>When the urban Legend about Allison Mack you first heard about on Sup Forums is apparently legit
Get the full story from 20/20 right now on ABC
>When the urban Legend about Allison Mack you first heard about on Sup Forums is apparently legit
Get the full story from 20/20 right now on ABC
no joke watching this story this guy is my new hero
also fappening leaks when
how do i become her sex slave
>part of joining the suspicious as fuck cult like organization is giving up compromising information for membership
these dumbshits deserve to be emotionally broken down
i want to be her pusy slave
notice how 99% of the people who end up in cults like this are women? makes ya think doesn't it
man I was googling in, is this shit real?? is like a game of /weg/ damn
>urban legend
did Sup Forums not bother to link the dozens of legit news organizations that have been reporting on this for the last year?
>implying anyone wants to recruit male sex slaves
That's pretty gay dude
I don't know about /pol but whenever it popped up in a Smallville thread on /co there were always links
the fact that you love sucking cocks doesn't mean that the entire world only want that, fuck no, we love pussy, so chill out, grow a pair.
>trusting anything on Sup Forums ever
the only time Sup Forums was ever remotely reliable is when they decided to play capture the flag with Shia
Literally all one has to do is search NXIVM on google news and there are articles dating back to at least 2011.
Looks like that Comkike cable finally paid off. Laffin at the sob storying they're painting for this random blond idiot.
son she's the one recruiting the fresh sex slaves, she's the one people need to be SAAAAAAAAVVVVVVVEEEEEEDDDDDD from
>Chloe ended up being better super-villain than Lex
>tfw no gf
>this creep has a harem of qt sex slaves
>con people into giving you millions of money
>instead of quitting while you're ahead blow it all on shitty investments instead of getting insider tips from some of the executives you've personally enslaved
you can't make this shit up
this thread gives me heartbreak evrytim. pls stop making it.
>The harems and orgies were Mack's idea
Chloe truly is best gurl
This girl is a keeper.
the longer this story goes on the more impressed I am at this guy
his fuck ups out way his impressiveness in my opinion
imagine how many millions his failures have lost
>sexually enslaves you
Can't slave the willing.
>Sup Forums is apparently legit
right again
is it over already you faglord? I wanted to see this semon demon.
ahahha you're from Sup Forums
I think you should stay there
>Can't slave the willing.
We shall see.