Post yfw this happened
Post yfw this happened
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whoa its like my chinese cartoons
is she died?
is this Space Battleship Yamato?
omae wa mou shindeiru....
Why don't they just have ships do this on autopilot in battles?
s-she's fast
because it was a powerful moment for women shitlord. stop trying to manlogic everything
Didnt they run out of fuel?? And how does that hyperdrive shit even work, i thought she'd just fly right through them (without physically ripping them apart)
Looks cool, opens massive plotholes for the entire series and doesn't really follow established rules regarding hyperpace.
well in my theatere thuirsday the second it goes quiet 15 neck beards male and female all talk in an outdoor voice oh its quiet beacuse its in space fucking ruining one of the best shots of the movie by being that fucking ignorant
I was physically cringing.
I hope they introduce Gundams in episode 9.
everybody laughed because of how bad it was
and I was like pic related
Basically this. Coolest shot in the movie next to infinity mirror Rey, but also completely wrecks the logic of Star Wars space battles.
It was the climax of the movie for me in deciding whether I hated it or not. I could not suspend my belief any more because they could have done this to solve any other problem in these movies. but it was still fucking beautiful. idk about this movie
I haven't seen the movie but since I'm here I've been spoiled to shit so I gotta ask, this isn't force fuckery? This is just the ship.
I was angered by this scene but I think I can safely say I'm more mad about what happened to you. Who talks in a theater to say "there's no sound in space"?
>take droid that does whatever it's told, like one of the billions from the clone wars era
>put it in a ship just full of fucking random rocks and heavy useless shit
>tell it to hyperdrive into enemy fleet
>do this with many droids and ships
>win every space battle because there's nothing you can do to stop this other than simply not having ships there
literally invalidates every single space battle in the franchise
Yes, she took out an entire fleet by going into hyper-drive right trough them.
Ship goes into hyperspace towards the First Order, destroying their whole fleet.
That's fucking retarded.
>snoke dead
>death star 4 destroyed
What in the ever living FUCK are they going to do next? The Galactic Gun? Centerpoint Station? A giant cock ship?
And it was wasted on some middle aged lesbian feminist self insert
>Gundam 00
There is no way the NAV computer would engage hyperspace with an object directly in the path.
It is impossible.
>ren gets the super duper dark saber
>still gets beat by some girl who's just gud at everything because
>yfw this doesn't work and she just splats into the ship
would be a good ending
oh fuck dont get me started on the group of five behind me they started with the 3 girls wanting to color there hair pink purple and fucking rainbow then segwayed mumbling retarded observational comedy like poor chewy hes going vegetarian and the fucking like for the hole fucking movie it felt weird being the only qiet person outta 500 splergs
It's retarded.
But it's not any MORE retarded than the Hammerhead ship pushing the Star Destroyer into the other Star Destroyer.
A Star Destroyers maneuvering thrusters would be more than capable of counteracting the nudge from a tiny corvette. The whole scene is preposterous.
I mean, why didn't a Mon Calamari Star Cruiser simply NUDGE the Executor into the Death Star II? The proportions / size difference between ships is probably similar.
These NuWars movies are simply some dipshit going
>You know what would be cool?
Without ever really thinking about how internally consistent that "cool thing" he wants to see is going to be.
It's all one on one battles from now on
>rey bypassed it before hand just in case
The full might of the new Empire floundered because of a slow moving mon cal frigate woot woot.
"What happened to our interdictor cruisers?"
"What happened to our bombers?"
"What happened to calling in reinforcements?"
Are you telling me no one in the Star Wars universe tried to use hyperspace as a weapon like that before? Ever? Like why would someone be blindsided by this?
But no let's spend more time on cute animals and pokemon instead of having a plot that's not total bullshit.
According to Star Wars, Hyperdrive involves going into another dimension and traveling at high speeds and exiting at another location. Gravity wells from planets can pull ships out of hyperspace but a ship in hyperspace shouldn't be able to effect other things in normal space.
Logic is irrelevant, it looks cool and has shock value.
