Now that Disney has ruined Star Wars, will Warhammer 40k be the savior of the sci-fi fantasy genre?
Now that Disney has ruined Star Wars, will Warhammer 40k be the savior of the sci-fi fantasy genre?
This is about the only thing that could be adapted into a functional movie in that universe.
>transgender asian marines
>chaos followers aren't evil, just misunderstood
>lighthearted bro scenes
yeah, can't wait
This standalone novel would make a good adaptation. Surprisingly well-written, plotted, good setting etc.
star wars is a space soap opera, for fucks sakes
Get it right you newfag reddit fucks
>Posting memelord Eisenhorn over Gaunt's Ghosts
To make a Warhammer movie, you would need some way to introduce people who are not familiar with the setting into the galaxy. I've pondered many times that maybe it should be an Imperial Guard movie, one with a new recruit with the first half of the movie showing the audiences what the Imperium of man is like, through society, military and the Inquisition. Have the second half of the movie be the first deployment of our guardsman character against Orkz or something like to ease people before doing the over the top shit like Eldar and Necrons. Have the movie end with the MC being shot before seeing drop pods in the sky, giving a quick explanation of the Space Marines, how strong they are and MOST IMPORTANTLY: How rarely people would see them in battle.
>blocks your path
Sony is gonna fuck it up again aren't they?
What do you think?
>Warhammer 40k
God what a loser. 40k is a joke even among wargamers.
they should just make something original, 40k is so highly overrated that I almost can't believe people aren't being ironic when they praise it
warhammer 40k is entirely built on toxic masculinity
hollywood hates toxic masculinity.
Anyone who takes 40k seriously should have a bolter to the head. Normal people recognize it as over the top power fantasy which is not a bad thing at all... until they take it seriously.
15 hours would be a great intro.
>Warhammer 40k
>savior of anything
I'm not sure how Nazi aesthetics being the least evil is going to go down with studio execs and """modern"""" audiences
Producer here with minimal to no-knowledge of the source material, aka the best person for the job.
Alright, here's what we do:
Imperial Guard, they're more approachable and human, right? Can be played by pretty actors and women? They're pretty much the colonial marines from Aliens?
We set it up as a team of soldiers from the Imperial Guard being sent to some whatever base in a far off planet to investigate a distress call. Maybe the planet was researching something to help them in the war.
The team is pretty casual, there's some banter and quips to make them likeable. Maybe 3 guys, divided in the usual leader/sarcastic guy/meathead and 2 women, one is the no-nonsense nanny and the other is the quriky nerdy one.
They meet some scientists, fight some Tyranids first because they're easy mooks that can lead to a quick and good action scene.
Next, an ork spaceship crashlands on the planet, they're looking for whatever MacGuffin is held in the planet. Why orks? Simple, they're green, silly, have accents, audiences will eat them up, we could sell a lot of merch with them.
Then we get a Space Marine, he's sent after the team requests help. He's stoic and noble, he's gonna be our serious side for the film.
So now we can start act 3. Meathead dies while a bunch of shit is happening.
Scientist has been taking them to the center of the base, and it's then revealed he was actually evil the whole time and we get Chaos in, because space-slugs and dumb green guys don't make serious stakes, demons do.
Then it's a run for the macguffin, Space Marine destroys it and has a final fight with a demon-scientist or whatever.
Everyone dies.
Leader guy sacrifices himself to save quirky girl, saying he always loved her.
Movie ends with Space Marine and girl survivor on a ship back, she's all sad and shit, the Space Marine vouches to help her further investigating the macguffin and we set up the sequel.
With a good marketing campaign we can get at least 600M.
Vanilla IG feels much closer to a smorgasbord of late 19th century European military but what's the difference to modern audiences. They'd call Prussian solders in 1871 Nazis.
On a related note double breasted coats are sex.
>imperium of manking
>least evil
What did we say about going full retard, user?
What, do you think that Eldar (The ones that screwed everything up) are less evil? Tau are irrelevant, they don't count. Please. In this universe, Imperium of Man are saints compared to the horrors that lie beyond.
For the most part good, but you gonna need a lot more deaths (Since Imperial Guardsmen are just normal humans deployed in large numbers), not underestimate the nids (It took a Space Marine Chapter and Necrons to drive them off a world) and explain Chaos. You also have to introduce the audience to the Imperium and Space Marines, since they would be confused why the Commissar is shooting everyone and why the Inquisition is a thing
idk if people could handle the drop of investment with MC death to introduce the space marines. So many times in the horus heresy characters would die as introduction points for others. Do you it would be better to do Unification Wars then creation of the Astartes as a prologue to the universe, then a second movie about the start of the heresy later? Or would it be better to just jump straight into the established universe
Horus Heresy is too complicated and expects you to have knowledge of the universe at large. If you took an Imperial Guardsmen from a bumfuck planet to be recruited into the Astra Militarum with little to no knowledge of life beyond his planet, that serves as an excellent introduction to it. As for the MC's death, got to push that "Grimdark future" tag.
