They killed him in post production

They killed him in post production.

He didn't know until he saw it at the premiere.

Other urls found in this thread:'t_Be_Wrong


Just look at his face after and before the premiere.

That's the look of a man who had his legacy stolen before his eyes.

Well... that makes sense.

Bumping for potential

I really hope he doesn't kill himself.

But he's a broken man. They probably only changed the script after all the negative optics he caused.

What interview is this from, can't find it on youtube

What the fuck, this is genuinely distressing, I've seen that kind of face in hospital halls.

Youtube only shows you what it wants you to see.

It's from after the premiere. Note that he's wearing the same clothes in both the webm and the youtube video above.

what's the context of this footage? what's being said as mark's reacting that way?
I can't find the source and i'm worried for him ;_;

yeah, shell shock.

This is from the same night?

My God, Mark literally just witnessed a murder.

It's directly after the world premiere.

It's my guess that they gave him a fake script or they changed it later so that he dies in this film. I bet he thought his character would at least have some role in the last film.

Yeah, except he is on the radio saying the movie is great now. So...

>this is the last time I follow Harrison to anything

>tfw the guy next to you needs to die

>Openly says in interviews that he disagrees with everything Luke had said
>Disney execs force a rewrite to kill him off to teach him a lesson and remove him from the series

Why hasn't this been reported on by the showbiz media? It's really strange behavoiur from an iconic character-actor. You'd think they'd be having a field day.

Same clothes.

>tfw you got cucked out of getting 1 more huge check

yeah especially compared to how "sad affleck" spread after bvs

>Carrison and Harry
He did that on purpose, r-right guys?

Holy shit I never considered that possibility. He already didn't like the direction Luke was taken, to have them kill Luke off under his nose would have absolutely infuriated him. Rightfully so too.

is there a transcript of this?

The mouse

>"i knew i had a bad feeling about this..."

>Unjust yourself
>everyone's happy to see you playing your most iconic role
>have that iconic character which you yourself are fond of get fucked
>they didn't even have the guts to put it in the original script and did it in post

Is he going to get fat again?


It's ironic after the prequels that it's Luke who is going to die from a broken heart.

I haven't seen it so someone who has will be able to talk about it with more authority, but from having read how the death scene happens it does look like a post-production thing. It seems like they didn't film him die explicitly, which is what you would do with a character of that importance - they already did that with Han. Instead they just have him sitting on a rock and it fades into the same scene except with Luke gone and his clothes left on the rock.

They didn't tell him because he wouldn't have helped them hype the movie otherwise.

>That look of nothingness

>luke fighting back the dark side.jpg

Is such a thing even possible? They had a script for fucks sake.

>They didn't tell him because he wouldn't have helped them hype the movie otherwise.

he was contractually obligated.

They kept it from him to hurt him personally. It was petty revenge for the bad optics he caused.

>Is such a thing even possible?
Luke says "See you around kid" to Kylo implying he and Kylo will meet again in the next episode. It is possible Disney decided to just kill him off in post and have his body vanish

They did for Empire too, only 3 people knew that vader was luke's dad.

The same likely happened here and they just smiled and lied to his face.

It'll be a while before he's legally allowed to say anything about it. I bet fans will just call him bitter and jealous of rey.


No, he's just reminiscing of better times...

>your most iconic role
For me, personally... I prefer his Joker to Luke.

Is Daisy picking her nose at 1:06? wtf

>>Unjust yourself
>>everyone's happy to see you playing your most iconic role

I'm honestly pissed. He looked so good. Perfect Obi Wan level of wizened sage.

There were so many ways they could have played this and it'd have been great. What the fuck was the point of not just killing him off, but killing him off so pointlessly?

Not just that, but Yoda comes around and takes a big fat shit on him having wanted to understand the Jedi, being the last Jedi, and teaching others. YODA FUCKING WANTED HIM TO CARRY THE FLAME

They literally managed to assfuck the original trilogy retroactively.

I have a feeling Luke will be able to pull crazy stuff from beyond the grave.

Imagine if Luke now can traverse the universe as a force ghost, and train new jedi anywhere, at anytime, with but a thought. He wouldn't need a temple. And he wouldn't need his eggs all in one basket.

Also as a force ghost, he can show up forever in the movies now. (And his power to astral project is a hint to what he can do from inside the force itself).

He looks horrified. Like he's having a heart attack.

You know this isn’t happening.

