Fuck books

Fuck books.

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Ruins the pattern of force ghosts only being able to speak through the lightsaber they used/were killed by.

Rey stole the books before Yoda did the lightning thing. There's a quick shot of them at the end when Finn is rummaging for a blanket for Rose.

What? Yoda was never even killed by a Lightsaber.

It was like someone dug up Yoda's corpse and pranced it around on strings like a marionette, having him say things he'd never say

That's what I said, he is the one breaking the pattern.

>here, allow ME burn the Force Tree and all the ancient Jedi Knowledge

The powers of the dark side include the ability to raise zombies.

Obi-Wan didn't speak through Vader's Saber.

I honestly though Yoda was Snoke disguised and manipulating Luke. Such a weird scene.

Gay, reading is

Nigga what

have the fans ever been kicked harder in the balls than by this movie?

any webm of that moment?

>books are for losers lolololol

What did Grand Master Yoda mean by this?

"Luke, don't do what I told you to do on my death bed, what were literally my last words to you before I disappeared from your life before suddenly reappearing tonight. Depsite devoting your life to this, on my desperate and emotional urging, I know have decided that it is no longer necessary. No, I won't explain, or apologize, or ask how you are doing. If you are upset, kill yourself."


He's definitely /ourguy/ and routinely watches kino. Hates /lit/fags with a passion


I thought it was poignant that Rey was the one who ended up help Luke reach an important lesson, not the other way around.

>451 degrees, Skywalker

What's Yoda's favorite movie?


>Remember all that shit in the original movies and the prequels?
>Fuck that. Burn it up
A little less on the nose next time, Disney. We get it. All the Jedi knowledge is shit and Rey knows it all and blah blah blah excuses for being a Mary Sue


> Be Yoda
> Notice your last hope is a beta bitch
> "Nigga why you cuck yo' self?"
> Blow this mother fucker up
> "Luke, quit being a bitch"
> Motherfucker caused me to die because I thought he was a failed hope

Luke Skywalker is a bitch. Even Yoda was like "nah, fuck yo' couch nigga"

But Rey has the books

/lit/ btfo

Doesn't matter. It's the dialogue that Yoda gave. Complete disregard for structure and order.
You know? Jedi things?
Remember when Yoda was super strict? And critical of recklessness? Me neither

They made Yoda look like he went completely insane.

Nah, Yoda would say that shit. He was having reservations and doubts about the relevance of the Jedi Order in Revenge of the Sith. He new it was unsustainable and only an instrument to perpetuate the vicious cycle of light vs dark. The Jedi's existence doesn't create balance; it creates unbalance. Yoda knew that for a while, but was reluctant to accept it.

Almost like dying and becoming one with the essential power of the universe gave him some new perspective on things.

He was already a playful weirdo in old age, he knew he wasn't actually destroying the books.

He knew that the great failure of the Jedi was not passing down the lessons of failure. Those books alone would never lead to their success and he needed to burn that into Luke.

new meme

thats not a thing, like at all.

/ourguy/, right? fa/tv/irgins hate to read

>he knew he wasn't actually destroying the books
[Citation Needed]
>a complete chronology wouldn't paint a clear picture of the order's shortcomings

The series is ruined

>[Citation Needed]
He said "There is nothing in that tree that Rey doesn't already have with her." and Rey literally has the books with her on the Falcon.
>a complete chronology wouldn't paint a clear picture of the order's shortcomings
The point was for Luke to stop doubting himself and use what he knows to sow the seeds for a new generation of Jedi and for him to stop clinging to the past which is the core theme of the movie.

Need them, She does not.

Burn the books, you should. Bad for you, knowledge is.

Yes, yes. But now, we must read.

I laughed.