Expanding on this, you gotta show that the Space Marines are not a common sight. Too fucking many external 40k media stuffs this up by showing them drop at a moments notice when there are only 1,000 Marines a chapter compared to the billions if not trillions of Guardsmen ready to fight and die in the name of the Emperor. You've also got to find some way to show how the devotion of the Emperor not only built this society but also led to the stagnation. You've also got to ease people in as I said. Start with the more easy to understand enemies of the Imperium (Orkz being big dumb raiders or even Tau being a young but technically advanced species) before you introduce the big bad boys (Chaos, Necrons and the Eldar).
Give me $300 million and a team to kidnap the actors/producers families and I'll give you kino
>>chaos followers aren't evil, just misunderstood
This was actually the case as far back as the original warhammer (not warhammer 40k) lore in the 80s. At least some followers who were forced into a chaos worship by their circumstances and the oppression of the northern tribes by The Empire.
Hell read up at how Acheron turns.
No, your latest watered down edition is literally setting up Age of Sigmar 2 Electric boogaloo. 40k is just as bad as WHFB. Its all bad and GW is ruining what little is enjoyable
1 darkie
You lose
>nazi aesthetics
Commissar (aka the biggest dicks in the Guard) are Nazi aesthetic. Cadian officers are based on a mix of 19th century Europe and modern infantry. Rick Priestly has specifically said Cadians are meant to be "a mix of revolutionary france, sparta, and modern Israel" in space anyway
Cadia getting BTFO because Abbadon decided to ram his fucking fortress into the planet destroying the last Necron pylon but everyone still hating him has been the funniest shit ever.
here's who he'll be playing tho
and yes that's a green mohawk
Ironically, would probably be the best way to introduce audiences to 40k. It starts off at an early point in the history so you can see HOW things exactly ended up the way they were, and the galaxy was a lot less complex in the heresy era.
The HH books operate as a self-contained story and the first book Horus Rising is a pretty good layout on what's going on in the galaxy.
is there a book or something for this
These choices are beyond terrible. An irishman playing the emperor who is basically space-hyperborean conan? Voiceover for cgi maybe, but not live action. Hollywood would wreck the IP just as they did with star wars,
salamanders are solar radiation mutant caucasoids not africans.
Yeah while they are definitely heretics and traitors, some of them are definitely the more emphatic characters in the Horus Heresy. Thousand Sons and Word Bearers come to mind; doesn't hurt that A Thousand Sons and The First Heretic are the best books in the Heresy.
Would be much easier to just have a black play him and add CGI red eyes
I still play Fantasy Battle...
>9th edition never
Why are they doing 40k and not the original?
>tfw lizardmen master race
>Not Skaven
>you gotta show that the Space Marines are not a common sight
You expect them not to use the one commonly recognizable thing from 40K that normies do know? You better be fucking joking.
"Make a Star Wars movie without the stormtroopers". Sure pal.
wewlad is there ever
no evidence they were ever Caucasian to begin with either. Simply human settlers that landed and their skin got blasted black
>"Make a Star Wars movie without the stormtroopers". Sure pal.
False equivalency, Stormtroopers are basically imperial guardsmen. It's more like showing Dark Troopers.
space marines are the most popular part of 40k by far, a movie/show without space marines is retarded.
I mean down the line you could do it, but it'd have to be a viable franchise first. Otherwise it's like a star wars movie with no jedi (they waited until Rogue One to do that and still pissed people off)
IG are Soviet, not Nazi.
Ok, what about a compromise: Have a Space Marine movie or whatever, BUT show how incredibly rare they are within the context of this galaxy.
>chaos followers aren't evil, just misunderstood
I think you mean,
>a diverse squad of space marines lead by a black woman defeat an army of white male chaos marines
This argument loses merit when you realize people worship Khorne, who's deamon minions look like literal satans, and want to eat your face.
40k is cancer
>False equivalency, Stormtroopers are basically imperial guardsmen
No, you're just mentally disabled.
It's about how recognizable they are to plebs. Everyone knows a stormtrooper. Everyone knows Vader.
40K has one universally recognized symbol, it's space marines, and they'd feature prominently in anything 40K related that was made in movies.
Except that there are several right wing sub-reddits. It's still an awful site but not for political reasons.
>not casting Benedict Wong as Khan
Huh, wouldn't be that bad, if a little stock.
Easy fix for the "scientist" is that he's an "Adeptus Mechanus" member...but secretly a "Heretek".
Google those two quoted words, and you might have something marketable to execs.
We got a heretic here folks. Probably masturbates to xenos.
