Jim Jefferies' fall from grace

How the fuck did he go from a mildly red-pilled bants aussie to literally "FUCK DRUMPF AND FUCK WHITE PEOPLE"?

Did he get castrated? What went wrong?

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A comedian is only as good as his audience

Because these people in the media, right and left, don't actually give a fuck and are just manipulating emotions and team sports mentality for monetary gain?

he wanted a real career

Knocked up a prostitute and got married. Not kidding.

>A comedian is only as good as his audience

gotta pay the bills m8

When did he get on that old band wagon?

When has he ever been anything but a very liberal misogynist?

Its a goddamn shame for sure, he was so enjoyable on O&A.

Is this nigger serious? Watch his old shows. He makes puns/jokes about literally everything. Dead babies, paedophilia, muslims jews, wife abuse, cancer, religion; hell, you name it.

I meant his stand up


Whatever Hollywood people use to grow their hair back turns them all into raging liberals.

Didn’t he used to proudly boast about how Australians let the government grab all their guns after one incident? Sounds like he was never red-pilled to me.

That was later on, when he already had drank the kool aid.

Stand up comedy in general has become the domain of insufferable eunuchs. It was funny to shit on Christianity back when it was powerful, but now they keep screaming at the same targets no matter how irrelevant they are.

I never got him, he's always been an unfunny loudmouth Aussie idiot. That accent Is so grating.

you are just butthurt he is making fun of drumpf

>anti religious

yea, still pretty liberal.

He is a such a cuck

His brain got fried by the LA sun and being surrounded by those types of ivory tower psychopaths.

>anti religious
And yet he gets triggered as fuck if Trump shit talks Muslims.

Jim Jefferies was never good.


You just can't accept the fact they target the president, who you happened to vote for. Sorry your fees fees got hurt.

>hurr I drink and do coke look how cool I am!
I never found this hack funny.

Spot on
*tips fedora*

>And yet he gets triggered as fuck if Trump shit talks Muslims.

I remember he did an entire bit about Mohammed and then killed him because some woman groaned

I'm with you, his old shit isn't even funny. You people just like him because he was slighty more edgy than the average comedian.

send his rape jokes from O&A to bloggers, jezebel etc

like the one here

he abandoned his Autralian audience and he's trying to appeal to his new faggy American audience

post a funny comedian, then

Louis CK

Got Americanised.

he's of british descent, grew up in sydney, and lived in london. of course he's always been anti-gun.

he never had an australian audience, people here know him more for his le epic take down of america and its gun laws
