I see people loving it and I see people hating it. Am I the only one that has actually no fucking clue on how to feel about this damn movie? I'm so conflicted I actually can't even tell if I enjoyed it overall or not. On one hand, it had so many silly moments that took me out of it, like when Yoda used thunder to burn the Jedi records, or when Snoke was killed by the most contrived way of force I've ever seen, or that whole sequence in the casino and the alien horse races that felt like complete filler. But on the other, it managed to make Rey and Kylo such intriguing characters that I want to follow along, and gave out a better Luke Skywalker send off than I could ever have imagined. HELP ME OUT, Sup Forums. The fuck do I think about this movie?
I see people loving it and I see people hating it...
I'm with you
All I know is that it's been fun to shit post about it
Overall I enjoyed it. Some of the niggles I heard about here definitely bothered me.
>Casino and Rose
>Salt planet and Rose
>Nerd Dialog and Rose
>Superman Leia
>Luke feeling like a fallen hero very specifically just to elevate Rey despite her not earning it in any way or form over the last two movies
>Snoke just being there one minute and then gone (although I think its great development for Kylo)
>Yoda scene was drawn out way too much, nice to see force ghosts again though
>Phasma once again appearing, doing nothing and then "dying"
But seriously, Rose is the absolute worst thing about this movie. Even overtook Rey.
I'm kind of in the same boat. There is some I liked and some I didn't. The beginning was atrocious, I didn't like Luke's entire character here but his send off scene was pretty fucking good.
>I cant form my own opinions make one for me
For the last time.
>gave out a better Luke Skywalker send off than I could ever have imagined
And with this line, the Disney employee was exposed
I don't know what the general consensus on it is and I imagine it's been shitposted about and mocked to death, but I'm saying it right here and now:
Luke's ghost bullshit at the end was legitimately awesome. It was right in that exact perfect spot between ludicrous and amazing. You can argue about the rest of the movie, but that scene was great and I will accept no debate on this.
Why would he do that? What an asshole!
Better than TFA, worse than RotJ. At least they tried doing a few new things this time around.
Remember Empire? Yoda has been fucking with Luke since day one.
Becaue he wanted to teach old Luke a new moral
Mark Hamill may have disagreed with the way Luke went, but he sure played the part perfectly.
I actually really liked the movie. I feel like it tried something new. I just wished they hadn’t fucked with the old characters so much.
This. I was afraid they'd make him too benevolent like Obi-Wan, I'm glad they went with the cynical, salty bastard route instead. I laughed when they showed him carrying that fuckhuge fish on his shoulders, that was some Herman Melville shit.
My feelings are pretty similar to yours except I lean towards liking it more. I really like the way the fleshed out Luke's character showing how he made a mistake and felt extreme guilt for it, but eventually regained his belief and sacrificed himself to save the resistance and became one with the force.
I actually have nothing but the utmost respect for Hamill after this movie. In a showing of true real life pottery, as he became Obi Wan 2.0, he also became Alec Guinness 2.0 in real life. He doesn't agree with the direction (even though the direction is actually really good) but he did his job to the letter and delivered.
Yeah but sadly new doesn't make it good. I'd rather have good
we all loved it Mickey. Can you leave Sup Forums now?
it lacked proper lightsaber dueling and not enough villian development
I'm still pissed off that they destroyed the Starkiller in episode 1 and killed off Snoke in episode 2. These were both things that should have happened on the last episode, in my opinion. I also still don't like how Rey clearly beat Kylo at the end of the first episode. She should have been bested this time around.
But yes, they did right with Luke Skywalker.
I think it developed Kylo quite a bit, what they didnt develop was snoke who was always meant to be a placeholder a never the main antagonist. Similar to how no development was given to the emperor in the original trilogy.
Kylo maybe but nothing else
Two years ago, people complained about how it all felt rehashed.
Must be fun to be a force ghost. Now I want a TV show with Yoda, Obi Wan and Luke fucking around with each other.
Great movie
Luke, Kylo, and Rey all did great as the main characters and saved the filler/meme scenes. I can understand the hate for Laura Dern but I really liked her too.
Rey has the books st the end of the movie. I think she got them before she left, and Yoda was right: she already had in her possession everything that temples had to offer her
> Am I the only one that has actually no fucking clue on how to feel about this damn movie?
I think your answer is in your words. If you knew that it was good, you would go to bat to defend it. If you knew that it was bad, you would be trashing. Instead you seek approval from others for whatever reason. Search your feelings you know it was garbage, otherwise you wouldn't be sitting on the fence
Better than 7 and RO, imo. Liked it, but probably will see all the cracks and holes upon a second viewing that would diminish the enjoyment of the movie.
yeah, but why? this is fucking stupid and you have no reason as to why yoda is fucking with Luke. it's ridiculous and you know it just so the movie could take a big crap on Luke for whatever reason... hero of the first 3 films is killed off with no real reason given
The final battle with Luke pissed me off to no end. I was extremely excited to see the Luke from the books take down the entire AT-AT formation solo, then come to find out he never was even there in the first place. Missed opportunity for a kickass scene.
Went in with a negative opinion on this one, but came out feeling indifferent. Not excited about episode IX or the future of the series. This movie felt more like an ending than a middle of a trilogy.
The way they treated Luke and Snoke is criminal though. Also the Rose character served absolutely no purpose, the entire B-plot was pointless. Glad Poe got some development though.
It has a 30 year history, 8 prior films, and we've watched them multiple times, so it takes a while to process a new one. I could complain about a bunch of little things, but overall it was great.