give me one good reason why Takeshi Kitano shouldn't direct the Obi Wan movie
Give me one good reason why Takeshi Kitano shouldn't direct the Obi Wan movie
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because no one wants a fucking obi wan movie
Cause you can't fix a sinking ship
They're going to make it no matter what. Why not make it as kino as possible?
right you are ken
Guy like
It'd end up being a yakuza movie in space, which is fine by me
because he makes great slow paced character dramas with low budgets and those are the antithesis to Star Wars movies
But that's what I want him do with Obi Wan.
Would Obi Wan win the final showdown?
but it won't be kino. it will be another luke movie. make obi wan a complete cretin, only he won't die in the end.
you can't make star wars kino anymore. don't even try.
>Obi Wan movie
Wasnt that the prequels?
Disney is making a movie to take place between episodes III and IV.
Wasnt that Rogue One?
He wouldn't do it
remember that quote that went something like
DO YOU WANT HAmburger?
>British Version
Yes but this will be a movie about Obi Wan.
Didn't he say he was never going to do an American film again after Brother? because he was pissed off with the mpaa cuts or something.
profits go to disney
I read his biography, he worked with Hollywood twice (Johnny mnemonic and Brother) and had terrible experiences both times. He said wasn't racism, but a cultural inability to communicate and understand clearly what each other wanted
>Male directors
Come on, it's almost 2018!
he isn't jewish
It would be demeaning to his legacy.
>Obi Wan: Space Yakuza
Could be kind of cool
Isn't there a new outrage movie out soon?
This. Star wars should be a fun action movie. Especially a Solo movie.
Because it'd just be a huge waste of talent due to executive meddling. Also why would we even need an Obi Wan movie when his story has been told?
Does he even know what Star Wars is?
Isn't he that guy who created Wipeout and Japanese game shows?
Because who the fuck wants to see Kuntlean Kennedy order reshoots on Takeshi's kino???
But all he does in that period is fuck off to Tatooine and hide in some caves until the events of A New Hope.
>Hisaishi music swells
>Han and Leia are holding each other overlooking the dunes of Tatooine
>camera pans over to the two suns off in the sky
>one laser pistol beam firing off is heard
>and then another
lol not anymore get ready for another uncle Disney finger forced up your nostalgia hole
I don't think anything could Beat that idea, op.
If Disney made a Street Sharks movie I honestly don't know how I'd react.
I saw it, was pretty bland tbqh
I wish he'd come back for more episodes of MXC
Sure, but he'd get fired by Disney within a month
>Han spends the whole movie in a wheelchair painting Chewie as different flowers
fuck i'd watch a star wars movie with music by hisaishi
Because nobody with any semblance of self-respect should want to direct a Star Wars movie at this point.
Because he’ll have some retarded dance scene in the middle of the movie ruining the atmosphere and tension. Kitano is amazing when doing serious work but his comedy/relief shit is appalling garbage,
what the fuck are you on about
Sonatine was a great mix of both
Because Tarantino would be better
Yes. The scene in the middle with the stop motion sumo line dancing was fucking amazing.