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I found this more adorable than I should have.

lmao 2crown

Why does he have so many fucking fingers?

The original double king only had five, his hands were just really big.

>Why does he have so many fucking fingers?
To hold all his crowns.

What is this from? It's not a scene from Double King, right?

What does double king look like under the robe?

*blocks ur path*


Think it's a fan animation.


>We wuz kings n sheeit

What did Double King mean by this?

Oh? Where can one find it?

Tumblr I guess.

Check the filename

Apparently the madman himself did it.

After a 3rd watching I just realized that double king could escape death's realm because he became the master of death after getting the crown.
Deepest lore.

>didn't link the post directly
what did he mean by this?

That link is broken you idiot


Was waiting for someone to make this joke.

steps around it on account of it being rooted to the earth.

Is this a SJW allegory

Crowns are overrated and they look bad

double king is cute

He has 7, cool your jets

>that /quest/ double king thread

Fucking glorious m8, can't wait for the OP to come back and make another

After the first couple of segments, you never see under the Double King's cloak, again. He hands totally detach from his body.

>Wearing a weird button-down shirt under his kingly robe

The DoubleKing gives absolutely zero fucks, huh

Mushroom King's crown was the best one and he threw it away.

What sort of creature is Double King?

he also grew a third hand when he cutoff his finger

Underrated gag, tbqh.

Yeah, this momentarily made me forget what a creepy emotionless killing machine he is.

>"I'M in charge."


Were the cave dwellers Double King's people?

the absolute madman

Solid. Gold.

They wuz kings

In the sense they're the same race, probably. In the sense they're his subjects? Doubtful. I don't see the Doubleking ever being a king proper just a creature who became obsessed with crowns and only crowns. No real interest in the power it implies.

The point is, he's one of those creatures which technically makes him their king.

>which technically makes him their king
That's a leap. It's iffy whether or not DK is actually a king and not a regular murderblanket that stole a crown and a castle.

You get a crown, you become a king. It's as simple as that. Or did you miss the party where a crown falls on a cloud and it became Stratomonarchus?

>which technically makes him their king.
They didn't seem to pay him much reverence, and judging from his own behavior it's likely they're not a very respectful sort to even acknowledge that sort of thing.
Double King himself enacts regicide regularly, mostly because of selfish jealousy but the point is if they're where he gets his manners from I think they'd harm their king before they hail him.

Stratomonarchus isn't MY king. I didn't vote for him.

You don't vote for King!

You kill them!

>t. Double King

why didn't death just let him have the napkin crown

what was the issue there

All are equal in death.

Except for Agatha. She's in charge.

Doubles King was acting like a real prick so she wanted to punish his ass. However, she underestimated the power of autism.

Likely becuase she was trying to get him to understand he was a subject of her kingdom.



>autist punches you in the face
>you don't take his shitty napkin crown

Didn't deserve it. When Aggie came around I thought he was finally gonna get his shit pushed in like he deserves.

How'd you know?


Oh but if I went 'round sayin' I was Emperor, just because some moistened bint lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!

why is he so cute?

lemme try

I wish I could throw a tantrum and get my way every time

I absolutely adored the music here. Can't wait for Felix to release the extended version.

But in the meantime, anyone mind sharing some similar music to this? I can't say I know what genre this is except for referring it to as vintage electronic music.

some parts made me think of mica levi


What are some notable crown wearers that Double King can actually kill in a fight?
Hard mode: No weaklings

Without a doubt, although he might count as a weakling.

Gwyn probably. Nothing in dark souls would fare well against someone that fast.

No fooling, all the royalty of Ooo is fucked.

No monarchs but death in the underworld.

Double King is swift, not fast.
He ambushes his victims, never directly confronts them and they were pretty weak to begin with
Can't Ice King just freeze Double King?

The only music I found that has this same sound is this album.

Ice King would mistake Double King's attempted regicide as palling around and decide that they're best friends.

No wonder this sounded so familiar

right up until he gets fucking stabbed and bleeds out. More likely the gunters would stop double king to protect the crown.

King Knight can actually put up a fight.
A single finger removal is what it took to kill Double King

I need more music like this. It's so calm and soothing.

I want lewds of this thing

What if the mushroom guard poked him with his spear and caused him to trip out?

I thought that was his foot. Cause his feet are also hands.

that's a harpy

So in the afterlife, mouse king was still missing his skull, fly king was still beheaded, and snake king still had the hole in his head.

Why were double king and pumpkin king still fully intact?

Comedic effect.

>not referring to them by their formal titles
c'mon my man

The Ice Crown does freaky shit when the owner is killed so I don't know what would happen or if he'd be even able to claim it

wait did Ice King die?

what the hell happened to Adventure Time?

It was the what if/alternate universe episode, where Simon sacrifices himself to stop the bomb that destroys earth and creates the lich.

oh right, forgot about that

Alternate dimension where Ice King (still slightly sane Simon) froze the mushroom bomb before it hit, and it crushes him but prevents the Lich and all the adventure time stuff from happening so it's just a regular Earth
Until that world's Finn decides to steal the crown, put it on to save his family and ends up setting off the bomb, turning that Jake into the new Lich

Still, i want lewds of her and her saggy tits

that poor snank QT why did that fag have to kill her 2 times


See you in 3 years when the next full prodject comes out

You think he would have been satisfied with just the napkin crown?

Why was he not interested in Mushroom Kings crown? Was it because it wasn't pointy?

The parts that make me laugh the most are when he saws off the head of the lord of the flies, the mushroom guards peep, and when he slugs Agatha in the face.


What's his name Sup Forums?

He got distracted by the cockatoo and its "crown" and simply dropped it. He ain't the smartest fella.

He changes both size and design every scene.
I'd like to think he does care for the title of king, hence the name "double king", and why he doesn't just use his power and influence to build a thousand golden pointy hats to wear; but that's as far as his interest, knowledge or intellect goes, he doesn't care about the fact of actually ruling, this also explains why his people are scattered are over the land hidden in caves. Finally, the only reason why he didn't wear Durt's crown is because either he didn't know where to put in on or was confused by it's design as he had only seen pointy crowns so far.

he was scratching his head after taking it, it's pretty obvious he didn't recognize it as a "normal" crown

All the crowns that Double King stole and had where open crowns, an old style of crown that has it origins in diadems, and Laurel wreaths. Mushroom King's crown is a modern closed crown, that is closely tied to religious imagery, and might have been mimicking the appearance of battle helmets, at the time.
It might simply not have looked like a crown to him.