Rating the Star wars films

I: 9/10
II: 10/10
III: 10/10
IV: 8/10
V: 8/10
VI: 7/10
Clone Wars: Never say the movie, saw the first couple episodes of the TV show but don’t really remember it. The 2D series that came out between II and III is kino though
VII: 1/10
RO: 2/10
VIII: 1/10

I: 5/10
II: 1/10
III: 6/10

IV: 9/10
V: 10/10
VI: 7/10

VII: n/a
RO: 3/10
VIII: 3.5/10

did you mix up the OT and the PT?


I: 5/10
II: 2/10
III: 7/10
IV: 9/10
V: 10/10
VI: 8/10
VII: 6/10
RO: 3/10
VIII: 2/10

I: 6/10
II: 5/10
III: 8/10
IV: 9/10
V: 10/10
VI: 7/10
VII: 5/10
RO: 9/10
VIII: 5/10

I: 5/10
II: 2/10
III: 6/10

IV: 9/10
V: 10/10
VI: 8/10

VII: 4/10
RO: 3/10
VIII: 1/10

I - 5/10
II - 2/10
III - 7/10
IV - 8.5/10
V - 9/10
VI - 8/10
VII - 7.5/10
VIII - 2/10
RO - 6.5/10

This but VIII is worse than RO.
Emperor scenes in VI are 10/10 though.

you're spot on except Rogue One deserves at least 4/10 for the Vader scene

I - 1/10
II - 2/10
III - 3/10
IV - 4.5/10
V - 5/10
VI - 6/10
VII - 7/10
VIII - 8/10
RO - RO/10

I - 2/10
II - 1/10
III - 2/10
IV - 5/10
V - 6/10
VI - 5/10
VII - 5/10
VIII - 3/10
RO - 1/10

you have to be 18 to post here

>one scene is a whole movie

>I: 9/10
>II: 10/10
>III: 10/10

post yfw toddlers who saw these movies and thought they were anything other than gutter trash are now allowed to post on Sup Forums in 2017

I: 4/10
II: 5/10
III: 10/10
IV: 9/10
V: 10/10
VI: 7/10
VII: 5/10
RO: 4/10
VIII: 1/10

Also have to agree that the Clone Wars (both 2D and 3D is fucking KINO, better than most of the actual movies)

I: 4/10
II: 0/10
III: 6/10

IV: 9.8/10
V: 10/10
VI: 6/10

VII: 5/10
VIII: 4/10

>III: 10/10
>Better than IV or VI

I: 1/10
II: 9/10
III: 1/10
IV: 1/10
V: 1/10
VII: 1/10
RO: 1/10
VIII: 1/10

VII: n/a


What kind of shitty taste is this?

1 = 6/10
2 = 4/10
3 = 7/10
4 = 10/10
5 = 10/10
6 = 9/10
7 = 6/10
Rogue One = 7/10, gets a bonus point because of the Darth Vader scene at the end
8 = seeing tomorrow

The only people who hate the prequels are retard manchildren who were toddlers when they saw the OT back in ‘77-‘83

>I: 9/10
>II: 10/10
>III: 10/10
OP, at least don't start off with a troll post
this is a decent topic starter

Mostly this, but RO was decent for what it was (an action film that didn't care much for plot or characters), I'd throw it a 5.

jokes on you, im 21 and the prequels are fucking trash. the only existing prequel apologists are the people who refuse to take off the nostalgia goggles

New Hope 8/10
Empire Strikes Back 10/10
Revenge Of The Jedi 6/10

Phantom Menace 4/10
Attack Of The Clones 2/10
Revenge Of The Sith 5/10

Everything else

I: 5/10
II: 1/10
III: 6/10
RO: 3/10
IV: 9/10
V: 10/10
VI: 8/10
Caravan of Courage- An Ewok Adventure: 2/10
VII: 7/10
VIII: 5/10

Why do people hate II more than I? I had jar jar and that annoying kid. II wasn't good, but what makes it the worst?

don't go user, it's a 4/10 at best.

Stop sucking Gen X’s dick and form your own opinions

I at least had some sort of general structure
II is full blown "what the actual fuck is happening and why"

sand... it's coarse and rough and irritating.. and it gets EVERYWHERE

I rewatched the prequels last year. they fucking suck.anyone who isnt able to see past the Star Wars namesake and realize they are trash films at heart, are not actual SW fans

The Phantom Menace had the pod race scene and one of the best one off villains in movie history. Yeah Anakin was annoying and Jar Jar was insufferable but at least it had its fun moments.

Attack of the Clones was just filler to bridge the gap between 1 and 3, not to mention Jango Fett goes out like a bitch and Count Dooku is a lame villain.

Worse pacing and structure, more boring, forced romance scenes, Jedi kids, dumber plot.
>Caravan of Courage
This is 100% true, just because the new movies are bad doesn't redeem the prequels, let this meme die.

