Disney is SEETHING

Disney is SEETHING

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Well he is rigjt

objectively true

More original? Yes
Good? No

Did his check clear? Can he shit talk THE Mouse and live to tell about it?

>More original? Yes
>Good? No
>But better than TFA? Absolutely


Mark's complete and utter lack of fucks throughout this entire process has been the only good thing to come out of the new film.


He doesnt have to appear in anymore movies, and you can tell in interview, after interview, that he's not a fan of Disney management.


TFA might be derivative but it's not an incoherent mess so no user sorry

They are, the Force Awakens is basically a remake of the New Hope.

Oh my God that fucking Leia scene ahahahahahahahahaahaha

>prequels as a whole

Only AOTC is. TPM and ROTS are objectively better than TFA.

>TFA might be derivative but it's not an incoherent mess so no user sorry

There is nothing incoherent in the prequels.

Do you always enjoy the films of zack snyder user?

The prequels had at least one thing going for them: They adequately explained just how much the galaxy lost during the Civil War. Everything went to shit so fast.

It did? During the war with the seperatists? Show me the scenes from the prequels of regular people suffering from the war, I'll wait.

They were. That doesn't make them good but they had more original ideas than these have so far. It's an objective fact. The prequels didn't have a Death Star every fucking time. I can say that. It had lots of weird alien designs. Neat set pieces.

I can't believe we're so down the hole I'm defending the prequels but they had some creative shit in them and set pieces. The prequels were creative things surrounded by a terrible plot and trash direction.

He needs to be careful, there's no doubt Disney owns his ass contractually otherwise he wouldn't have cucked his character so badly> If he crosses the Jews too badly they'll take him for every cent.


Adding to this I unironically want George back if only on a leash. He obviously had a lot of crazy ideas that should be focused on. Nu-Star Wars is nearly as bad.

how long until ((they)) kill him

He needs his editing team from the OT but his ex wife probably didn't wanna work with him anymore.

They were. The prequels at least built out a massive universe of characters, locations, and other lore that fed books, games, and television series.

Not much new has happened in the new one yet. Rebels are still rebels and still fighting the empire.

trips confirm, every time I take a shit it's original that doesn't mean I want to watch to watch a trilogy of it

Two years, just in time to include a black "Dedicated to the memory of Mark Hamill" end credit card and capitalize on his recent passing.

"With plenty of twists and turns, a cohesive story and a sheer tour-de-force of drama and action, Star Wars: The Last Jedi blurs the lines between good and evil and instills a sense of hope for its moviegoers and hardcore fanbase. The newest entry provides more than just spark ..."

How about we hire the editing team instead of Lucas.

It's complete soulless garbage that I forgot almost entirely within weeks. Films don't have to be coherent to be good.

>Films don't have to be coherent to be good.

If they enjoyed Snyder they'd prefer TFA.

That would probably be better but Sup Forums won't like that. Personally I really think George doesn't understand what people like about Star Wars and only cares about his vision, it probably irritates him that the OT, which had other writers/directors and lots of editing is so well received but isn't really his version. It's why he insisted on doing everything himself in the prequels I think and why he kept changing the OT in rereleases.

Imagine being so dumb you can't follow the story in the fucking Star Wars prequels.

>Darth Icky
>Darth Insanus

Are people forgetting that George has fucking lost the plot? Why is he suddenly this golden beacon of hope?

imagine being so dumb you think it's good, oh wait you don't have to

Sup Forums hive mind circle jerk

Yes. While none were great they are more original and interesting. All I see in the new ones is tie fighters and swings and old ship designs.

How can one man be so based?


I'm seriously starting to think the prequels are within a stone's throw of being okay. George needed someone to reign in his bullshit and focus on making a good movie. Like in the first ones.

George doesn't understand humans or emotions or dialogue. So help him out.

But he's clearly not the villain, he's just autistic. It's funny we thought he was the face of soulless cash grab and recycling ideas but having seen these new movies you gain another perspective on it.

>darth names
If you didn't realize that was a joke, you need to really consider whether or not you should continue living.

ITT: Morons falling for fake news.

A joke as in the whole situation was made up or a joke as in George was joking? Because if it's the latter there's plenty more examples of how George has lost the plot.

How about we star with "jar jar is the key to all of this."

I get it though, the grass on Lucas hill looks nice and green now we're down here in Kennedy valley but pretending George Lucas is (was?) anything other than a good ideas man isn't worthwhile.

It's pretty hard to be less original than TFA.

Is this a new thing?

>The prequels were original!

>The Last Jedi took risks!

So did HItler, and he still ended up eating a bullet in a bunker after failing spectacularly.

oh,tell'em to buy another studio


>snydeniers actually enjoy nu-wars
lol, enjoy your 56 audience score

english cam hit tpb boys. Don't pay to see this shit.

Only one with a love story.
This is kino you bitch!

>I'm seriously starting to think the prequels are within a stone's throw of being okay.

They really were. Only a few minor tweaks were needed: no CGI (or wait a few years until it's not n64 level), no Jar Jar, and less autistic dialogue.

AOTC is unironically my favorite Star Wars because of how surreal the whole thing is.

The new movies are so bad they retroactively make George look good.

He just made kids movies for 5 year olds unlike the originals which were kids movies for 12 year olds. Still, it's better than Disney's kids movies for 30 year olds

The love story shit from AOTC is awful but the rest of the movie is the best part of the prequels for me, having obi wan investigate shit through the galaxy and christopher lee as the villain was really fun
Of course the whole thing is retarded if you think about it hard enough, but all three movies are, outside of the romance shit AOTC had the most interesting set ups for me, I don't understand why everyone considers it the worst when TPM is just a fucking slog to sit through
Even if you count the romance scenes in they're at least funny to watch due to how fucking awkward they are

>So did HItler, and he still ended up eating a bullet in a bunker after failing spectacularly.
Das ist, was Sie glauben, mein Herr
Esto es lo que cree, seƱor

Well there was this kid Anakin see and this whole planet of slaves nobody cared about...

I only like AOTC cause of the clones origin

man he really cleaned up for this recent movie. lost weight and looked really good. pissed they killed him off while carrie fischers character is still alive despite the actress dying. really retarded imo

They are gonna carrie fisher him if he isn't careful

Sand > Sloth milk

they'll find his lifeless body strung up in the Its a Small World ride