>You are on this Council, but we do not grant you the rank of Master.
Does this make sense? Is it unprecedented? Maybe the Jedi were the jerks all along.
>You are on this Council, but we do not grant you the rank of Master.
Does this make sense? Is it unprecedented? Maybe the Jedi were the jerks all along.
The only time he trust Anakin he get betrayed 5 minutes later so he was kinda right
I didn't ask if it was right, I asked if it made sense, i.e. don't you have to be a Master to be on the Council? Why didn't they tell Palpatine to fuck off when he told them to let him be on the Council?
>inb4 'muh war'
> Mace Windu
Gets blasted out of a window (which he smashed, unwittingly sealing his fate. Pottery.)
Jedi are taught to be mindful of their surroundings...how ironic that a man named Windu did not pay attention to his proximity to a Window.
I thought you had to successfully train a padawan to become a master.
Anakin trained a Padawan, didn't he?
Anakin was a allegory for hitlers rise to power.
Hitler failed art school and decided to KILL THEM ALL PETER
Luke was right. Order 66 now.
ACTUALLY the prequels were about George Bush, The Patriot Act, and The Iraq War.
he sure did
>Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace is a 1999 American epic space opera film
It's called a retcon.
cold as ice, dark as the night
hmmm. indeed.
>Anakin had a vision and the younglings will destroy the galaxy
>Nobody except him know
>Became palpatine bitch and join the dark side to protect the galaxy
>Anakin is the good guy
They were jerks. The divide isn't good/bad, it's order/chaos.
the sith are orderly
>gets appointed to the council by political commands instead of merit
ACTUALLY the Jedi are a metaphor for the Federal Reserve
>reddit typing
No they're not, their whole history is betrayal and murder. They have one rule, one master and one apprentice, and they consistently throw that rule out the fucking window.
More like they always think they're above the rule. Then the master gets shanked and the apprentice goes on to think he's also above the rule, takes on a new apprentice and then gets shanked himself. Rinse and repeat.
>"He even learned to stop people from dying"
>This convinces Anakin to become a Sith
So why didn't Anakin just go to medical school?
>Mace Windu told Anakin to wait in the council chamber for him to return, because had he returned, he was going to annoint Anakin as a Jedi Master
Palpatine had Maul, but then he also had Dooku at some point? And then he had Vader, but Vader also had Starkiller.
The Jedi were totally the jerks all along. Sheev and the Empire literally did nothing wrong
>one day a Jedi that got exiled realizes he got unfairly shafted by the Jedi council
>he also realizes that the Republic is basically the council's bitch, and is far too bloated and corrupt to function normally
>he gathers the leaders of space UPS, space Sally Mae, and space Halliburton, who all decide that paying taxes are for losers and collectively decide to tell the Republic to fuck off
>The Republic, fearing the loss of revenue that the large corporations provided them, takes a hardline stance and tells them to get back in line
>this further pisses off the instigators, who formally seceede and proclaim their own government
>to provoke the Jedi into a fight, the dark Jedi manipulates the Jedi into creating a secret army of disposable soldiers that are gifted by them to the Republic before the secessionists even declared their independence (!)
>even Casius Belli for the war is sketchy, with the Jedi claiming to rescue a team that was sent to assassinate the Rogue Jedi
>now war is declared and the Jedi so conveniently offer their skills to command their own new army
>they are shown to be terrible and unsuited tactical leaders with no experience or training, yet everyone accepts this based on their skill in a war that was fought 3,000 years ago
>unnecessary casualty levels are suffered because the Jedi treat their organic clone army as expendable, and Republic territory is lost as the war drags on thanks to the Jedi's incompetance
>eventually the separatists break through to the Republic's capital and capture their Chancellor in an effort to force them to sue for peace and end the war
>at the last second the Jedi rescue the Chancellor in a botched raid that ends with a starship crashing into a city block
>now the Jedi are mad that the public is weary of war, and have given the Chancellor emergency powers to finish it quickly
10 or 15 years pass between TPM and AotC. He had to find a new apprentice fast when Maul died.
What was his plan in The Phantom Menace, anyway?
Didn't ki adi mundi get on the council without being a master?
They were butthurt because Sheev started telling them who to take into the council. I know nobody cares about books but in the novel he wasn't just angry because they didn't think he was worth the rank but because he wanted to get into the master archives to find a way to save Padme
Its a shit film and no one should defend it but like its spelled right out why they did that dumbass.
Palpatine reccomended Anakin to the council and to get General Grievous.
Ofcourse the Jedi handle their own affairs and don't like some guy tell them what to do so they reached a compromise. They will send Obi Wan to get the general instead but still give Anakin the council seat.
Why? Because the Jedi started sensing Palpatine's dark side ejaculations as his plans were coming closer. They wanted to slowly earn his trust so Anakin can investigate closer, hence appeasing to half his demands.
