Would you say that Marvel is interfering with their writers too much or lets their writers do whatever they want with...

Would you say that Marvel is interfering with their writers too much or lets their writers do whatever they want with little to no oversight?

I would say that the problems stem less from the editors and more from orders at the top which hold those editors (and other creators) back.

The latter, but only so long as the writers have precisely the same politics and voice precisely the same opinions as each other and conform to the editors viewpoints without even the slightest deviation.

No need for oversight in an echo chamber.

I can't speak for the company a a whole, but from reading post Avengers vs X-Men Xbooks it's clear that editorial made no effort to communicate between writers

I would say that they're either being overworked on account of Ike sacking a lot of editors in 2011 or they don't know what a competent comic should be like.

And of course dumb demands like the need to heavily shill the Inhumans or the need to cancel the Fantastic Four just because of the Fox conflict (I don't buy the "low sales" claim at all, especially not when they've published more comics lower selling than FF while it was running and after it got canceled)

What if the current staff is just all incompetent?

Shitty mandates from the higher ups are annoying. From Inhuman shilling to GotG movie synergy.
The editors are so few they just follow Axel's example and let everyone do what they want.

>lets their writers do whatever they want with little to no oversight?
Fucking this
Remove Sup Forumsbait from capeshit

What do you mean by pol-bait? The lbgtbbq pandering or alt-right pandering

I think that everyone top to bottom is terrible at their jobs. No one at marvel is doing anything good right now, outside of some of their artists.


Their editors don't do their fucking jobs.

I don't even know why they're called editors when they agree on everything their writers shit out.

In Bendis's case they let him do as he pleases.

Everyone else bends over and spreads their cheeks.

I get the impression Marvel's structure is Brevoort and Alonso and the writers. The editors are just middle men who pass on messages.

I have to assume the problem is "type" of freedom they have.

Obviously they aren't granted cartel blanch to write excessively violent or sexual content, but issue after issue of a she-hulk comic with no actual fucking she-hulk shows that somebody is not doing their god damn job.

Cunts like Kate Leth treat comic publishing as a venue for their shitty blogposts and the tone is that of a sunday funny because female artists like Brittney Williams can't draw for shit.
Diversity hire quality writing and art, who cares.

The overall tone from Marvel however is
>Fuck the white man and the industry they created
Nothing has summarized it quite as well as the "Marvel Generations" cover by Alex Ross.

When New52 happened I started reading everything.
>Static Shock
>Mister Terrific
>Amethyst: Princess of Gemworld
>Blue Beetle
I even enjoyed some of them despite Blue Beetle and Mister Terrific technically being diversified Legacy characters.
I however wouldn't call Ted Cord and Terry Sloane first string heroes and their replacements are more than a decade old.

With Marvel though it was just
>Replace the entire first string and then some
>If anyone complains they are racist, sexist or both! Fuck em'

They should have dumped bendis years ago or at least limit him to his couple street level comics at a time.

Keep him the fuck away from characters that are not in his little wheel house.

Also stop rapid g the xmen over and over. And the O5 are garbage and ultimate universe wolverine is too far even for a wolverine spin off character.

Turn jean evil already also.

This, but also, SOME writers don't have that editorial monkey on their backs, like Slott and Bendis, who seem to do what they want, when they want.

They are likely riddled with sjw cancer at this point. Companies pick them up cause someone with a worthless degree is cheap then wonder why the operation goes to shit. You cannot do things like equality or minority characters or girl power with them on board they are retarded ideologs.

Fucking everything up on purpose to generate buzz.

Marvel is doing better than DC who bomb every single privacy.

>I would say that they're either being overworked on account of Ike sacking a lot of editors in 2011 or they don't know what a competent comic should be like.

A bit of column a, a bit of column b.

You can tell with writers like Max Bemis or Al Ewing who started out at different companies that the editors they had there taught them how to use comics effectively as a storytelling medium. But I don't think there is anyone capable of mentoring or guiding noob writers at Marvel, and it shows especially with the novelists and former web comic writers. It's swim or sink for them.

You can see that with Alanna Smith, who is editing Ultimates 2, Wasp and Thunderbolts. With Ultimates 2 you have someone on the book who is a competent storyteller so a more hands-off approach works while people like Zub or Whitley clearly need someone to hold their hands in a way that is far beyond Smith's skill level or experience, so those books are unmigitiated garbage.