What does Sup Forums think about The X-files?

What does Sup Forums think about The X-files?

Very very comfy. Some great episodes, some really shit episodes. Fun if you don't take it too serious.

Love the first 4, or so, seasons.

Early seasons when they filmed in Vancouver were the comfiest thing in the 90s
>it's a driving a sedan through the woods on a rainy backroad episode


Some episodes are truly GOAT, wish there wasnt so much filler

How can one man be so obviously jewish?

What went wrong in s5?

It has good episodes, I just lose interest in the show around season 5.

It has a huge number of flaws, but is still the best tv show ever made - so I suppose that shows there's still a lot of potential for tv.

Name 1 (one)

The absurdly convoluted mytharc (God and angels exists, but also aliens made the Bible?)

It was pure kino and almost as good as The Twilight Zone in it's prime, then it started obsessing over some retarded narrative and stretching a single, boring story across multiple episodes, it was at it's best when it was a monster of the week type deal.

Seasons 1-7 we're good. 8-9 we're decent at best.

>tfw you will never have a loyal red headed waifu to go and chase aliens with.

Why live lads.

>its a scully doesnt shut up and just follow what mulder says since he is literally right about everything in every case episode

I love this show, it is an overall 10/10 for me, but I will never feel good about what a god fucking awful send off the Lone Gunmen got. After all they went through, they die in the shark episode? Shameful. LG deserved better.

Worst feel ever


The inconsistent quality. Even sub-par X File episodes are good tv, and a great X File episode (of which there are many) is some of the best tv around. A show that is more consistent with the best of
The X Files is obviously potential.
A minor point in the grand scheme of things, but the chemistry and acting of Mulder and Scully took a bit of time to get perfect.
The mytharc was always fun, but you could tell they were making things up as they went along. Not everything needs a satisfying conclusion, but the audience shouldn't think the writers/directors don't know what they're doing. Whatever Carter did in season 10 doesn't help matters.

Did you watch the spinoff? After getting to know them a bit, the X File episode wasn't that bad. It was nice to get some closure from the show, and they did die doing what they were always trying to do.
Obviously it wasn't ideal or what I wanted, but it wasn't awful.

Who was in the wrong here?

S1-4 Kino
S5-7ish Decent
Movie 1 - ok good fan service flick
The rest - shit

Mulder's a dumbass for taking 7 years to hook up with her. For the longest time he had no clue the best girl was literally right under his nose, and that she was already down to fug by season 3-4.

Dont be mean to Mulder