Who will play them in the inevitable biopic?
Who will play them in the inevitable biopic?
Based Slavbro
... Since user understands
What was point?? Tased or seizure. That knife was pretty big
for you
>white people acting like violent disgusting animals and weak pathetic cowards, all in one video
this video perfectly and completely showcases white "people" for what they really are
kkkkkkkkkk, atual estado do povo branco!
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
why dont police have guns here?
the police is the guy with the taser
the other ones are just community support officers
m8 that wasn't a knife
Holy fuck. Brits are cucked.
They look like security guards, not police, the guy with the taser was maybe a bobby,
Is he ok
Damn that girl was ready to throw down, wish she had more spirit, though.
While black people simply act like chimps, oh wait they are.
what was his endgame there
The police are fucking lucky. He had countless moments to seriously maim or murder that clerk while they stood around watching.
...but why?
Jesus, what fucking country is this?
looks to me like he was either trying to suicide by cop, or get arrested intentionally. or he's severely retarded.
I have the same webm, the name is "there are people who actually get mad at Trump tweets"
>Police demonstrating an almost comical level of cowardice and inability to their job
>no gunz
Come on m8
He was on bath salts
>hol up nigga, lemme hop out this truck before you tell me how fly I am
I can never tell if its canada or not, I've never been to canada
This is all truly fascinating stuff, and I really mean that, but it's not television or film related.
What a way to go. This is why you don't shit in public you dumb fucking Indians. We're biologically designed to seek private places precisely because getting caught out mid shit is dangeorus.
Well that guy won't chew seeds on the train again
Found Footage nigga.
>the British use to rule the world
>meanwhile, if you stab an Israeli cop....
its just a bunch of shitty reposts
Is that Sam Hyde
Says the literal subhuman
P.S. the criminal in the video wasn't white
comes a dozen of them to shot one person ??
they're only white when they're in the right amirite
>asian countries are so bereft of niggers that their worst problem is a guy eating seeds on the train
Enviable desu
do you really have to ask?
>those two dudes just contine to sit on the other side like nothing is happening
most asian countries have really awful crime. I mean Japan doesn't but wewlad, rural China, Vietnam, Thailand, etc are criminal hellholes
dude it pretty obviously not white, probably an arab
Based Judge Dredd.
fucking insects
not as bad as if there were niggers
They're community support officers, read a book you dumb cunt.
negro he looks like he'd be right at home on jersey shore.
>"t-t-those white people aren't really white!! we promise!!"
HAHAHAHAHA whites are in full fucking damage control, love seeing whites panic and squirm under the pressure of their own genetic failure HAHAHAHAHA