"These films now are being made by children"
>director admitted that he was constantly playing Pokemon Go on the set for some interview
He isn't wrong.
>omg this is all on film
Disney are some killers.
Get ready to see this screenshot for the rest of our lives
>*collects millions of dollars*
Flawless integrity, Luke.
God I fucking hate that soyboy cuck interviewer at the start.
He got btfo by Harrison and George also kek.
He can freely speak his mind since his character is dead. God bless you Mark. Hope you don't have deal with anymore bullshit in your career
Mark has always been /ourguy/
Goddamn he is so likeable. I feel horrible for him. He looks great, could definitely play an action lead in an SW movie but Disney just used him as nostalgia bait, if the reports on Last JEdi are correct
Who has the collage of everyone on twitter shitting on it
Would you go so far as to say he's sucking at Disney's teat?
yeah we know that star wars sucks, but cmon, Mark is a cool guy
how much longer until he suicides from drug overdose?
>when you reveal your power level and now you're constantly paranoid that the Mouse Mafia is on your ass
Naw, he really isn't
Jesus christ.
Fucking hell
>actual footage of Star Wars Celebration 2017
Oh shit, that's it, that's why he was panicking and gave that look to the director. He had just received a death thread moments prior from appearing on camera.
I know it's edited to be funny and all, but Mark doesn't have a mean-spirited bone in his body. He wasn't being derogatory with any of his statements.
He's a true G
Someone please make a decent and definitive mark hamill shitting on the new movies montage.
I'm tired of these lazy edits with random volume and cuts.
Literally why? Why?
What did he mean by this?
>Oh Fat Tony...
>What? What did I do?
top kek
>Alec Guinness as Obi-Wan the master, Mark Hamill as Luke the apprentice
>Guinness hated Star Wars and regretted being in it
>Mark never understood and loved his role
>cut to decades later
>Mark is now the old master
>Mark hates Star Wars and being in it
>Luke is literally a joke character now
thanks Disney
I'm tired of Hamill beating around the bush and slyly hinting that he hates Disney Wars. I want him to come right out and fucking bash these movies. I would love to see the look on the faces of Disney drones.
he has NDAs up the ass you dumb fuck. All his money is at stake.
JESUS CHRIST please tell me.. this isnt real
Actually if you read and watch the interviews fully he loved it.l until the new ones. All the others never liked it but he knew and seen and had this vision. Back then he was the only cast member who knew how big they would be.
Now he is the on;y cast member who knows how bad the new ones are. He hates what they did to luke and says it doesn’t seem like his character.
I would say he might hate it now finally that it’s out. He wants to like it but Disney and morons insist on ruining it all.
I’ve always liked mark he’s smarter than he looks. He also doesn’t take no shit and was very critical of the new ones before. He is the sole reason I went in with such low expectations.
Thanks mark. If by some miracle you see this thanks for all the memories and calling it like it is.
is there a stream? I need to see this!
Forget the money, do you want him to die? Because I guarantee you if he says something like this one day, not today, maybe not tomorrow, but one day on an unsuspecting Sunday afternoon Mark is gonna suffer a very sudden, very fatal 'accident'.
I don't think you understand that NO ONE fucks with Disney. They have more lawyers than animators these days. Probably gave him a nice ironclad contract that keeps him from explicitely talking shit about the movie.
Hamill is a true professional though. His performance in the movie was flawless despite it being big pile of shit.
Yeah, let me clarify that Mark still loves the OT and likes the PT. I'm the same for both.
The fact he hates the new films for many of the same reasons Alec hated the old ones is a nice dash of r h y m e though.
>do you want him to die
Wouldn't bother me any, at least he could show some integrity for once
He spoke his mind even before Luke was dead. Dude doesn't give a shit.
The only way he can show integrity now is refusing to be in another movie, which he can't because he already has a contract.
Based Mark Hamill
So, he has no integrity. Gotcha
Are you retarded, or in some deep hole shilling right now?
I feel bad for Mark, I too attended the movie in full shill mode.
I believe i have seen the first objective bad SW movie. wtf where they thinking starting the movie after one hour and a half.
>He likes David Cronenberg films better
Sounds like a true kinoseur
Do these contracts last for life, or just until he's done being in these movies? Since Luke is dead now does that mean he's free or are they still making him come back as a force ghost
Star Wars was always shit, man child
>TFA comes out and sucks donkey dick
>shills be like "I-it'll be better next time guys"
>RO comes out and sucks donkey dick
>shills be like "I-it wasn't a shitty movie guys the next one will be great"
>TLJ comes out and sucks donkey dick
>shills be like "I-it was actually the objectively best SW film guys"
How many donkeys does Disney have to blow before shills wake up and smell the ashes of their fandom?
What is the most definitive and strong that Mark has ever been in his hatred of Nu Wars? Whenever I show these videos to Disney fags they just say I'm reading too much into it and only hearing what I want to hear. I want to see the closest he's ever gotten to outright hating on these movies.
Mark's aged rather well. Why doesn't he get more roles?
3:39 Kathleen shuts him up from implying everyone to use their imaginations instead of watching the movies and buying the Disney lore
>even Mark think it makes no sense that Rey use the force without training
When will they start to reconised that actors have a valuable creative imput? They are not alien to the creations they're part of, they understand their universe, sometimes more profondly than even the author themself because they literaly live the character, they feel things we don't understand or see.
>muh russia drumpf!111
The absolute state of SWfags
>sometimes more profondly than even the author themself because they literaly live the character, they feel things we don't understand or see.
fuck you, I liked this whole scene, he was space Bear Grylls.
Even if the NDAs expire, he'd still be afraid of any lawsuit Disney's lawyers can come up with. He's saying a lot for someone who's that vulnerable.
