Who else misses getting a new Lionsgate animated Marvel movie every now and then?

Who else misses getting a new Lionsgate animated Marvel movie every now and then?

>that shitty next avengers
it's gone, user. mcu killed it all. everything has to tie back in w/ mcu. the games, the merchandise. everything. it's cancer.

>Marvel no longer makes products based off the comics.

>Everything is always based off the MCU.

Insomniac Spidey's supposed to be totally separated from MCU canon


I do

Yeah, because Sony hates the MCU. You can tell they already resent making the deal, considering how Marvel is likely the ones forcing Sony to shove all that Iron Man shit in the movie and making it kid friendly (not allowed to show punches/no mention to Uncle Ben's death), I don't blame them.

okay. that's true. i remember seeing mr. negative. i was referring to the f2p, mobile, and the telltale guardians.

Amazing Spider-Man 1 and 2 had no punches, and neither did the 90's cartoon
You can still have great Spidey fight action without them
I'll admit though, that the brutal face smashing in the Raimi saga gives me chills

For a second I thought you were referring to Raimi Spider-Man 1-2, I was about to call you a faggot.

Regardless, it really bogs down the action when they can't punch. Like, what do you think was better? The Lizard fight in the Midtown High? Or the final fight scene with Goblin?

you really have to ask?

I would fucking love a good Annihilation adaptation even if they would have to sacrifice a lot of the characters' individual stories for it but man I would love to see that.

Marvel Animation was ruined by the Disney purchase. Think about it.

>Spectacular Spider-Man is cancelled so Sony could retain the film rights to Spider-Man.
>Other shows forced to wrap up. (Iron Man: Armored Adventures, Wolverine and the X-Men, Super Hero Squad etc.)
>EMH was already being made by Films Roman, even though the it was released a few years later.
>Was purposely sabotaged in season 2 when Yost and co. were fired and replaced to make way for a new show based on the movies that would come after the second season wraps up.
>"Guys, we swear the new shows are continuations and the old shows are canon." But not really.
>No more Lionsgate movies.
>Every now and then we get a half-assed movie in either anime style or that of the new shit done by Wacker.
>New shows are combination of movie synergy and kiddie version of shitty SJW revamps in current comics.

I would love to see an Annihilation movie with the voice cast and designs of the EMH Guardians.

>No Anihilation movie

>No Earth X movie

>No Marvels movie

>No Spider-Man Blue movie

>No Punisher Max movie.

Didn't DnA write that episode with the Guardians and Korvac?

Wasn't Dr. Strange the only good one?

Tales of Asgard and Hulk Vs. were great.

I didn't think Planet Hulk was that bad, but then I've never read any of the arc it was based on.

It was pretty good.

I still have no idea why you can buy them on Steam. Nor do I have any idea why any of the movies on Steam are there.

I miss the Madhouse anime far more.
I dear god I need a adaption of Thor Disassembled or God Butcher/God bomb done in the style of Highlander the search for vengeance.

Was James actually Bucky's son?

Next Avengers had a way better Ultron than the actual Age of Ultron movie, though. At least that was cool.

Tom Kane voiced him in Next Avengers and EMH.

Aren't both of them canon to EMH?

His Ultron was much more robotic and menacing. More intune with the comic version.

His Ultron was much more robotic and menacing. More in tune to the comic version.

Did they have any movies planned before the DIsney purchase?

Hulk Vs Wolverine was kino. (Didn't like Vs Thor as much)
Iron Man was pretty good.
Next Avengers is shit, except for Ultron. Old Hulk and Tony are pretty cool but it should've just been them and Vision vs Ultron.

I unironically liked Iron Man, Doc Strange, and Next Avengers.

The Strange movie is what the live action one should have been desu.

Is the animu with Punisher and Black Widow worth a watch?

No. The new anime styled Marvel movies are better than the Disney XD shows, but they still suck.