance of women in powerful roles for the sheer fact of having a woman in that role because there's too many men in roles similar to it. Women should earn their place in power just like everyone else, and fucking Holdo didn't earn dick in this movie because she was 100% incompetent and the writers tossed aside a beloved character who's had actual good moments throughout the series, in favor of the trash that we got.

do i look like im laughing, motherfucker

which is why dany will sit on the iron chair

i am thanks user

>females are the only competent people in the star wars universe now that Kathleen Kennedy is in the hot seat
It's funny, because this isn't how it actually played out. The galaxy was the Republic's to lose. Before Leia could even outlive her role as a princess and general, the First Order had popped into being and all but wiped out the Republic AND the Resistance. TLJ ends with Leia turning the reins of the resistance over to an orange male hotshot.

You should laugh because your post was a complete joke.

World history says otherwise m8

GOT is another one of those forms of media that have the main female character have HUGE laps of judgement but still have everything work out fine for them in the end. Dany was good in the first season, but everything after that, besides maybe the Jon/ Wildlings stuff was pretty bad.

No but that original comment was most definitely a joke

i'll be surprised if you wrong

you got me

Spoilers LOL. Dude the movie is ruined in 98% of the post titles.

just being considerate

some men try not to be assholes yukyuk

Exactly. They get called on the shit quality of stuff like this and they say "hurr in real life people are different and things are relative and nothing is black and white so you can't judge this stuff really hurr."

Retard leftism boiling away just under the surface.


lay off the soy

the entire point of the movie was "let go" - ie "be a cuck and have your cultural fabric erased by outside forces."