If the empire is white supremacist, how come they were casually accepting of a negro officer in their ranks?
If the empire is white supremacist, how come they were casually accepting of a negro officer in their ranks?
didn't they have sexy latina bridge officers in TFA too?
>white supremacist (human)
is he saying only whites are human?
He's just confirming it, it's something we all already know to be true though.
They had a chink too i TLJ
Maybe they meant the empire of old while the new order can't afford to be as picky. Also, i don't think it necessarily means they're not white supremacists if they have some blacks serving as cannon fodder.
Because they are not white supremacists?
Literally how could anyone in a Star Wars tier universe care about skin color lmfao. Within the confines of the source material and all they’ve showed in the films no one would ever even make a remark about someone’s skin color, maybe hate between species exist idk. Fuck this new movie so much
I know this is a shit recycled troll thread but the empire did have POC and womyn in their fleet
That's not what he means. He's saying that, in a universe with all kinds of aliens and shit, them only being accepting towards humans is akin to white supremacy.
they even had an Asian or two.
just like how Sup Forums has adopted Blaire White as their poster girl (male)
There was a black high officer in TFA. He's standing right behind Hux in the scene where they fire the Starkiller weapon.
I think he's trying to say that they're based on white supremacists just with human supremacy (no aliens allowed) instead. Still fucking retarded though.
This is doubly dumb, because Snoke's planet has all kinds of Black Women, Chinese people and aliens on it.
In that promo picture for the Casino Planet, most of the characters in the shot aren't white.
So Finn is a fuckable mouthpiece who desperately hopes that when the empire comes to wipe out everyone like him he'll be spared for being their token minority?
These apes seems human to you?
I mean, it’s been that way forever but okay
There were also negroes manning the starkiller base control room in TFA.
yep, rewatched it recently, there are multiple non-white first order crew members
I don't get the problem. What's wrong being a human supremacist? Hell, all main characters are human.
yup 1 webm is definitely enough to decide something for billions of people.
Look at the countries where the billions of nigger are living and what shit holes they are and how europe turned to shit with niggers fleeing there
Rian Johnson is one
yeah it really looks bad
>South Africa
Nice trick nigger
kek at the filename
South Africa is a literal fucking hellhole.
are those white "africans" that dont want to be called white or actual mutts
>only being accepting of humans is white supremacy
>they called Africa shit
>i know ill post the whitest fucking country there
>s-s-seee its n-n-not shit
the ironic part is South Africa is still shit
Johannesburg is the largest city of South Africa and has 98% of niggers. In addition, it has a very high rate of murders, assaults, rapes and other crimes compared to most countries and cities.
>I'm just gonna ignore Africa exists as a continent, yep that sure showed that racist. I'll be sure to throw in some nonsense I read from guns germs and steel too when I get the chance
The aesthetic of the Empire was inspired by nazis, but you would have to be an absolute retard with no listening/ visual comprehension in order to think the Empire is literally a white nationalist group. Theyre not even a metaphor for white nationalism, theyre just representative of totalitarianism
Is that a safety pin in that Rebel Alliance symbol? Hahahaha
Even real nazis had some token black guys
europe has hardly any niggers you retard
Maybe he meant that it's a human supremacist organization? Still retarded if so of course