Remember when Kylo Ren was cool and intimidating instead of just being a glorified extension of Adam Driver’s role in Girls?
Remember when Kylo Ren was cool and intimidating instead of just being a glorified extension of Adam Driver’s role in...
So much potential
That was the only good scene from VII and VIII. And it wasn't even in the movies.
he is a really depressing character
Omg when I saw that trailer i literally thought he was gonna be an undead sith dude.
And now, now I don’t like to remember those times.
there was more emotion in the ep7 trailer than in either of the movies that followed...
He should have never taken off the mask desu
It's clear their intent for his character is a reverse Anakin
This desu
He's a mixed up tryhard and it's great. I just hope he can sort himself out in the end and marry his waifu Rey. The Skywalker bloodline must continue!
>Remember when
Back then the only thing people were talking about was the crossguard.
everybody cared who he was until he took off the mask
You mean another Anakin? Good, bad, good.
Because it used a line from ROTJ.
Should have done it the Phasma / Vader way. They revealed who he was way too early.
*fug, forgot pic
Lor San Tekka: "If I take that mask off, will you die?"
Kylo Ren: "It would be very painful-"
Lor San Tekka: "You're a big guy"
Kylo Ren: "-for the audience"
they better have the knights of ren in episode 9. i hope they didnt just totally drop them, cause they had some pretty neat designs. much better than the new red guards.
I never understood why Disney would just drop an opportunity to push out more toys. Knights of Ren toys and merchandise would have made billions. Almost nothing in TLJ can be sold to the child who already got the exact same shit 2 years ago.
i dont know either, i dont understand many decisions they made for TLJ.
still hoping for knights of ren though; im curious about the knight named "the rogue" from the TFA visual dictionary. he appears to be the only knight, besides kylo ren, to have a lightsabre.
I miss this Kylo
>TFA sucks because it's a remake of A New Hope
>But Ren would be better if he was just Vader 2.0 lmao
that and he needs to keep the damn hood on
he actually looked like an actualy evil jedi whatever in the earliest parts of tfa but now when he walks around with the mask on but hood down he looks goofy af
since theres really no going back he needs to permanently ditch the cape and mask, he looks somewhat ok like that
>post yfw the Knights of Ren show up in Episode IX and job to Rey
All or nothing
problem here is that they couldnt have him keep the helmet. they almost surely wanted him to have that scar shown off on his face.
I thought he looked cool here.
>Remember when Kylo Ren was cool and intimidating
No, I don't
They should have fucked up the left side of Kylo's face way more.
But you know they're going to be pathetic and get massacred just like the red guard and Phasma
Super Elite characters are always disappointing in films but tend to make up for it in games/comics/books,
See Boba, Imperial Guards, etc.
I got the impression that the knights might've actually become the red guards.
Nah. But if they're going with Supreme Leader Ren then it'd make sense for them to be his personal guards. Either way it's sure to be disappointing.
Can't be helped, you can't have badass guards or elite whatevers and not have them job to the protagonist in a movie, there isn't enough time in a movie to do anything interesting with secondary villains. At best you can hope for cool fight scenes. Like the 2 minutes of action that Phasma had in Last Jedi.
Same applies to good guys of course, just ask this guy.
i was thinking that they became the red guards too, until i saw TLJ. i think its luke that says something along the lines of "ben destroyed the temple and left with a handful of students". im thinking maybe the knights of ren are former students of luke. perhaps they looked up to ben, or just wanted to be in his good graces because of ben's immense power.
another interesting tidbit from the TFA dictionary; at one point the KOR were called "the seven light".
Ren would be better by A) casting a more sith like person, or at least someone who could act like a conflicted person. B) he lived up to half of the hype(powerfull skilled) C) A decent arc(example: show him fighting and creating the ren knights/ Decent fight against Rey) Disney failed at creating a decent villain in a movie which revolves between good and bad archtypes
Kylo was only intimidating the same way that weird kid is when he shoots up the school.
I like that he's a loose cannon but I hate that he acts and looks like a fucking edgy teenager.
>implying Ren is the villain
He's the guy you root for because he's the only guy who struggles or seems to know what he wants.
>C) A decent arc
I'm sure that's the plan, we still have a movie to go. We already saw that he is better at fighting than Rey in this movie since he rekt most of the red guards while Rey was getting her ass handed to her by just one of them. He'll probably go full darth evil in the next one.
While i agree with you user(to me would make more sense at this point that rey should be the sith, parents and going straigth to dark side and saying things like hate kill) i cannot root for him no matter what and it saddens me that he will be saved by rey in IX
You haven't seen a lot of disney movies, rey said herself 'i had a vision", my money is she will save him and in the end marry screencap that
I want his big fats lips to suction cup my p**y
The vision thing was just bullshit planned by Snoke though, he flat out calls Rey out on it, mocking that it was his intent that she saw that "weakness" of Ren so she would take the bait and go to him, so he could get Luke. Luke also said that he had a vision of Ben doing something unimaginably horrible, although maybe that was a vision about him killing Han.