II had weird CGI moments and lazily put together CGI action scenes, where Lucas didn't put any thought into whether it looks good or "realistic" (it's space fantasy, but you should at least make character look like they're reacting to their environment like an actual human being).
A million and one "hey, remembe THIS from the original trilogy?" moments (I suspect Lucas was at a loss at what Star Wars fans wanted after TPM, and tried to do that to appease them)
Everyone was everyone else's former master to a ridiculous extent
The horribly written love story

It's annoying, because it actually has some good looking locations and interesting ideas, but it felt like a knee jerk reaction to the negative reception of TPM.

I had Jar Jar and child Anakin who could do everything, but at least it didn't feel like complete pandering + schlock action pieces. It was just sort of poorly implemented.

I still say the prequels had great ideas, just bad execution. They should've keep George on as an ideas guy, because he's got some brilliant things going on if you can sift through his complete crap.

I: 7/10
II: 4/10
III: 8/10

IV: 10/10
V: 9.5/10
VI: 7.9/10

VII: 9/10
RO: 5/10
VIII: 1/10

>rouge on was bad becuz no litesword fite pew pew

ROTJ was ruined because Lucas wanted to sale more toys. The lazy prequels exist because Lucas got greedy and stopped caring about story.

Definitive order:
I: 5/10
II: 2/10
III: 5/10
IV: 9/10
V" 10/10
VI: 7/10
Clone Wars: 4/10
Ewoks Caravan of Courage: 4/10
Ewoks Battle For Endor: 5/10
Holiday Special: 1/10
VII: 6/10
RO: 5/10
VIII: 1/10

I: 6/10
II: 7/10
III: 10/10
IV: 7/10
V: 9/10
VI: 6/10
VII: 0/10
RO: 0/10
VIII: 0/10

I: 3/10
II: 4/10
III: 7/10

IV: 8/10
V: 9.5/10
VI: 7/10

VII: 7/10
RO: 7.5/10
VIII: 8.5/10

Mfw Episode 8 is extreme pleb filter and will go down as one of the best star wars movies when its all over

this is probably the only ranking here that feels comes from a 100% no shit Star Wars fan, as opposed to most of us who just enjoy some Star Wars movies.


It was bad because you're never brought to care about the characters who would die by the end of the movie.
It's a serious movie about a not very serious universe.


I: 3/10
II: 2/10 fuck anakin/padme love scenes they brought the movie down 5 points
III: 7/10

RO: 5/10

IV: 7/10
V: 9/10
VI: 9/10

VII: 4/10
VIII: 6/10

Kill yourself. It's leftist MKULTRA for children's minds.

The prequels exist as they are because he was pretty out of touch by that point, and unfortunately couldn't convince any of his other director friends to direct Star Wars for him.

That's what's most unfortunate with the prequels. I think deep down, Lucas knew he wasn't the right guy to direct them, but everyone else was too afraid to do it while he still maintained control of it.

>Episode 8 is extreme pleb filter and will go down as one of the best star wars movies when its all over

accurate, the only people who like TLJ right now are the people who have actual good taste in movies

but that's just like your opinion, man


imagine feeling so strongly about your political views that you cant look at any facet of life without drawing comparison to said views. fucking go outside and talk to other humans for once user, it might do you some good.

I: 4/10
II: 3/10
III: 6/10
IV: 9/10
V: 9.5/10
VI: 7/10
VII: 7.5/10
RO: 5/10

We'll see about TLJ

Fuck, I didn't look before asking

I: 5/10
II: 10/10
III: 10/10
IV: 8/10
V: 10/10
VI: 8/10
VII: 3/10
RO: 2/10
VIII: 0/10

Speeder Bikes were awesome.

>I: 6/10
>II: 5/10
>III: 7/10
>IV: 9/10
>V: 10/10
>VI: 8/10
>VII: 4/10
>RO: 3/10
>VIII: 3/10

Not a single Star Wars film deserves more than 7/10. Grow up.

>I: 9/10
>II: 10/10
>III: 10/10

>VII: 7/10
>VIII: 8.5/10

see you soon...!

True patrician ranking

100% wrong, character assassination of Luke alone makes it a bad SW movie, and compounded with its other problems its only strength is some good visuals.

>50's diner is a galaxy far far away
>Christensen has the acting talent of a block of wood
>shitty pacing and bad cgi
>emperor no longer an all powerful wizard but a screeching autist that spins around and stabs people with a sword
>boba and his father now a stammering maori retard (search boba original voice)

>pleb filter
I would wholeheartedly agree with you if it didnt feel so much like a fucking marvel movie. the amount of one liners and unnecessary slapstick comedy bullshit completely throw off the tone for what would've otherwise been a great, serious star wars film

Imagine the scene in Empire where Luke discovers Vader is his father. Imagine the music cutting off abruptly, the camera getting a full zoom-in on luke's face for a noticeable amount of time, then Luke drops a quirky, sassy, 'EPIC' one liner. Queue 'epic 'music blasting after the one liner is said (similar to one of those orgasms you have that are filled with immediate regret and sorrow), followed by Luke doing a sassy walk-off with multiple over-the-top camera angles that illustrate how sassy his one liner just was. This is what I call "The MCU approach" to storytelling. This is what episode 7 and 8 are.

