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Haha a bunch of alt right trump Nazis think they can take down star wars? In your dreams bigots
Everyone who is not a racist bigot loves the Last Jedi
Paid critics by Disney and the audience who don't like the film
Alt-Righters are mad Roy Moore lost so they are taking it out on Star Wars. Shameful.
The film was really, really bad.
They killed Skywalker, Snoke was a nobody, Rey is a nobody, Superman Leia, and we're basically right back to where we were at the end of 7. This was a filler movie. It was shit, but I enjoyed it. Going to see it again tonight.
I fucking hate you both.
the hacker known as Sup Forums strikes again
My coworkers were complaining about that today, made me so happy
el Snokeino...
Multiple accounts
You can fuck star wars fans in the ass. Cut out all the white males, push political agendas, manipulate their loyalty and addictive nostalgia to make them spend thousands on useless trash, and prostitute the franchise into a yearly event that will destroy the brands viability in the future.
But don't fuck with the basics. Luke is their ultimate good guy not an attempted nephew murderer bestiality fetishist quitter failure hermit. Its not an anime.
The hacker known as Alt-Rightbotovski struck again!
tens of thousands of them. Fucking alt-right russians.
It's interesting. This marketing approach did so well for Lady Ghostbusters that Disney felt the need to adopt it for a motion picture that could be a blank screen for 2 hours and still cross a billion dollars at the box office.
I'm sure very few of you will listen to this, but please consider:
+ There's a strong chance viral marketing firms are giving the film good non-critic reviews
+ There's a higher chance that teenage females (the target demographic) are using spare accounts to praise the film. These are the kind of screaming fangirls that flood social media with their fanfics of relationship mixes and matches.
Compare this against the supposed people on here that are using sock puppet accounts to write bad things and lower the rating. There's a serious problem if the rating is at 56%. Hype and word of mouth at the beginning of a launched movie affect corporate stock prices, investor confidence, and the total gross over the film's theater lifespan.
Trust me, it shouldn't be at 56% with 2v1 sides going at it.
Nostalgia fags and theory fags
Maybe... Kek is still alive. despite the damn reddit ruining everything with kekistan
I made 40 accounts today
>Luke Skywalker the most iconic SW character next to Vader got completely butchered and dies a shitty death for the sake of it.
>Rey is confirmed to be a nobody and is still somehow easily handling the force and her lightsaber without any training.
>Finn is pretty much a filler tier joke character at this point. His whole subplot with the little asian chick and the casino drags on forever and ends up utterly pointless.
>No information about Snoke at all and he just dies a pathetic death with like 15 minutes of screentime.
>Yoda comes back and mocks Luke for not being aware that Rey is basically Ms. KnowsItAll.
>Leia just sitting around the whole movie except for that one time she pulled off that ridiculous super man stunt.
Reality happened. This was movie was utter shit and an insult to the franchise.
They killed off all of the original cast and now it's Star Wars in name only.
>tfw genuinely liked 8 but too scared of tv BTFO me
Funny how I've tried to post a bad review three times and it keeps not showing up.logging me out.
You should be dragged into the streets and murdered along with your family.
>Trolls giving it 0/10 just because
>Took too many risks
>Shipper and theory fags are asshurt
Add that to the movie not being that great and you've got a mad fanbase
>tfw ragnarok was the better space movie
damn was ragnarok good, blows sjw wars out of the water
>Make The Force Awakens, a movie that doesn't take many risks at all and is like the original movie
>Make The Last Jedi where a bunch of risks are taken, changes are made, and stakes are high.
Fucking Sonic fanbase here.
I liked it except all that shit in the casino. It was pointless. I don't know why they even said LOOK FOR THE GUY WITH THE ROSE ON HIS LAPEL and then do a switcheroo but not explain it at all, and also use a legit actor like Matthew Theroux for that. it seems like they cut a LOT of stuff out of the casino scenes, and even then the movie was too long. The casino subplot doesn't make sense. Other than that I enjoyed it.
>>Make The Last Jedi where a bunch of risks are taken, changes are made, and stakes are high.
They should have killed off ALL the characters in the second part of a trilogy. That's risky, which means it's good.
Also they should make the third part Star Trek instead of Star Wars. It'll be unexpected and high stakes, so it's a good decision.
I loved the movie, but I have to agree with you there. We didn't even find out the fate of Del Toro's character, right? He was completely pointless.
I laughed and I want you to know that.
>Killed off all the characters
People are mad enough about the character that DID die. God knows how pissed off they'd be if they finished off the rest of the original cast.
Exactly. They should have just introduced Del Toro's character quicker and without some nonsensical "twist" and give him more time to breathe. The way it is is just unfulfilling, and the only thing I can think of is they plan to expand on him in the next movie but even then it's not a good solution.
russian bots and you guys are still buying
Listen to this guy's video analyses. What he says makes a ton of sense. Basically, without the Star Wars theme of Skywalker family issues, the series is officially dead. Rey is nobody and doesn't matter. Everyone else are nobodies. The only person who actually has anything to do with the legacy of Star Wars is Ben Solo, and he's an evil wannabe dictator.
There was a theme to Star Wars beyond the lightsabers and the space ships, and Rian fucked it. He fucked it super hard and now there's nobody alive to close the circle.
You know it's bad when it's audience score is lower than the first two prequels
Keep telling yourself it's the alt right retard
idiots are upset uncle lukey died
but he's still going to be in the next movie, he's gonna be a ghost.
The point, autismo, is that something isn't good just because it's unexpected or risky.
