What the fuck??
What the fuck??
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Explain to me how this is Sup Forums related.
BASED! We have the best Jews, don't we folks? OP is a Shareblue shill.
cute Jewish family
why jew always lusts after white women, they are supposed to breed with their own
Did Shareblue force Jared and Ivanka to take this photo and upload it to their social media?
Soros did.
why do jews look like a jews? i thought they weren't a race but they absolutely all look like jews it's uncanny
This one too?
He took the photo.
Jews own 99% of the material discussed on this board.
Wow bretty gud for 1.8% of the population!
>all these potential white kids sacrificed to Abraham
what a shame
Why does he always have that face? Like a villain that did some shit but knows the police can't do anything about it.
If you don't stand with Israel, you're not a true american.
theory they are bunch of converted white ppl but i call it bs, the real merchants do not have european look, they are just pale from living in yurope and mixing with white women
this piece of shit didn't have to work for anything his entire life
Levantine DNA
I have a folder of smug Jareds. The fact that Trump sold his daughter to him enrages the Sup Forumsbaby.
They are Jewish you thinned brained fuckstick.
Calm down, they're not real Jews. Actual Jews will laugh behind their backs throughout their lives. You can't just convert to Judaism, that's not how Judaism works.
This isn't the first time Ivanka's posed with Jews.
>Sup Forums is on (((their))) side
>Sup Forums is on (((their))) side
I’ve been deceived
he's kind of cute tho, not too jewy looking
Did Crew force Javanka to beg daddy to bomb the bad Assad man?
they are no actual jews, even converted jew after few generations think they are semites, which they are not, this is where whole "jew" confusion comes from
It's the doll's eyes that are creepy for me. I can get past the nose but hose fucking eyes are haunting.
He's a good boy. And he's also contributing to the white race, unlike his detractors.
Fake news.
Jesus Christ Sup Forums can't even follow their own mission statement
Cinema wouldn't exist without Judaism, go back to Sup Forums or go back to Le ddit, either cesspool is a more appropriate place for idiotic, racist brainlets like yourself.
Jews only consider a jew if your mother was Jewish.
t. Jew
Whites should be honored if Gd's Chosen people identify with their comparatively substandard species
he ain't Sup Forums... He's something, far far worse.
Thanks, we're fine though.
How is it fake news? Here are multiple sources ranging from as left wing as Slate and as right wing as Breitbart:
they always hate on /ourguy/ kushner because they hate trump so much
ever notice how cnn never touches the kush?
Why did you ignore the other half of the post?
If Ivanka is white then jews are white too.
Sup Forums - Television & Film
breitbart is a nazi blog
and here's another brilliant "article" written by this "journalist"
Only the Alt-Right could hate TLJ so this thread is here to distract them.
Hot take you've got there, user.
Why did you ignore the other half of the post?
>Trumptards actually thought he was against the Jews and didn't know he's been in bed with them throughout his career
Can someone explain to me how jews aren't white? Is it a "Better make sure my enemy is nothing like me" type thing?
this is Sup Forums hero
this is Sup Forums queen
a fucking cuckold
a fucking coalburner
White isn't even a legitimate race. It was just a term used in in 1700 to differentiate skin colours. ''whites'' are just caucasians. So yes, light skinned jews are white.
Jews consider themselves white or ethnic minorities whenever it's convenient
Almost every US President ever was for the Jews. Not sure how Sup Forums thought Don would be any different.
True, but pretty much anyone with only a jew dad identifies with the tribe for the ethnic nepotism benefits. They usually work against white interests, too.
You guys know that the State of Israel hates Soros though, right?
Sup Forumskino
>White isn't even a legitimate race
From its conception was meant to describe Anglos and NW Euros. Over the course of the 20th century people used it to describe Europeans and European diaspora the world over.
>It was just a term used in in 1700 to differentiate skin colours
In the 1700's Germans and Nordics weren't even considered white by Ben Franklin and his contemporaries. Much less Jews.
> ''whites'' are just caucasians
Arabs are Caucasian. Arabs are not and have never been considered white.
>So yes, light skinned jews are white
Jews do not consider themselves white. Reactionary Jews don't even do this. Ethno-nationalist Europeans and burger whites do not consider Jewish people to be white.
They have semitic genes. It's what gives them their jewish appearance. (Large nose, hooked nose, large angled lips, curly hair, balding, etc.)
>Only the Alt-Right could hate TLJ so this thread is here to distract them.
Thank you, /his/. Still, considering yourself or someone else white as if its a race is very strange.
Yahweh bless Amerikwa.
Whites are a small minority in the world and are genetically very similar. Why wouldn't they be a race? Because you're familiar with their countries?
jewish people are white its that simple
Despite his jew genes and her plastic surgery, the kids look ok.
He got a hand full of her ass
No more strange jews considering themselves Jewish.
Sup Forums - Are Jewish people white?
Anton Chigurh vibes desu.
>people will still say trump is a nazi/literally hitler
they are mostly white/yuropean on mothers side, as dna showed
and middle eastern something on fathers
Only germanic people with blue eyes are white. It literally is that simple.
Is that the daughter and grand kids of literally hitler?
Let me guess, you are a bernie supporter?
Imagine if you married someone and not only was she super hot, but her dad was President and he let you have a shitton of input as to how the country should be run and let you use it to curry favors for your ancient and powerful blood-brotherhood.
You'd think you lucked out too.
oh man those kids look like 56 percent incarnate
what does kwa mean
I am mocking them
>chop up your sons' dicks
>let your daughter grow a roastie
>almost 2 hours
Neither did she
>5D Chess
Trump was a Zionist front all along.
If you have brown or black hair you are not white.
Breitbart co-founded the Huffington Post
RIP white race
ivanka is fake as fuck.
Semites are still caucasian.