>A Star Destroyers maneuvering thrusters would be more than capable of counteracting the nudge from a tiny corvette.
Nah, it's more retarded. That Star Destroyer was crippled by ion cannons, it couldn't move at all. This hyperspace kamikaze attack means that any ship with a hyperdrive can plow through an entire fleet, retroactively making space combat meaningless.
The ship wasn't in hyperspace. It was going into hyperspace. That's an important distinction.
It looks extremely cool, but why hasn't every battle been resolved by a big ship piloted by expendable droids zooming through the enemy fleet? Why even have fleets if they can get rekt by one suicide run?
honestly I enjoyed the movie even if there were quite a few unenjoyable moments that had me either laughing at how bad it was or facepalming. This scene was just badass though.
Why didn't anyone send droid controlled ships to hyperspace through the first deathstar. Because thats not how it fucking works Rian.
Why build a Deathstar when you can send a Star Destroyer into lightspeed and aim it through a planet?
They've irreversibly fucked up how hyperspace is even supposed to work.
You're not supposed to be able to jump to hyperspace withing the effect of a gravity well. You're not supposed to even be able to remain in hyperspace within the effect of a gravity well.
But TFA has thrown that out the window.
So couple TFA with TLJ and even if Snork had Interdictor Star Destroyers in his fleet Purple Feminist still would have been able to hyperspace shotgun Snorks fleet.
So the rules of hyperspace / interdictor star destroyers (which are canon) are completely blown the fuck out and no one knows how anything is supposed to work in universe anymore and anything is possible. Isn't it a joyous occasion.
This was actually good.
Why have them go this route that makes the whole concept of space battles in universe absurd when they could have had a few throw away lines about turning the ship into a bomb or something. Because too much like terrorist? I mean this was still a suicide bombing... Have some goofy line about how if they self destruct at a certain point on the big enemy ship it will cause a chain reaction because it has some volatile fuel stored there. Dumb as shit but no dumber than the death star 1 and 2 method of destruction.
Doesn't make any sense. Even in the context of the new Trilogy as it would be impossible for the Millennium falcon to jump into atmosphere at the end of episode 7. The amount of air that the Falcon would have to get through would be like ramming the falcon into the surface itself.
Everyone is saying ackbar should've done this but let's be honest, Ackbar is too accomplished to do something like that.
Ackbar would have set the hyperspace computer and launched off in an escape pod.
If this was allowed to happen you think someone would have designed a torpedo that did this?
In the previous star wars universe if something in hyperspace encountered something large it would break hyperspace to avoid colliding with it.
>What are droids
Ships piloted by droids exist in this universe
>A Star Destroyers maneuvering thrusters would be more than capable of counteracting the nudge from a tiny corvette. The whole scene is preposterous.
Yeah would be right if the ship wasn't clearly disabled (which they made a big point out of), so all of what you just said is invalid because you either didn't pick up on that, or you forgot it, or you didn't actually see that scene outside of gifs.
The R1 Hammerhead thing was goofy but makes some sense and makes for a good visual.
The TLJ Hyperdrive thing was SW logic-shattering and made no sense but also made for a good visual.
They still haven't explained how the New Republic's military consists of 2 squadrons of x-wings, 1 a-wing squadron, a bomber squadron and enough capital ships to fit on one think in the last 20 years they would have built up the fleet a little....hell the rebel fleet that survived endor was larger
How many people did she kill here that were just doing their jobs?
About three or four
omaewa mu shindeiru
Not nearly as many as Luke when he blew up the Death Star
Like the astroid field?
spotted the hack snyder fan.
Only one of them was disabled.
Why do the blasters have an arcing projectile path like artillery on earth?
Why do the other Star Destroyers do nothing in both battles?
Why were the Star Destroyers all behind Snoke's Ship?
How do lasers have a range in space?
Death to the infidel empire hula hula akbar!
I was still questing why the fuck leia was still alive... and what the fuck had just happened
Didn’t stop the Death Star.
