Is this accurate?
Why isn't Return of the Jedi canon?
Never understood why XI got shat on. I guess ewoks are stupid but still.
Superior head-canon coming through
>No Christmas Special
It was made by Lucas and it takes place between ANH and ESB. It's canon.
Shitting on Return is a complete meme. The entire first half of the movie is fantastic and so is the final confrontation. Bringing the Death Star back was weak, and so were the Ewoks, but it doesn't ruin the movie.
Have you seen XI? Tell us wht happens
This. The complete redemption of Anakin by his son completes the entire trilogy in the most satisfying way.
Biggest complaints I agree with are:
Ewoks are stupid
Han Solo doesn't really do anything, might have been better off dying in Empire
Lando is destroying the Death Star for some reason instead of Han
Emperor Palpatine's plan didn't really have a hook to entice Luke
Still deserves a lot of praise.
True canon.
Most people who shit on it agree with this.
>The Shit Lords
Best post here
It was really shit at release but it got better after the fan patches and mods.
jesus TFAs poster is hilariously bad
Rey becomes Yahweh and we find out that this galaxy is actually our own. We are the offspring of the Rebels, so resisting Drumpf is in our blood.
You know what user, none of them are canon.
Episode IV had some bad moments as well in terms of action. Rebbit Letter Mediafags need to understand Star Wars by itself has always been one dimensional garbage and everything against the prequels and ROTJ can be said of their manchild nostalgia of IV and Empire. EU was the only saving grace until the idiot Kathleen or whomever axed everything good about star wars to copy and paste the mediocre first plot from the first movie.
Just as good, if not more entertaining, than episode IV.
>Han Solo doesn't really do anything,
He gets rescued. He's a walking Macguffin.
>the moobies I dont like aren't canon!
Doesn't Han lead the actual battle? Leia befriends the Ewoks but Han gets them into the shield generator so they can destroy it.
This. The movie is redeemed by the scenes between Vader and Luke.
Literally my headcanon and viewing order
Also where can I learn as much about ROTJ as possible before gary kurtz quit? In an interview he recounts how he was frustrated with george for not wanting to finish the story they started in empire. I wonder what he meant by that. Like it was far along or some shit before george decided the whole movie was action set pieces.
>Emperor Palpatine's plan didn't really have a hook to entice Luke
He brought him aboard to watch his friends get slaughtered. He was counting on Luke to snap and rage out, thus making him putty in the Emperor's hands.
quality kek
Pretty much. ROTJ is the only film where I enjoyed a prequle more, and that is revenge of the sith.
There are a lot of soyboys that criticize Rogue One for not adding anything new but then they praise the sequel trilogy. Fucking hell.
I say return of the Jedi has some minor problems but it is definitely canon in my mind. Everything else after 1996 made by people high on their own fart fumes.
>Highest quality post on this board right now
Is RO worth a watch? I skipped it because TFA left a bad aftertaste
If you don't care about plot holes and that most characters are literal idiots, you should give it a watch.
>some fat virgin gets to decide what is canon and what not....
>Ewoks are stupid
Yeah man, because it's not like 4 and 5 didn't have stupid shit in them.
>he actual stopped thinking the EU was canon because Disney said so
Everyone is speculating that the poor audience score on RT is due to foul play....
People are being paid to hate Disney!
So you can watch Luke/Leia porn without being creepy.
It was a bit jumbled and messy for a while due to issues/constant changes during production or whatever, but that last act alone makes it worth watching once
because its dumb and george was given too much creative freedom
it has plenty of good moments but its just off
Episode 4-6 is canon.
Episode 1-3 is begrudingly canon
Ewok Adventures are sort of canon
Soy Wars is fan fic.
It's a MMORPG.
>rehash of ANH's plot with the Death Star 2.0 shit
>the Ewoks should've been fucking Wookies
>George was given too much freedom and it shows
Where do the Ewok movies fit in the timeline?
Ah, I see that you are a man of culture user.
I could play those games over and over and not get sick of them
tfw you were hyped for TFA so you made a KOTOR character based on Kylo then go see the movie only to find out he was a kid throwing a tantrum so you deleted that save
Please tell us what this stupid shit in IV and V are that are worst than bear cubs
The only thing that Disney has left is that Obi Wan movie with McGregor. That is the only one that will be hard to fuck up
>That is the only one that will be hard to fuck up
Really? It was all too easy to ruin Luke,. Are you implying that people don't really give a fuck about Obi-Wan so whatever Mickey Mouse shit they do to him won't really matter?
>Did Lucas have a hand in it?
>If YES, it’s canon
>If NO, it’s not-canon
Episodes I-VI
The Clone Wars
Everything else
You can NOT debate this. This is LAW.
Kurtz wanted Luke to put on a mask and say he would rule the empire now.
Time traveler in this thread, gib lotto numbers and Superb Owl winners!
>disregarding Jedi
the only legitimate complaint is the ewoks but then again it's nice to show sheev overplayed his hand and got btfo by teddy bears
Kotor really is the best thing set in the SW universe.
I rewatched The Clone Wars. It was bad, but it was Star Wars bad. It had charm. Plus, it expanded the story of characters and the Clone Wars that was mentioned in the movies. Plus, it gave more depth to the Anakin and Obi-Wan friendship, and more depth to the Clones and the Jedi relationships.
The voice acting was bad, the constant face shots of Ahsoka were annoying (the mere inclusion of a padawan for Anakin was dumb), andthe Jabba-baby story was silly. But that being said, I liked it. Not great, but entertaining and fun.
>Made Luke seem like an idiot, impatient Jedi.