That's just one book series
There are around 400 Warhammer 40,000 novels
Seeing some good body horror with an Adeptus Mechanicus would be neat.
I would say throw in a Commissar somewhere for a controversial scene of him doing Commissar stuff.
An IG movie where marines show up at the end like a force of nature and terrify even the protagonists with how efficiently they murder the enemies could be good
>Liam as Emperor
The fuck are you even smoking.
Liam does not look like Conan the Barbarian in space at fucking all.
khorne is anger and nobility
Tzeentch is ambition
Slaanesh is pride
Nurgle is depression
all very human very conventional emotions
>wanting a pudgy short old guy as the Khan instead of a muscle bounded giant
Oh look it's that guy.
Warhammer Fantasy is a great setting for battles and side stories, but not really an over-arching plot like 40k does.
WHFB's main strength was that it allowed for any and all fantasy tropes and armies to be thrown into one setting. They fucked it all up with Age of Sigmar, tho.
>Show the Guardsmen struggle against orkz or whatever
>One guy points up to the sky
>Cut to a drop pod falling
>Then another
>Before the sky is almost filled with them
>Drop pod drops in front of MC, doors open and Marines pour out
>Show how efficient they are by easily taking out the enemies that the MC and the other Guardsmen have been struggling over for the entire movie
I can dig it.
It's a shame you aren't really a producer, as that sounds watchable as a 40kid.
the emperor can change his form at will, he has no real form anyway
and Liam has a certain regal atmosphere (as zeus for instance) and has a good voice
That is literally entry level of required reading.
Get on our level.
>wanting a non asian as the asian primarch
Fuck yeah, 40k thread on Sup Forums.
>tfw we will never get a dedicated 40k TV series chronicling the heresy to start
FUCK. It wouldn't even have to be live action, but it'd be interesting to see that, given CGI and special effects have come so far.
>warner bros
i would be worried if i was a fan of this
don't worry. we are on our way to ruining that
what is skull shape
what are features
gw will flipflop on this nowadays to appease the plebeian hordes
khorne is doofus roid rager who can't even put a vase together properly.
Tzeentch is giant neeeeeeeerd.
Slaanesh is obsessed with dragon dildos.
Nurgle is "that guy" at the hobby store who doesn't bathe.
What studios are left though, realistically?
>Universal has WarCraft
>Paramount has Star Trek
>Sony is doing a Starship Troopers reboot
Fake movie trailers are always fun to watch
I wonder if anyone has read all of these. Not even star wars has nearly this many books and its been around longer
He can change his form, but having him look more like his Techno-Barbarian Conan self is best.
You forgot your red shirt, Jimmy.
>entire film is about orks because you have to have le XD funny lighthearted quirks every 5 fucking seconds
>the planet fell before the guardsmen did
My Games Workshop has black shirts.
you think im joking but they now want female space marines. FUCK GAME WORKSHOP
Is The Culture series unfilmable?
IG are a mixture of historical armies.
Praetorian guard are the british from zulu
Catachans are vietnam
Krieg are french trenchers/german hybrid
and so on.
Desert raiders are TE Lawrence fanwank
We can't have a movie done by casuals such as yourself
Look man. If we get another fucking sci-fi movie. I'm gonna need it to have a rods from god bombardment in it.
That is my only rule.
I need giant tungsten rods from interstellar space dunking on some fucks.
And I need a scene where theyre building some bullshit up. And a giant fucking rod comes out of the heavens at like 30% the speed of light.
Then I need some huge fucking scale shots. Like fucking huge. Like the awe inspiring shot of Saturn in Interstellar.
Or when Darth Vaders star destroyer pops out of hyperspace in Rogue One.
Oh fuck yes. Trying to conceptualize that movie would be a nightmare.
desu the aesthetics and appearance of the 40k universe are too ridiculous to translate well to live action, it'd be like
The ideal would be a CGI series with a quality like pic related on the Horus Heresy...That's like 150 episodes
I mean it'll never happen but it'd be rockin
>Daniel Craig
Fug. Does the /tg/ mega have past Master of Mankind? Last I checked a couple months back it was still only up to there.
If disney paid 4 billion for SW i bet they can pay like 1 billion for WH
I think Consider Phlebas is the only one that might come even close to working as a coherent movie script but I'm not sure anyone could pull it off without an enormous budget and total creative control.
This old Dawn of War mod trailer got the tone somewhat right.
Religious Zeal mixed with Righteous Authority, and a touch of madness.
Foundation/Culture series are unfilmable. I consider Dune mostly unfilmable as well, but after seeing BR2049 if anyone can do it it's Dennis Villeneuve
>americans ruining yet another great british franchise
No thanks. Isn't the upcoming Peter Rabbit enough.
No one wants female space marines.
Some tiny outlier group who doesn't even buy anything is pushing that meme.
Even the females who play Warhammer think it's a retarded idea.