No plenty of people know the prequels are some of the worst movies of all time. You're blinded by nostalgia

I grew up with the prequels so I have to pretend I like them!

I: 3/10
II: 2/10
III: 5/10
IV: 10/10
V: 10/10
VI: 9.5/10
VII: 7/10
RO: 8/10
VIII: 7.5/10

>plenty of people know the prequels are some of the worst movies of all time
that still does not preclude the latest films (esp. VII and VIII) being THEE worst

>You're blinded by nostalgia
still a more acceptable love story than GRADING DUMBED-DOWN SHIT ON A CURVE

>VII: 7/10
>RO: 8/10
>VIII: 7.5/10

if you were near me and displaying THAT level of autism, I would literally end you... for the good of the species

as much as 7 and 8 decimate the OT, they are still much better films from a technical standpoint. Not to mention they actually make sense at some parts

>Not to mention they actually make sense at some parts
>in some parts

yeah -- the opening crawl and the closing credits

>I can't think for myself or formulate my own opinions so i'll just post someone else who did it for me
nice one user, you reminded me that SW fans truly are the worst common denominator of film fan cults

Patrician ranking

they're my own OP's, pauper's grave filling goy

I grew up with the OT so I have to pretend they’re better than the prequels!

>better from a technical standpoint
Go back to r/movies, pleb.

it surprises me that the prequel apologists arent eating the new trilogy up. after all, they are pretty used to being stepped on and generally enjoy things that should have never existed in the first place

Doesn't take much pretending

I: 4/10
II: 5/10
III: 3/10
IV: 8/10
V: 9/10
VI: 6/10
VII: 7/10
RO: 4/10
VIII: 4/10

I: 4
II: 3
III: 5
IV: 9
V: 10
VI: 6
VII: 7


I: 6/10
II: 8/10
III: 10/10

IV: 4/10
V: 8/10
VI: 6/10

VII: 4/10
RO: 6/10
VIII: 7/10

I: 6/10
II: 5/10
III: 8/10
IV: 7/10
V: 9/10
VI: 8/10
VII: 5/10
RO: 7/10
VIII: not seen it in person but read the plot on wikipedia sounds like a 4/10

I: 3/10
II: 2/10
III: 4/10

IV: 6.5/10
V: 8/10
VI: 6/10

VII: 5.5/10
RO: 6/10
VIII: dunno but it won't be good

>Also have to agree that the Clone Wars (both 2D and 3D is fucking KINO, better than most of the actual movies)
That gives really good context for your rankings.
It was pretty obvious that the 2D Clone Wars cartoons played a pretty big part in how they thought action should be handled in RotS.
It was still odd that they so drastically changed Grievous, though.

Finally some sane people

This. Mind you I didn't love VIII, lots of distracting technical mishaps and forced comedy that took me out of the film. But absolutely no one is even pointing that out, the only criticisms I'm seeing are THEY DIDN'T DO MUH CHARACTERS JUSTICE

>II: 5/10
okay, this one confuses me, and I'm not trying to sound a dick.
So by what you have here, II > I, III, RO, VIII

I'm mainly interested in why you think AotC is better than the other 2 prequels.

The fact that you think the complexity of the technology being used to make a film is a valid signifier of the film’s quality as a whole is plebian in the extreme

whoops that should be a 2

8 was awesome

f u all

why not? its called star wars and its one of the only films (along with 3) in the entire saga that has a blown out multi-planet war with millions of troops

tfws largest "star war" involved like 5 storm troopers at maz castle for comparison.

What does Mickey’s cum taste like?

I: 3/10
2: 1/10
3: 4/10
R1: 5/10
4: 8/10
5: 9/10
6: 6/10
7: 7/10
8: 7/10

The prequels are all bad movies
R1 is worst Disney wars
Last Jedi is good, people litterally only hate it because reeee it's not the same or reee I hate women!

Nah, people are mad at TLJ because of Luke's characterization. A character being a bit off wouldn't normally make people fly off the handle like this, but Luke Skywalker was THE hero and represented everything Star Wars for a lot of people, so people are rating TLJ far lower than it probably deserves to be.

If there's one character you could mess up to make people lose their shit, it's Luke Skywalker.

thanks, user. I am a true movie SW fan. I was disgusted by TLJ.

>I: 9/10
>II: 10/10
>III: 10/10

The forced comedy is brought up a lot and it's a big problem, it ruins the tone of the movie so many times.
However, the Luke storyline is worse than that.
The fact that Rey continues to be basically unchallenged and better than anyone in the OT at anything is a problem too. It undermines every other character when she has to be demonstrably better than them.

>The fact that Rey continues to be basically unchallenged and better than anyone in the OT at anything is a problem too

She looked like a total retard for letting Kylo trick her into meeting up

This is my honest personal opinion:

I: 6/10
II: 7/10
III: 8/10

IV: 8/10
V: 9/10
VI: 7/10

VII: 7/10
RO: 6/10
VIII: 8/10

I'm trying to understand what people hate about Luke's characterization so much. He had a satisfying arc that ended with him sacrificing himself to save the day in a really clever way. What's the problem?