How many porg scenes were there?
How many porg scenes were there?
at least 10
Surprisingly few, fortunately.
They had one scene where they got annoying. Otherwise they were mostly just window dressing.
too many
It was very obvious that they were merchandising pushing. At least 10, and at least half were extended scenes.
not enough, they should have just had porg for 2 hours and then rolled the credits
4 or 5
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand porgs. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of lovable merchandising most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also porg’s optimistic outlook, which is deftly woven into their characterisation- their personal philosophy draws heavily from Minions literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike porgs truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in porg’s existential catchphrase “BRA-KAW BRA-KAW” which itself is a cryptic reference to Despicable Me’s epic Gru. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Rian Johnson’s genius wit unfolds itself on their cinema screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a porg tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
How many shit, repetitive star wars thread were there?
Porg spin-off next year. Cap this post.
They been around since premiere there are three tag pics been around
too many
the random person next to me in the cinema started hysterically every single time Porg's appeared on screen
i've never wanted to die so bad
i want to pork a porg
their flatish face kind of reminds me of a shih tzu, which for me is kind of bittersweet because my first dog was a shih tzu and I loved her dearly but she died in a really terrible way.
regardless of them being nothing more than a toy shoehorned into a film by micky mousenbrger
anyone who thinks the porgs are anything other than adorable has no soul
the baby porgs in the nest
>started hysterically
hysterically laughing
They never explained WHY porgs went on the Falcon.
Maybe don’t assfuck your dogs to death user
Not enough. We need a spin-off porgkino.
So this is the current state of Sup Forums, bitching about novies they haven't seen
There was even one with veganbaiting. Chewie was going to eat one after roasting it but one Porg Puss in Boots it's way to his heart and he decides not to eat it.
the Porgs were OK they were just like animals that liked nesting everywhere
dude lighten up they were funny and cute
this movie fucking sucked, but porgs were actually Kino
he was laughing at how shit they were right?.....
this although the movie was ok
Will Porgs actually become the new Minions or does no one really care about them?
pic related
The porgs inch dangerously close to saccharine and taking too much screen time but overall I was fine with them and they are cute.
The porg guilt-tripping Chewie was a cheapshot
They'll be a few pegs below ewoks. There will be some merch and kids will love them, but nothing too crazy.
6 or so, they were all cute, but stuck out like a sore fucking thumb
Only a couple.
They were handled surprisingly well. Knowing the mouse, I thought there would be one that followed the cast around everywhere and they would give it a name and shit.
The porgs were just pests that infested the falcon. Chewie roasted one of them but they still hung around him afterwards.
The crystal foxes actually had more impact on the story than the porgs.
Oh I thought that was a British-ism or something
But we have a cam recording of it and it is awful.
I still haven't been spoiled on the new movie, but are these things basically Meme Furball creatures?
Started what?
Like 2 or 3. They do nothing at all in the movie really.
They got like 5 seconds just being shown as wildlife on the island doing their calls.
Chewie had one spot roasted and was going to eat it but several (live) ones were there staring at him and he stopped himself.
Apparently some porgs decided to make a nest in the Falcon while it was parked on the island and so it wasn't surprising that they showed up again like once or twice later.
There was a bit towards the end where the Falcon made a sharp turn and a Port was comically slammed up against the window.
They do nothing at all and have no relevance besides to sit there and be cute in the like 1-2 minutes screentime they get. Hardly even a mascot.
Are there any good starfighter scenes?
hopefully Disney will force RJ to remake OT with an all porg cast for his trilogy
Not really "scenes." Just a shot here and there of them doing stuff.
they're a blatant merchandising wank
fourth post, best post.
They're like guinea-pig owl penguins. They're the most adorable marketing scam ever
Practically the whole movie is cool starfighter scenes.
>they didn't really do anything!
Idiots, they're complicit in Luke's death. They're a huge part of the film's underlying themes. It's like no one picks up on subtlety anymore.