If he said something like "episode 8 sucks", they could simply sue him for lost revenue because of his slander. And his defense would have to come from his pocket.
It's sad, it's all so sad.
I hate Star Wars, so it's hilarious to me
takes one to know one my memester friendo
fuck you too buddy
he says that he doesn't mind the new ones, as in the new kids character arcs are great. he's bitter about the way they're treating the original cast. as if they should get more screen time.
which i completely agree with. han solo is the only one i think got the right amount and proper goodbye. luke should absolutely have saved rey in the snow in the first one.
Made by children, for children
You're editing these to make it like he hates it
>which i completely agree with. han solo is the only one i think got the right amount and proper goodbye. luke should absolutely have saved rey in the snow in the first one.
han got it worst, his whole character arc in the originals was basically shit on.
mark is an advocate of luuke btw
Just got back from seeing it, thought it was great. My kids loved the porgs, especially the one giving chewy the look. My daughter was so worried about Rey, kept asking "is she gonna be ok?!?" Son was Kylo maniac. It was a great family movie, having the kids with me to see it just made it more special.
Fuck Kathleen. That was some of the most passively-aggressive snark I've ever seen to one of the dudes who MADE Star Wars into what it is. Fuck her and fuck her hyperaggressive marketing tactics.
Mark can say that because of his extensive knowledge of the universe of SW, not because he played Luke. Only the author truly knows what goes through the character's heads.
They've been really bad to every returning OT character but Leia.
>Han is reverted to the same shitty smuggler he was in ep IV
>Dies like a bitch.
>Luke is turned into a cowardly failure
>Dies like a bitch.
>Leia is turned into force Jesus, a role which originally belonged to Luke in the EU.
>Dies like a- wait doesn't die. Uses incredible force power to resist the vacuum of space and fly back to the ship.
Shit. Even the Emperor couldn't fucking do that. Vader killed his ass by throwing him down a fucking maintenance shaft.
I (27, following Star Wars my entire life, including EU) loved it, my father (OT purist) loved it, my cousins (8 and 12) loved it, my sister and mother (never really fans of the franchise) loved it. I think it's a great film and hate I've seen online is surprising.
If mark wasnt such a libtard I would call him my favorite person in the business desu
>I love you
>I know
Can we take a moment to mourn Palpatine? NU has shafted him hard.
>his name is now sheev
>he's now cartoonishly and comically evil
>tries to destroy his own empire
>used to be the strongest dark sider ever and among the strongest force users ever
>but now rey, kylo, and leia are all stronger than him
>never comes back or has any impact on anything else
>replaced by a horrendously animated antagonist that's almost literally a joke
well i say han had it good, because he did at least get a good amount of scenes and he wanted to die and asked for it. luke didn't get to do shit, they should have absolutely utilized him more if he was willing to put in the work. i feel like if they gave him 10-15 minutes of actual screen time the first time around he would have felt more satisfied than the 30 seconds he got.
I hope your kids get raped to death
>Oh, Fat Tony...
>>but now rey, kylo, and leia are all stronger than him
i dont get this impression
han only died because ford wanted out and said he'd only do this one. so i respect that, but at least he had a good few scenes before he went.
luke didn't get shit in ep7. 10 minutes of him would have been satisfying as fuck.
I would have rather watched Mark Hamill talk shit on Hollywood and discuss where he would have gone with the series for 2 hours than see that turd of a film.
I'll be honest, I was kind of a shill for TFA because I felt like even though it had problems, the next movie could fix them by doing things like giving Rey an appropriate backstory to explain her strength, making her a terrible pupil and face legitimate challenges, etc. I know a movie should stand on its own, but TFA laid enough groundwork for me to give VIII a chance. Plus I thought Rian Johnson had a pretty good track record.
Holy shit was I wrong, this was so bad that now I retroactively dislike TFA. They ruined everything from the OT that they could get their hands on and didn't replace it with anything worthwhile.
you don't need to edit qutoes/take them out of context to see he hates the movies
The twist would have been better if Luke was part Sith. A true balance between the two.
I hope Disney doesn't try to kill him irl.
If he dies in 5-6 years, I'll blame the mouse.
They wanted him to be like Yoda in Empire. He's a weird old dude who trains the MC to become a Jedi and he does things that seem bizarre to the MC. It doesn't work though because Luke is well-known and isn't some weirdo like Yoda was.
Pretty much the only good things was anything to do purely with the First Order, but that's because it's Empire 1.5. The only things I hated about the FO is how Phasma got smashed... again and Snoke dying like a bitch without any sign on who he is. Who is this person who is not a Sith but another Dark Side User? How is it that he saw the rise and fall of the Empire? What was his ultimate goal? We got nothing and we will never get anything. Kylo becoming supreme leader was neat though.
its heavily edited, but he really hates the movies
Typecast, so he mostly gets novelty casting, and he picked some bad roles after Star Wars (shit like The Guyver) that hurt his career too. He's made a good career off of voice acting at least, though.
>all these paid journos trying to hypefarm for the new films
The looks on their faces when Hamill responds with utterly apathetic cynicism is fucking priceless.
You would too if you could.
>he died of a self-inflicted two dozen gunshot wounds to the back of the head
It's sad that Colin was sacked - JW wasn't great but... - when his vision allied with Mark.
now that I think about it, maybe that's why they killed him. His opinions about ep 9 won't matter because he's not in it.
he shits on them, but in a very understanding manner. his points are valid as fuck. he's not even talking shit about the new cast at all, he just thinks that if you're going to use the old cast, might as well use them well. they ultimately did underutilized them.
So this is the power of feminism