That would be illegal you stupid cucks. Actors have a union for shit like that, they cant kill off someones character without telling him, or cheat him out of work

He's not really dead faggots. He'll be back. Especially after the backlash

>Believing Disney will have Luke as the main character
They are not. Rian already announced he is making another 3 episodes and they all star new characters. Daisy isn't coming back after Episode 9 either by the look of things. Star Wars being about the Skywalkers is finished as Disney's new era will continue to dominate.

Sad it is

Contractually obligated is one thing, it would make most people think twice, but at his age and that stage of his career do you think it would have stopped him saying something or just not turning up? Can you imagine if they tore him up before the movie was released?

>better times...

Like Murray with Ghostbusters... right?

Nah, not as a main character. But he can easily be a supporting cast forever in this state...and effect the franchise long term.

Don't be confused though, seeing him pass on is fucking terrible and I hate it, but I can see the possibilities with it.

I just read his wikipedia, I am STUNNED that hes married to a woman. wtf I always thought he was a bachelor and closet gay. How come shes never with him anywhere

Hes fine. His mind was just preoccupied with other things completely unrelated to star wars

they will never bring him back

>What the fuck was the point of not just killing him off, but killing him off so pointlessly?

He literally named the Jew:

At 00:16 he asks "How many frenchman can be wrong?" The nearest i can find for what that is referring to is this book:'t_Be_Wrong

>The topic of study was: Why the French resist globalization.
>resist globalization.

He named them, so they had to destroy him.

Evil if true.

i hope you guys stop being cynical about the jews on hollywood. they want you to be demoralized, to be broken, proper art is uplifting and inspiring, but they cant allow the goyim to have access to that.

yikes dude

>I bet he thought his character would at least have some role in the last film.
he will
its guaranteed he will be a force ghost

Not true. He will probably still get paid for 9 when they use his cgi face for stupid shit.

Holy shit, was he having a panic/anxiety attack?

>>He literally named the Jew:
when? Don't want to watch the entire fucking 15 mins

These are jews we're talking about.

He has a wife and family. They threatened them.

oh god, I cant fucking watch this, it's so fucking obvious they didnt tell him, fuck me.

He seems to be fine throughout the rest of the interview. I hate to say it but I think Hamill may have just pushed me into quitting smoking. He sounds terrible.

I forgot which death scene is this music originally from

read the next line after that you fuck

>that microexpression at 1:06-1:09 when the interviewer says "can you even imagine a part that long of that magnitude"
hory shet

Fucking die

He was a soldier of Rome

frenchmen aren't jews

Not a gold digger, he's lucky.

I wonder how well a saga with new characters will do. I don't imagine it being successful

Mark smokes?????

Just read the whole post before responding, jfc.

He sounds like that from all the years of voice acting.


Mark Hamill is on his last legs.
I don't want him to go yet.

>he was home-schooled

Lies, Disney wants shekels.

Doesn't matter, we aren't allowed to criticize it or we're called Sup Forums or 'altright'

Been noticing this a TON lately.

thank god. the Skywalkers are cool and all but they already have 6 movies dedicated to them in a universe with so much more stuff in it to explore.

>Episode IX won't have any of the main 3

I honestly wonder how sales will be

he will be a force ghost guaranteed

you can't have an opinion on Sup Forums. you're either altright/pol or a libtard/soyboy

what a bunch of assholes those disney pricks are.

Its a twilight inspired, roastie saga now.

cos that was funny not horrifying

She's with him all the time, his family is pretty close and normal as well.

This was intentional.

They set it up so that "the only people who don't like it are NAZIS!"

Can you see it? The day when the (((media))) calls Mark Hamill a nazi for saying he was blindsided by this? Can you see all the fans heaping scorn at him until he really does die from a broken heart?

I see clearly, for the force is my ally, not some faggot.

delicious gluteus maximus he was good man

>Literally dies doing force projection shit
He's probably going to be the most significant force ghost so far.

It's good that we meme this. The normies must know before the propaganda tells them that only nazis don't like TLJ

If you're going to name the jew, why not go all out? I don't understand this, you're fucked regardless. At least say something like ''South Africa was the rehearsal, now they're putting on the main show'' anything ffs

this is more about their agenda than shekels, otherwise they wouldn't have made him into such a bitch

>trying to have a conversation
>millennials start memeing

Ask Mel Gibson.

and like people have been saying, he likely did not know that his character died until he saw the premiere.

>there is no wrong.............