They tried droid soldiers before, it didn't turn out so well.
that's not the same thing dumbfuck, all it needs is a droid pilot and hyperdrive capability apparently. Something which even something as small as an X wing has
And thus the clone wars were lost as the CIS realized that their droids were too valuable to launch on hyperspace kamikaze missions
whats going on here? is this the sun crusher? a suicide run?
why does on ship in hyperdrive end up destroying all the ships next to snokes? Each of the other ships has something blasting thru the center of it... what is that?
Hyperspace suicide run.
she didn't fly so good
Space ship of peace.
I havent seen thhe movie but from the thread im led to understand what im seeing is a single shhip entering hyperspace and carving through an an entire fleet.... wouldnt all the shiips need to be in a straiight lline for this to work? or is there more than one kamikaz
ze ship here?
We have to ban Muslims from seeing this movie or they're going to get some crazy ideas...
Isn't FTL in Star Wars achieved by flipping into a Hyperspace dimension where space is compressed so you can travel large distances at sublight speeds and you can only do this at certain points in space hence you can blockade planets by blockading it's Hyperspace entry point?
I understand you can "run into an object" at Hyperspace, but I thought the object would throw you out of hyperspace thus you just run into an object at sublight normal speed.
This is how those Destroyers work in Rebels, they create a "shadow" that something is in the way of a ship moving at hyperspace so when the ship encounters it, it falls out of Hyperspace.
Tumblr Lady sacrificing herself with a stern face is a definition of UNPROBLEMATIC
this was just bringing BSG into Star Wars, which is ironic since BSG (the original) was a SW rip-off
Not lasers, superheated Plasma gas.
Everyone remember how a writer had to come up with explanations for Starkiller Base being able to destroy 5 planets many light years away in TFA? And how people in systems far away from either SKB or the Hosnian system could see the laser?
We're going to see the same thing here. They'll come up with some explanation, and it'll get explained in the book or comics or whatever.
One Mon Calamari Starwagon hyperspace shotguns Snorks 60 mile wide flagship which sends fragments tumbling at lightspeed into all the other star destroyers which are conveniently arrayed right behind Snorks 60 mile wide flagship.
When Leia was flying in space and I saw her accelerate, turn toward the supremacy, smile coyly, then accelerate towards it and smash through it like Superman creating this scene, I was blown away.
some fucking cube in my theater was coughing loudly the whole time and kind of ruined it
we need an edit of this
someone get on this STAT
Where is this original explanation of how hyperspace works and is it really logical.. Did george plan it from the start or was it a patch job to explain how it was possible.
Im not a shill, just a old sw fan who never really took time to think how it was possible.
- Would it not make more sense that hyperdrive in space worked by a ship creating a worm hole and then traveling into that worm hole? I dont see how it could work any other way for that?
And they still use droids.
In The Force Awakens Han drops out of hyperspace within the atmosphere of a planet.
In TLJ the resistance hyperspace jumps a cruiser into a 60 mile wide flagship.
If both of these things are possible then what you can do with a hyperspace capable ship is limitless.
Based on the evidence presented I see no reason why you even need to leave the atmosphere of a planet to enter hyperspace.
I would have died
Gotta admit it looks amazing, but it doesn't make sense.
Regardless of how shitty that looks: imagine what that means. They accelerated their masses to such great speed that even a collision with 5+ starships did not slow their bodies, now ripped apart to the atoms. Made me shudder, like that whole hypercoidal or whatever injuries in that one episode of STD
this doesnt make sense because all of the other ships have a straight line going thru the center of them... there should have been many entrance wounds of debri.
Now that I think about it... the first one had a lot of plots holes. They had a tiny squadron that went to blow up the first death star and several of them lived. They would have needed thousands of x wings to even attempt that and Luke would have need to had been buried in the center.
This was not possible because they didnt use CGI, the first Star wars trilogy had a actual story with good charisma actors that filled the gap ofthe outrageous. There is no character to fall in love with in this one.
Looks like an episode of DBZ, not a fucking multi billion dollar franchise in 2017.