There will never be a duel as legendary as this again

>there will never be a duel as legendary as this again

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Yep. Does anyone have the copypasta where the kid sees it for the first time?

It's amazing how good this is compared to the rest of the movie

>shitty lightsaber fight
There will be more.

>quantity over quality

good way to describe every prequel duel

>darth maul had the potential to be an iconic villain
>tfw they give him no lines and kill him off in the first movie

The music really is the only thing that elevates this scene. The first portion of the fight seems like alot of mucking about and no weight to the blows. The last 2 bouts, 1v1 were the highlight for me in terms of coreography, and of course the bloodless gore shot at the end.

They gave him one line.

I know it's a "kids" show but the clone wars redeemed so many aspects of the prequels, maul included.

daily reminder that the prequels are actually pretty good if you watch them 2>clone wars series>3

He doesn't need lines. His silence is part of his appeal.

Sup Forums sings Duel of the Fates when?

>3 people
OP you're an idiot and don't the definition of the words you spout around.

>the part where the action stops and qui-gon starts meditating
Unironic kino

It's hard to be legendary when it's 3 people you don't care about doing highly-choreographed acrobatics with plastic sticks.

>there will never be a death scene as legendary as this again

>dat lightsabre sticking out of qui gon

>no one cares about obiwan kenobi.

>His silence is part of his appeal.
>prequelfags sincerely believe this.

>maul included
Go to hell

Clearly he should have said truel so everyone would know what he was talking about

>clone wars series
The 3d or 2d cartoons?

Not him but that’s right. He’s a phantom menace. Having him be talkative would ruin his mystique.

thanks for reminding me how much I hate Anakin

Maul was one of the best parts of Rebels, in fact. That's how redeemed he is (and how shit rebels is)

He should've stayed dead.

How did Maul lose? He had the high ground.

Obi-Wan had the moral high ground

Blocks your path

>when the second blade activates
>when obi-wan starts pumping up

The high ground isn't good unless you know what to do with it. Obi fucked Maul right there which is why he knew exactly what to do with Ani when he tried it

You are like a little baby
Obi Wan had the high ground from his perspective, the only perspective that matters


We've come to take your dance floor
With moves that you have never seen before

We have the highest midichloriann count
Which means that you have a lesser amount
So please report to the dance floor
We'll show you more of our dancing skills if you're unsure

>tfw Rey and Kylo didn't fight Snoke

The fight with the red dudes was cool, but why couldn't they have fought Snoke too?

>darth maul had the potential to be an iconic villain
In what way? His design? The fact his lightsaber has two blades? He doesn't have any other qualities.

he's talking about 3d. 2d is better

Grievous is unironically my favorite Star Wars villain

what the fuck are those red laser doors for

But he is iconic

His backstory makes me want to give him a hug.
The guy's a bigger woobie than Anakin.


I fucking hated The Phantom Menace. Like most oldfags it stands as probably the biggest cinematic disappointment ever released.

HOWEVER, literally no one could complain about this duel (or at least the beginning of it with Darth Maul's introduction) and it was sort of universally agreed as the one saving grace that made people hopeful for the rest of the prequels.

>he named himself Grievous to show his sadness after losing his wife/best friend
Grievous did nothing wrong

>the high ground from his perspective
Did Count Dooku have the high ground in AotC?


high ground or low ground it doesn't matter; obi only loses when hes on level ground with his opponent

The fight against count dooku was fought on even terrain, removing the high ground from equation.
Obi Wan's two losses (Count Dooku and Vader in ANH) were both on flat terrains.

>At last we will have our revenge.

I've never understood that line. I mean to have revenge is to hurt someone in retrun who has hurt you. What did Sidious and Maul lose exactly?

