The damage last jedi has done to the franchise as a whole is irreversible. This garbage is either getting canceled or delayed. Predictions?
Han Solo: A Soy Wars Shekelgrab prediction thread
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Is gonna be cancelled.
stop being ridiculous
a handful of triggered babymen botted some online ratings, nothing more. everyone will forget that within a week
The "backlash" you're talking about consists of a few Sup Forumstards and redditors review bombing the movie on IMDB. I'm sure Disney will cancel a movie that is bound to make at least a billion dollars because of that. Get over yourself!
>The damage last jedi has done to the franchise as a whole is irreversible
>A cinemascore
>on pace for 2nd biggest opening weekend of all time even in the face of snowstorms on the east coast
Please explain what damage TLJ is doing.
I legit have faith in the Han Solo/Fett movie as I have faith in the Kenobi film. I believe Nu-Wars is undergoing heavy backlash, literally an hour ago I talked to a friend of my brothers who just got back from the screening, and shit talked it with me. They're going to definitely try their best to make the side projects faithful unless they want complete backlash from shitting on more beloved characters. Disney is at this point where if they don't buckle the fuck up they're fucked. People will finally wake up a little, and realize what's off with the mouse. To be honest though I've given up on Star Wars. I get more kicks out of watching Disney crash, and burn then watching these films. I might get high, and watch Rouge One tonight since everyone on here says it's the best Nu-Star Wars film.
>This garbage is either getting canceled or delayed. Predictions?
But it's already been delayed. They had almost the entire movie shot, and then they looked at it and said it's a disaster, got a new director and sent the star to acting class.
How much more BTFO could it get?
Ron Howard will get it filmed and delivered on time, but it'll only be serviceable shit. There's no way they make it into something good. I don't even know why this movie needed to exist.
That seems to be a recurring problem. What was the point of Rogue One? It answered a question nobody gave a shit about and wiped all characters at the end, not that you cared about them to begin with.
"It looked cool". Yeah ok. Nice effects. Imagine if they'd told another story about something new and built off those characters instead? Might have been interesting, but no we gotta keep going back to the same well.
And it's not like they're doing this because of canon reasons either, they obviously don't give a shit about consistency or canon after TLJ. I really don't know why.
Guaranteed Han will be an emasculated bumbling retard and the only time he'll ever do anything remotely Han-worthy will be when they deliberately make him shoot some bandit first as a "Haha get it? We're Star Wars fans!' gimmick for their soulless cash grab.
Han's always been a meme character
Fuck off disney cuck
>ther reviews are like this because of Sup Forumstards!
If that's true then why doesn't TFA have a bunch of negative reviews? Answer me, you shill.
The movie was mediocre, and destroyed a lot of room to develop characters in the new movies. TFA did a decent job of setting everything up, and TLJ just completely shits on it. It's definitely deserving of its score, and I highly doubt 80,000 something autists dedicated themselves to review bombing a movie.
Thought that was Tim Heidecker in the thumbnail
>STAR The Last Jedi WARS
The movie wasn't great, it was a 7.5/10. The review brigading turned into a meme and it shot down to 5.6.
Sup Forumstards tried pretty damn hard to bring the score down on TFA, just look at this hogwash.
It won't be cancelled. There will be some people holding on to Star Wars even after The Last Jedi. The Han Solo movie will destroy that.
as much as I hated TFA for shitting all over the OT, at least it had setup some mysteries to look forward to like Rey's lineage, the Knights of Ren and Ben's fall to the dark side, Snoke's origin, etc.
after TLJ were basically left with nothing.
Sup Forums not liking the movie isn't proof that it's only Sup Forums shitting on the movie. A lot of people hate the movie; a lot of star wars fans.
>Guaranteed Han will be an emasculated bumbling retard
Yeah, there is NO fucking way Han can be allowed to keep his cocky traditionally macho charm in the new Star Wars. He will be turned into either a wuss, or a parody of himself, or possibly both.
lol there is no Sup Forums brigade you shill, you are making shit up.
that picture fucking hilarious desu
>a few Sup Forumstards and redditors review bombing
Sup Forums was more upset about TFA and that did nothing. They're just sidelined and laughing now.
What's next, the russian hackers did it?
Who is this cutie?
But Adam Driver is a jew and fat chink s after Finn.
He fucks black blue chicks and is gay.
The infograph was fucking retarded when Sup Forums was spreading it around. Now it's even worse schizophrenic garbage.
haha, soy! XD
I drink 100% whole milk baby! I am a beacon of white masculinity and power
>and sent the star to acting class.
Lmao. If that was going to happen anyway why didn't they get that guy who looks like harrison ford.
wtf I hate kids movies now! They're LITERALLY genocide!
>why didn't they get that guy who looks like harrison ford
I wonder if you can spot that reason somewhere in this wikipedia page.
Here's a more detailed hint later in that article. It's pure coincidence of course and he was just really talented.
So talented he needs acting classes after being signed on to major films for years.
I don't see (((anything)))?
>those eyebrows
How could they pick some jewish goblin tobplay a young Ford? There had to be someone who looked more the part.
How bad must that cut be that even the mouse deemed it shit? The same mouse that defiled the franchise with the shitpile that is TLJ? Jesus christ it must have infinite meme material
Maybe it was really good and that's why it had to be changed.
not understanding cause and effect
what damage did the last jedi cause to the franchise?
Luke is ruined.