I have no interest in watching The Last Jedi, do they really completely ruin Luke's character?
I have no interest in watching The Last Jedi, do they really completely ruin Luke's character?
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They are removing the Skywalker legacy so Disney can create a shared universe with multiple characters.
Luke was the best part of the movie.
I personally liked the direction they were taking him in but the exploration of his arc was so brief and shallow that it felt completely unnecessary.
I just wanted some old man Luke fucking shit up
You tell me.
I didn't think so. It was way more interesting seeing him as a jaded old man instead of an all-knowing one.
He’s a toxic man and must be relegated to the waste heap. He’s to blame for everything wrong in the movies, his toxic masculine stupidity caused the Empire to come back. He mercifully kills him self on the burning alter of the past as a sacrifice to the she warrior women and #theresistance
buy the comic books and toys you stupid goy manchild
I just don't think it was the right decision, by the end of the original trilogy he had like a wise, world-weary Obi-Wan vibe going, I know he became jaded after Kylo fucked up his academy but he already tried murdering his nephew in his sleep before that happened, I just can't begin to defend that, I don't care if it was just a brief thought, Luke Skywalker wouldn't have done that.
this movie completely undercuts the original trilogy.
Trump curse
No, fans are butthurt he's not the ultra-legendary hero from the EU or the master jedi at the end of Return of the Jedi, but instead he's an angry recluse too ashamed of his past mistakes to move on
The whole point of Luke being tempted to kill Ben was that it was a momentary lapse, a mistake.
That even people we build up as legendary heroes are fallible
along with the fact he didn't chase after him to bring him back to the light, or the fact that he let the first order take over the galaxy.
post the webm of his death scene
But not Rey! She’s the best ever!!!
>fans are butthurt
Don't project, sweetie.
No it's actually the best Luke skywalker we've ever had on screen. But go cry to your alt right faggot friends about metaphors for white genocide whilst the rest of us get to kick back and enjoy this fantastic franchise. Can't wait for the next one, bring on 2019 bitches.
She is
streamable com /e5esi
this. disney wanted to give rey luke's role, and they used luke to show rey what she shouldn't become. disgusting betrayal of luke's character.
No, they don't. He was the star desu
this look so bad
I almost expected them to make him deflect shit with his saber.
This could have been a cool scene if Luke had actually been there and rekt shit. Instead it feels like he died for nothing. It would have been so easy to do this movie right jesus. Luke getting back into his x-wing to take on the first order could have been incredible.
Anyone else go to normiebook recently to see what their normie friends thought? I just went and looked and several of them absolutely hated it, and some of them were die hard fans.
Womyn power and evil white man.
That would have been some incredible Rogue One like dumb shit.
anyone have the sound? The binary sunset was at least decent.
But I was so fucking pissed they actually killed him.
This wasn't in the script they gave Mark.
That's why he's shocked, he didn't know he was killed off until he saw the premiere.
nobody is saying anything because spoilers or something
Yeah its way better that he dies alone on his tittymilk planet after accomplishing nothing.
Luke Skywalker thought the same thing. That's why he became a hermit.
>Literally too dumb to figure this out
what the fuck does rey care, she barely knew the guy. she thought he was a huge disappointment and learned nothing from him.
Went with my family, who were huge fans of TFA, and they didn't like it at all.
Kill yourself faggot. They betrayed everything about the character.
They absolutely do.
Yeah but he could've failed in a way that was actually consistent with his character. It makes no sense for him to consider Kylo irredeemable at that point when he redeemed Vader, someone who had done much worse things to both Luke personally and the galaxy as a whole. If anything, Luke should've failed because he was too trusting, based on how he was at the end of RotJ.
Confirmed for not understanding the OT at all.
I know what the film was attempting to achieve but it fell short, maybe the execution was too off or too rushed or something, but a a few minutes to explain what kind of seems like one of the biggest falls from grace in the series felt very underwhelming and disingenuous.
The entire film seemed to go of it's way to inject some humanism into the Star Wars universe while also including countless retarded superhero-esque scenes that didn't gel well with the idea of all these characters being human, like the Leia shit and all the actually Star Warsy stuff throughout, I suppose now I've thought about it maybe this film was being held back by Disney, just astounds me they'd even let a film so at odds with their battle plan for the series even get made, it just resulted in a compromised mess.
No, stop listening to Sup Forumstards on here and go watch it for yourself
He turned to a jade old man, who cut himself off the force, cause for a split second he wanted to kill Kylo Ren.
I went to full theater today.
No one clapped at the end. We’re Americans dammit we always Clap! There was clapping for the Star Wars Prequels almost every Marvel movie, etc.
But no clapping here. So either everyone there was a giant alt-right woman hater or the movie really is a disaster. I’m going with the former and I bet the box office results will reflect that.
Devilish if true
>just sit there, meditating, that will be the last shot before the credits... perfect!
>*make him vanish in post-production*
Facebook only shows people what facebook wants them to see.
>even people we build up as legendary heroes are fallible
stupid. even literal scumbags dont have 'momentary lapses' where they try to murder children in their sleep
Yeah that's a great start to becoming a Jedi, assaulting a senior citizen from behind and pulling a deadly weapon on them. What a Strong Independent Womyn Hero.
I'm glad they kill him. Now he can go back to the Flash and play the trickster.
Thanks homeslice.
On one hand, if they did Luke right and killed his character with the setting sun it would have been touching and nice.
You can just watch him before the premiere on the red carpet, he's jocular and happy, then immediately after he goes into panic breathing.