1. Luke Skywalker vs Darth Vader in Return of the Jedi
2. Luke Skywalker vs Darth Vader in The Empire Strikes Back
3. Obi-wan Kenobi vs Darth Vader in A New Hope
4. Obi-Wan Kenobi vs Darth Vader in Revenge of the Sith
5. Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi vs Darth Maul in The Phantom Menace
6. Luke Skywalker vs Ben Solo in The Last Jedi
7. Finn and Rey vs Kylo Ren in The Force Awakens
8. Qui-Gon Jinn vs Darth Maul in The Phantom Menace
9. Yoda vs The Emperor in Revenge of the Sith
10. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker vs Count Dooku in Revenge of the Sith
11. Mace Windu vs The Emperor and Anakin Skywalker in Revenge of the Sith
12. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and Yoda vs Count Dooku in Attack of the Clones
13. Obi-Wan Kenobi vs General Grievous in Revenge of the Sith



>three people

Only decent battle ranking in the whole board so far, although I would rate all Yoda fights as the bottom because Yoda should never jump around.

I kek'd

That Maul kick against Obi didn't even look like it had landed. When I saw it I started thinking on how the autists in charge of the extended universe probably "fixed" it by saying it was a force kick or something.

someone post the pasta


Anakin slaughtering everyone on Mustafar is actually fucking KINO. Seriously go rewatch it

>book has him say one liners as he kills everyone
>I am your reward. Am I not handsome?

maul using the force to slam something into the door open was pretty fucking great, i have to admit
a nice subtle use of the force
seriously, the fan-edited version of the prequels makes shit so much better
lucas is great at camera work, but absolute shit at editing

We'll never have duels like this again.

And it wasn't even his real voice. They had someone do a voice-over.

The prequel duels make sense if the characters can somewhat see the future. The duels being like normal sword fights what the original trilogy had are what don't make sense.

The shear menace and mystery of Maul made him a viable character. The real enemy was Sidious, of course. This was done with Boba Fett.

Vader is the only person Luke and Obi-Wan go against in the OT. That being said Vader was only toying with them because he knew he was stronger.

What mystique does Maul have? He's just Sidious' henchmen.

I think the way Vader fought made sense. What I didn't like was the way Obi-Wan and Luke fought against Vader.

But he is iconic, he’s the Boba Fett of the prequels.

Obi Wan vs Darth Vader in ANH was terrible though

What does Sup Forums think of this fight?

At least Disney can't ruin Obi-Wan's character...right guys?

The scene is good, but not because of the fight. It’s the closing of the last Clone Wars thread.

prequels already ruined it


He went out like a bitch, does he ever fight Vader?

Ewan McGreggor was one of the few redeeming characters, wtf are you talking about?

I don't think so. He was scared of Vader

he was shit

Talking about these lightsaber battles makes me think more and more rey is a Skywalker, considering the fight between Luke and Vader in ep6. But then I remember disney and people don't care, so whatever

Your mother is shit

stay mad mcgregorfag

>door opens
>hood come down
>lightsabers switch on
>Duel Of Fates starts playing
pure keeno

McGreggor was one of the best actors

I like the fight desu

I mean he goes to block with his dual saber and it does shit all because he slices it right in its middle which is why the idea of it was dumb.

Watch how Maul kills Qui-Gon again, user. He wasn't blocking

This scene is the equivalent of finding a diamond in a radioactive landfill which in this case is Rebels.

Ezra clogged up the episode. It's awful. They made the good bits the B-plot

Pretty hard for him to block in a fight when hes been dead for 50 years.

I meant that Maul was aiming to hit Obi-Wan in the head like he did to Qui-Gon

He was also using his silly stance.

Only edits are as good

youre definitely a fag thats for sure.


>snopes had the potential to be iconic
>cut him in half in the first movie he actually shows up in leaving him as a boring Sheev ripoff

What did Obi-Wan mean by that?


wow I never noticed that weak ass feint before. that's so bad.

I think they mentioned that the Sith had been in hiding, unheard of, for a really long time.

So that implies that the Jedi had defeated or ran the Sith out of town in the far past.

He wuz just a padawan

Thing with revenge is that it's through personal loss. IIRC the Jedi order has been around for a thousand years which would make Palpatine and Maul older than that. Personally I don't think this detail was thought through much like the leia luke kiss.