All this thread proves is that ewok over-hating is an autism red flag
Mein Nigger
you beautiful based sonuva bich
I've always thought the "universe" of Star Wars is a lot cooler than the actual "main" product aka the movies.
Like I loved KOTOR, I think the general concept of Jedi is very cool and Darth Vader obviously was a badass, as a kid I was obsessed with the MIlennium Falcon and whenever a new movie comes out (even the prequels) I always end up seeing them because I'm HYPED.
But even the OT I don't think is thaaat good, like even Episodes IV and V I think are like 7/10 at best.
Closest comparison I can make are certain comic book characters, like if you ask me who my favorite Marvel character is I want to say Spider-Man because he's Spider-Man come on, but my "real" answer is Daredevil because he by far has the best comics which is the "true product" for lack of a better word.
Anyone else feel similar?
Prequels weren't masterpieces but they were real Star Wars movie made with heart.
This is perhaps an alien concept to jewish fucktards but when someone creates something it's theirs, you can't just steal it and hope to get the same result their had. Lucas is not here anymore thus Star Wars is dead. Let it rest.
I'll never understand why people like Empire so much. It isn't that good.
I feel you. I always liked the video games a lot more than the actual movies, since the world of Star Wars was so great to play in. Jedi Knight was one of my favorite franchises.
I do like the original trilogy, just like everyone else, but I don't think they're that amazing as movies.
canon canon canon
Are these worth reading? Is this the Thrawn guy?
The only smart person in this thread.
They're pretty enjoyable for the most part, kinda sucks now that you're reading them knowing that none of it happened or matters canonically though
Where's Rogue One?
4 had Jawas, who were pretty stupid and practically proto-Ewoks. 5 had C-3PO in Cloud City. As a matter of fact, all of the C-3PO/R2-D2 conversations with each other in all three movies are stupid.
Chewie is effectively an Ewok that's 7 feet tall. Yet he isn't hated because he's the sidekick of Han Solo and had three whole movies to establish himself whereas the Ewoks were only established in the third movie of a trilogy.
It makes me sad. Why didn't they start the sequels 1000 years in the future?
>don't choke on your aspiration's general
The only good part of that film is the ending with Vader. But since Lucas wasn't involved, it's not canon
>tfw no comfy new republic with luke having died a old man surrounded by his jedi pupils decades ago. There, now they could have gone in any new direction./
why do you guys care what is considered cannon so much
It feels so weird when both other trilogies focused on Luke being the one to bring balance back to the Force (since they wrongly assumed it was Akakin), and then 30 years later, the Force is unbalanced and beyond fucked. Luke didn't do a goddamn thing
I thought only the Boba Fett cartoon and the idea of Life Day was canon.
The prequels were not made with heart. There's like feature length documentaries on the making of each one. Just watch those and try to tell me those were made with any heart. 90% of the time George is just sitting in a chair completely disengaged from what's going on. The scripts weren't done til like a week before shooting began. Anybody who doesn't recognize the prequels were a massive fucking cash grab are either fucking retarded were like babies when those things came out. Star Wars should have died in 83.
It's like everyone got stuck in a time freeze and 30 years later it unfreezes. The og trilogy is kinda ruined cause you know that everything they do doesn't result in any real payoff for the mc.
i wish they followed the jedi academy story line.
>Doesn't know how to count in roman
XI is 11.
>Are these worth reading?
Yes. They're decent SF in their own right and the fact that they're Star Wars is just the icing on the cake; they're better than the cover art lets on. Just try not to think about anything besides the OT when you read them and you'll have a good time.
>Is this the Thrawn guy?
Also yes, and he's great.
> X
> XI
Jesus, does anyone on this site know Roman Numerals?
I don't think that's fair.
The prequels were something Lucas had wanted to make for years. I don't think he was disengaged at all, simply that he seems to have lost his edge as a director in the two decades since he'd last directed a film. But that just makes that all the more tragic, IMO.
I really genuinely wanted to love the prequels, which is why I was so disappointed with them.
With Mouse Wars, I don't have that level of investment and can just shrug and say "what were you expecting?"
>The scripts weren't done til like a week before shooting began.
The same shit happened with the OT. Seriously, look at the drafts of Star Wars and Empire in particular. Even look at the deleted scenes for Empire and Jedi. A lot of stuff got cut because things were changing on the fly.
It is entirely accurate.
XI got shat on cause it failed to live up to both the expectations and the story that X left it
Is 11 ranked higher cause it's a bigger number then 10? Also, what's the future like
I see what you did there.
And I approve.
All lucas needed was an assistant director who was willing to challenge him.
Shot reverse shot would've probably gotten a lot less time. Maybe more explanation of things. Maybe cut out one of the plot lines entirely from Phantom Menace etc.
>knowing that none of it happened or matters canonically though
It's fiction. Of course none of it happened.
And the whole concept of "canon" is dubious when dealing with corporately-produced works, where something can be canon today, and tomorrow no longer canon.
Or better yet, he'd have remembered his original reasoning for NOT directing Empire and Jedi: that it's something of a conflict of interests to try to fill both the the producer and director roles at the same time.
Just like TLJ is redeemed by the scenes between Rey and Ben
Add the Holiday Special to canon and it becomes a perfect trilogy
fuck you pic related is the only real clone wars
Kylo is unironically the only decent character to come out of the new movies though.
>fuck you pic related is the only real clone wars
A lot of TCW is great, especially in the later seasons.
The movie is fucking horrible though.
Then the CGI Leia in RO will also leave a bad aftertaste. Mads and Felicity Jones were good though.