Palpatine however was playing 4D chess and wanted to isolate Anakin from his Jedi support group. Which ends up happening.
TLDR; Jedi tried to play politics and out maneuver Palpatine but fucked up.
>The Jedi fail at a coup attempt to dispose of the Chancellor, and at last are revealed as the hypocritical traitors that they are
>the Jedi are destroyed by the red herrings that they created, and now the Republic can finally work on putting an end to the war
>the Chancellor summons the leaders of the confederacy together for a peace offering
>while they are all together, an agent assassinates them all and forces a surrender
>at last, the war is finally over and the public realizes the power that corrupt senators and the Jedi were
>to counter this, they create a single head of state and reform the government, nationalizing all the corporations that started the war in the first place
>the very same corrupt and inefficient senators that the Chancellor warned about get butthurt that they got called out, so they fund and create a terrorist organization in the name of restoring the heavyhanded organization that manipulated the galaxy into a war that caused untold trillions of deaths
>the terrorists plunge the galaxy into another 30 years of war, doing exactly what the Chancellor was trying to prevent, and the Exiled Jedi was trying to prove
Sheev and Dooku literally did nothing wrong. They were both working at the same goal, but from different sides
that's an interesting way of saying jews
It's just a more subtle way of saying jews.
I always thought that it was a Master/Student one on one relationship. So Palpatine had Vader, who could also have a pupil, who could potentially also have one, but you'd never have two pupils of equal rank at the same time. Then there's shenanigans of masters killing apprentices and vice versa or higher masters stealing apprentices from their pupils to kill said pupils and that's where things get confusing.
If the master allows his student to have a student then they'll team up and kill him. There's only supposed to be two at the same time so that they won't backstab each other every week but like said they break the rule all the time
But then why was there 1000s of Sith in the past at the same time?
That was before the Rule of Two
The rule of two wasn't a thing in the past until they almost went extinct from infighting and one of them decided that there should only be two to prevent it and so that every time a student kills his master the sith get stronger and stronger
>reddit thinking
She left the order and never made Knight. You don't get partial credit.
But the Sith didn't seem particularly powerful?
Sheev was supposedly the strongest one ever and ruled the galaxy so I guess it worked... for two decades until he died
Sidious is allegedly the most powerful Sith. He is able to live longer, has force lightning, has ability to create life out of the force according to Lucas in Behind the Scenes stuff etc.
If you are basing force abilities through the force unleashed game then you will have a bad time. The powers there are way too OP and nothing at all what Lucas intended. No one guy can move entire mountains with the force.
>He is able to live longer
Always supported this theory. According to Lucas only Jedi can find the peace and harmony to come back as force ghosts. The Sith are too caught up with worldy possessions to spiritually let go.
So it makes sense for them to live on they can use the force to keep their dying bodies alive as long as possible, before dissappearing from existence.
Unlike the Jedi who let go of their earthly bodies and become truly one with the force.
This is outrageous. How can you be on the Council and NOT be a Master?
But seriously Windu and Yoda pretty much forced Anakin's hand.
If he had have taken him Anakin never would have turned
So force unleashed isn't cannon? But what cool things could Vader/Anakin do considering he was the chosen one?
He was on the council because Sneev requested it, but the Jedi wouldn't grant him the rank of master (usually required to be on the council) because he wasn't qualified.
That's the reason Sheev never had a real heir, he planned to keep living forever
Almost all of stuff outside movies has been uncanonized by Disney but they keep cherrypicking things back to canon so who knows. I dunno if Anakin had any special abilities aside from being strong in force and having prophetic dreams, supposedly he lost a lot of power and potential after getting his armor
He was a good politician, I'll give him that.
this is a really solid breakdown
Needs a bit of bolstering in term of why the Jedi ran the war badly. Using Napoleonic tactics on Geonosis, slapdash war councils "Wait a minute guyz what about the Droid attack on the Wookies." as well as slapdash discipline (Obi doesn't care about Ani missing the meeting about the Outer Rim sieges and he just shrugs his shoulders and says they're "going well."). There is also the fact that the Jedi are too retarded to solve the kamino riddle and that their intelligence just boils down to launching entire military invasions based on tip-offs, like the one they get about Grievous.
I'm not prequel bashing, by the way, the Jedi came across in a consistent manner as zonked out hippy force-addicts with no roots in the real world who had too much power for an order of ascetic monks to really handle. This characterisation suited the decadent time of the ageing Republic and made Sheev's rise more believable.
But yeah good summary of the Clone Wars and how it was all their fault. Also Windu and Yoda being assholes to Anakin is a big one.
Formerly Palpatuck
>Maybe the Jedi were the jerks all along.
Anakin brought truth, and they condemned it? The arrogance...
Yeah coz he was burnt up
to set things in motion, nearest I can tell
he says at the end "I will be chancellor one day"
he became more highly regarded and just more notable in the senate after the events of TPM