They told him he survived. Maybe he did, right up until the point where he wouldn't stop shitting on it.
the character deserved more
the actor deserved more
the audience deserved more
utterly pathetic
Luke also had the brief thought of murdering Vader with his lightsaber, but he threw that thought away quickly when he realized what he was about to do.
Oh yeah the way they went was soooo much better you fucking retard
>holograms in to keep away from danger
>heem sleepy dies from being tired anyway
She really is. She can do absolutely no wrong in any of the movies. She can use Jedi mind tricks, is an expert with a lightsaber, beat Kyle twice in a fight, and even beat Luke in a fight.
There is nothing wise or even in character about letting countless people die over the years, if Kylo getting seduced by the dark side was such a big deal this film and even TFA didn't paint it as such.
This is like the only mistake Luke has ever made and yet he goes straight to not engaging with the situation at all? Just doesn't seem like something the Luke from the end of The Return of the Jedi would do, neither TFA or TLJ has told us about anything else that could have also contributed to this loss of faith.
tries to train Jedi offscreen in the past. Kyle beats him up.
Goes into exile. Does parlor tricks. Combat ineffective. Can't fight. Doesn't use powers for anything useful.
Rey has equal power without training. BS.
In the end, there is nothing special about Luke or the Skywalker line.
Anakin and Kylo were flukes. Rey is another fluke.
Where the hell did Snoke come from? There was a rule of 2 and the Jedi order got wiped out. So... where did he learn?
Whatever the manner Luke's death should be handled in, it is always right to end it under the sunset.
Yes it would lead him to be a hermit, the point is that Luke from the OT wouldn't do that. It's the fact that the movie has a fucking deconstruction fetish, "let go of the past," we can't have true heroes anymore, we get it but it's just shitting on the legacy of the OT and Luke in particular.
The point is that there were a million other ways they could've made him fail and this is the one that's the most irreconcilable with Luke's arc in the OT. Literally everything he did was undone by the end of this movie.
Wrong. They wanted to give Leia the role, hence the "she goes superman and survives, he goes shadow clone and dies like a fucking bitch", but then Carrie died and they had to retcon Luke as a ghost able to fight, so they can cgi him as a ghost and it's cheaper without uncanny valley too.
How would you feel if they retconned his death in the next one?
Why so mean?
Like he's a force ghost now? Cause that's what I want. Him to fuck around with Kylo Ren as a force ghost.
I won't be paying to see it regardless, they can do as they please.
You're forgetting that Luke didn't just fail a student. He utterly ruined his sister and best friends only son, lost his entire life's work, and all of his students in the process.
No like they actually asspull someway that hes not dead
>Anyone else go to normiebook recently to see what their normie friends thought?
Youre a normalfag just like them kid. I always suspected people who say normie were redditfags and tourists afraid of offending queers. An hour ago i got a message from the biggest most indoctrinated normalfag i know saying "hey user the normies dont like tlj!" This is a guy who gets his news from facebook, sucked tfa's dick and "fucking loved" r1.
He had way more reason to want to kill Vader, too. Vader and the Emperor had already caused immeasurable damage to him personally and to the galaxy, and were an immediate threat to his friends and sister, and he still threw it away. That's why it's so retarded to have him not only be tempted to kill Kylo, but to actually get close enough to be brandishing a weapon at him.
I unno. I thought his scene at the end was sick as fuck when he was dodging Kylo's swings.
just look with how much zeal he drinks the warm eldritch miwkies from this queer creature.
Much like the prequels and TFA, I'm blocking it from memory and considering it noncanon
Jesus fucking Christ it's all real even Leia as superman and Yoda
No matter what you read here, it's worse on the screen. It fucking hurts to see how they utterly destroy his character to promote Rey.
>paying for disneywars
Kill yourself
nothing here indicates that he actually died
uhh.... this is why he became a recluse you fucking retard. Him doing this explains why he was just randomly chilling isolated on an ocean planet.
I don't think they would do that. It would be even more dumb then Leia force space farting back to the ship.
so you be saying, on top of ghosts casting lightning and astral projection now there's teleportation in Star Wars?
This movie proves they arent above it though.
Id be happy with it. The rules are already beyond fucked, at least let luke fuck around and fix a few things
Luke's arc consists of a shitty director and a mega corporation's attempts to deconstruct THE quintessential example of a modern fictional hero, and failing in every way.
I can see them doing that if the backlash continues
Well, he had a combination of Obi Wan's and Yoda's death. I'm pretty sure he died
I'm going to need you to post a trigger warning before sharing this, you fucking faggot
Duck Disney and fuck Rian johnson
Maybe he'll just make cameos like Obiwan.
This is so strong in this trilogy that she literally attacks him like a coward, with such a violence that wasn't justified in any way whatsoever, and they expect it to be see by us as the right thing.
Have people talked about this scene? There's so much to complain I haven't seen anyone talking about this.
Does raise some good points.
I'm not sure, I still feel the whole thing was a bit forced, I'm really not sure why, it just didn't seem well fleshed out enough for me to willingly accept this as believable.
In many ways I'm happy they've killed off the original series elements, after further deliberation much of my dissatisfaction with this film is how poorly I think it handles elements from the original trilogy.
Delet this
Mark Hamill basically IRL told them "every word you've said is wrong".
they do hurt his character, tho the has one pretty dank scene where he channels some old jedi trick her learned from the texts. other than the one scene, they fucked luke up.
What's this about Yoda?
White straight hetero cis binary hero, you mean.
Is he doing a bit? That heavy breathing seems over the top but the look on his face seems geniune, I cant tell if serious.