It could have been a better movie if it were not a cartoon. It's literally just a drama; no magical fights and other bullshit.
P. Blue
No? There were some cuts that could only work in animation.
I like the part when we see her pusy
>it's animation so it needs to be for children
Except for the finale. Also, there is no need for any other version. Dispose this I'm kind of surprised a western live action remake hasn't been done.
>It could have been a better movie if it were not a cartoon.
Aronofsky felt the same way.
You're just a pleb who is prejudiced against anime. Watch Jin-Roh or Redline.
>It could have been a better movie if it were not a cartoon
>Perfect Blue
Nice entry level signals. Watch Call Me Tonight and come back.
Excuse me, who are you?
Don't listen to this user. Call Me Tonight is garbage
what can i say? CHAM is working great as a duo
Aronofsky proved OP wrong.
you're an idiot
I really like this movie and would consider it very good but I had to stop watching it at the rape scene because it made me too uncomfortable
also Kanashimi no Belladonna is better
Perfect Blue has literally perfect editing that's only possible with traditional animation.
Fuck off, brainlet.
No animated movie should be made because it can ONLY be done in animation.
>has retarded opinion
nothing new here
It's true kino, a scathing and hilarious satire on the erotic horror genre of anime and male sexuality in general. To see it for what it truly is requires an unmatched IQ.
I don't see how being live action makes a movie better. The best film of the year was an animated movie.
a cartoon? you're thinking of paprika, and it's virtual reality
>better movie if it were not a cartoon
In what possible way?
I wanted to see real acting...
It still confuses the fuck out of me to this day
Did she commit all the murders?
Did she have multiple personality disorder or something?
Was the stalker guy real?
It made no goddamn sense
Is the ending simply too patrician for me? It just seems like such bullshit, so much that I originally thought that she was still hallucinating. Is that it?
From what I understood, she and her manager had some shared psychosis. Probably she got it from reading the blog and from the strain of becoming an actress. And the stalker was also deluded.
Type like a human, you stupid fucking animal.