Either way, i don't think Ren is going to be redeemed, if he is, it will be a cop out like how Vader was redeemed at the end of Jedi just because he threw the Emperor down a mine shaft even though Vader's entire life was him being a fucking murderous asshole, if you ask me, Ren is just as much of an evil asshole as Vader, he killed jedi children and burned down their temple, then went on to become one of the leaders of an evil empire, TFA opens with him burning down a village and massacring everyone in it, and then he killed his own father, and in this movie his own master and his servants.
Besides, now that Snoke is dead, "saving" Ben would leave us without a villain(unless it's done at the very end), unless they asspull a new villain in the next movie, which would be unbelievably stupid.
>Remember when Kylo Ren was cool and intimidating
you mean charmingly broody fuccboi
and checked
So where the hell are the rest of the Knights of Ren?
forgot pic
I had forgotten about snoke calling out, and you make some fair points user, i mean not as vader but he has motives, bu my gut is telling me that he will be saved at the end, sorry user.
>Remember when Kylo Ren was cool and intimidating
Apparently Disney felt like nobody would honestly give a fuck about them, because Disney doesn't pay any attention to their fucking audience and what their reactions are.
Seriously, everyone I knew wanted to know what the fuck was up with those guys.
>tfw someone posts my OC
Those threads were amazing
so the first 10 mins of tfa?
either forgotten about or are being saved for episode IX
I would have been okay with them just saying the Praetorian Guard were the Knights of Ren tho t b h
Well, i don't entirely disagree with you. I don't really hate these movies but i can definitively see that Disney is fucking up in a lot of places, so if they redeemed Ren in the next movie it wouldn't surprise me that much, but it would be incredibly stupid. I would expect it to happen at the end of the movie either way though.
theres always the remote possibility that theyre laying the foundation for episode 9 with the seemingly bad/odd events in TLJ.
maybe snoke is not truly dead; maybe he used some kinda projection shit like luke did, or some other force ability we have not seen yet.
as far as in universe goes, i dont think its too far fetched. we saw how powerful snoke was in TLJ, so him having some enhanced projection thing wouldnt be that farfetched.
as for the reason: perhaps snoke let kylo ren "kill" him, to further push him closer to the dark side.
but in reality its probably just bad film making and snoke is dead and a terrible waste of potentially a very interesting character/villain
It'd be nice if we got told what they were doing during TFA and TLJ.
I feel very conflicted about Snoke dying, on one hand, it was cool that he died and how he died, and he felt like a cheap Chinese knock off of Sheev. On the other hand, what the fuck? I want to know what his deal was.
I don't think normies care, i went into TFA without knowing anything about the movie other than the trailer because i didn't want to get spoiled, and i didn't even know the Knights of Ren were a thing until after i saw the movie and i saw people talking about them here.
So i'm sure 90% of the people that watched the movie couldn't care less about them.
Hand to God this is true. When he took off the mask for the first time in VII the women behind me said "he's so ugly!"
Also he's just such a bitch of a character. Vader demanded respect. Kylo spends most of his time crying or raging.
> Elaborate vision/flashback scene
>Bunch of Jedi padawans slaughtered by masked men in a rainstorm with Kylo Ren
>"Normies didn't care about that scene. Luke just randomly wanting to murder his nephew is a good enough explanation"
I mean i just assumed they were some imperial stormtrooper assholes, bounty hunters, or assassins, i didn't think that they were anything special. I didn't think, know or expect them to be a group of "knights" that specifically served Ren.
Rip kylo
My feeling is that with them not being in TLJ and Kylo having no mask anymore it’s just a storyline planned before TFA that’s getting dropped but I’m still hoping they’ll try to explain it. Them saying snoke was just a plot device was infruriating
Kylo Ren in his state is fine, a Vader wannabe that is slowly coming to terms with the power he actually possesses. However, you need something to contrast him with, some group of people with a similar mind set but is fully devoted and convinced of their power, ones that would bring Kylo back over to the dark side to strengthen him because he showed them the flaws of the Jedi... too bad we will never see that group. Fuck everything.
The two most likely explanations is that they were the acolytes of the beyond who have only been touched on in aftermath or they were from Luke’s Jedi academy. Probably just another mystery that comes to nothing
Kylo having no mask was the dumbest decision. Cashing in long term epic reveal for short term shock value.
He doesn’t even have yellow eyes he hardly looks evil.
He does whatever the fuck he wants, he's like what anakin would've been if not in a thin can, fucking love him, reylo ftw
Knock off Anakin is fucking retarded
They could've at least tried not to make him an Anakin 2.0, but no gotta give him a scar and shit too just like his grampypa
If they kept him as a Vader wannabe that develops his own arc and decides he doesn't want to be Vader, I would be all for it. Him becoming Supreme Leader was neat, but everything else was retarded.
that force vision was not actually of the destruction of luke's temple. its after; kylo and the knights of ren were searching for vader's lightsabre and i believe they found it in the hands of some kind of "clan" or "tribe", relatively primitive people with seemingly regular metal swords.
i dont have source for this, i just know it was confirmed either by that pablo guy on twitter, or in some interview with him or JJ
This. This so fucking much.
Fuck off tumblr cuck
I hate Kylo now.
i forget. its an old drawing. google image search and youll probably find the artist
>New AT AT walkers look like retarded sloths with Popeye forearms