I'm actually all for Han and Luke dying, I always was. I wanted it to mean something. They both go out like bitches with very little consequence.
Killing Snoke now just fails basic storytelling rules.
Remember that there's no point or plan to any of this either. JJ handed it to Rian with no idea what the fuck to do with it. Rian made up some bullshit (this is literally his story about how it went down) and Disney said BRILLIANT GIVE HIM A SEPARATE TRILOGY TOO. Now it's back to JJ to try and wrap this up to make sense.
If you know anything about JJ you already know that won't ever happen.
Next you're probably going to say they got Russian trolls to help too? Wake up shill
funny how you never cared about the audience score before
It‘s not about the fact that they changed stuff. It‘s mainly because the changes they made were absolute garbage.
The middle movie always weeds out the true fans from those that actually have taste.
The thing about risks is, sometimes they don't pay off.
>it was shit but i enjoyed it
a) Snoke will probably be back in the last one
b) I thought killing him made perfect sense, as the relationship between a Sith Lord and their apprentice is one where they are constantly looking for each other's weaknesses. Snoke preyed on his conflict about his parents. Kylo capitalized on Snoke letting his guard down, because Snoke's weakness was his obsession with finding and killing Luke. I think it made sense and I liked the dynamic between the two.
I don't get why everyone's complaining about Snoke not being a fully fleshed out character, either. It's not like Palpatine was.
>It's not like Palpatine was
Fuck you. The OT was the first crack at the can, so the villain didn't need to be perfectly fleshed out. But now it begs the question why we never heard anything about this asshole during the events of those movies.
Except the prequels did show more of Palpatine's character
Oh yes I can still remember sitting in the cinema with my cigarette, reeling over how profound and innovative Aotc was
The problem was him being a fully fleshed character. I expected a hologram.
But seriously Ian is such a boss actor that he fleshed out the character just by his performance.
and we all know how well that went don't we
You use those buzzwords like they are "negative" things. Silly faggot. Plebbit is for Jews
>>Make The Force Awakens, a movie that doesn't take many risks at all and is like the original movie
>Make The Last Jedi which takes no risks and is a pile of shit
>Same reaction
What a surprise.
>TFA introduces a question about almost every character in the movie
>TLJ informs the moviegoer that none of these questions really mattered in the first place and the plot twist it that you already knew everything you were going to know for the rest of the trilogy.
Did M. Night Shyamalan write this movie?
Actually I heard Trump loved it and the Alt Right is now saying that Finn is their new standard bearer, I guess you've got to hate the movie now huh?
>Take risk
Pic related, my friend.
>They both go out like bitches with very little consequence
also why did they announce Del Toro was playing a villain when they announced he was cast at least that is how I remember it
So creative, innovative and new!
Shut up, nigger.
Very well?
On the Yoda point, it wasn't the she had the info within her but that she stole the Sacred Jedi Texts from Luke in secret and put them in the Falcon
>Not a corn cob pipe
Confirmed for shit taste
These are only this low because of people peddling the prequel trilogy is terrible meme. Also, how the fuck is 2 rated higher than 1? That's an outrage.
k... then why fuck with Luke? Thanks for the explanation of your shit movie, Disney shill
Why are all the bad reviews from freshly created accounts hmmmm?
>he fleshed out the character just by his performance
More like take an established franchise, story, and character and just destroy it. This isn't the last jedi, this is the last star wars.
This isn't Sup Forums. Everyone I know IRL agreed that it was pretty bad, save a few fight scenes.
To those defending it with calling us crying fanboys, you are the biggest, soulless corporate cocksuckers. There is nothing noble about buying out interests, and converting them into fucking quips.
Are all critics hacks? Is it basically just guess work most the time?
You tell em
>To those defending it
They won't hear you here, their only place left is twitter.
Its cool to hate the prequels bro
Seems deserved from the clips I saw here earlier. I'm gonna have to find a torrent a watch it myself. It's sad that I've started to hate Star Wars after Disney bought it up and turned it into a Marvel movie
The Thor 3 quippiness was less distracting and undermined the movie's tone far less than the jokes in TLJ did.
If it were like a Marvel movie the plebs wouldn't be hating on it
This is like filling in "Teutonic knights" as your religion. They are just a monastic warrior order, not a religion themselves. The proper thing to put in would be "the force".
>internet polls
>Points out something you missed
>Fucking shill
Do you not remember Yoda being a crazy old man in the OT? The first time they met he was fucking with Luke
Palpatine was developed through Vader. We hear the Emperor mentioned in the first movie, see Vader acting deferential to him in the second movie so we know he's a badass, and see him in person in the third movie, where he delivers on all of the buildup about how fucking evil he is when he interacts with Vader and Luke.
His backstory isn't particularly developed, but his character is presented strongly, and we get a much better idea of who he is than we do of Snoke.
We did. He's mentioned in ANH, and appears as a hologram ordering Vader around in ESB.
Did you not watch the movies?
He was one of the few good parts of the prequels.
How am I a Disney shill because I payed attention?
Also how is jacking a tired old man of his religions last remnants not worse than Yoda just burning them? I'm guessing Yoda was fucking with Luke so that Luke didn't go after Rey for his shit.
>literally le 56% face
This is objectively wrong in this case.
>The Last Jedi is rated lower than the prequels
Reality truly is stranger than fiction.
Yeah and then he dropped the act when it was time to get serious with him.
Yoda wanted Luke to get up and leave the island, if anything he should've told Luke to follow Rey and get those books back.